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쇼나 그랜트

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
Choboty (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 10월 25일 (수) 14:08 판 (영어판 분류 정보를 이용.+분류:1984년 자살; 예쁘게 바꿈)
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쇼나 그랜트(Shauna Grant, 1963년 5월 30일 ~ 1984년 3월 23일)는 미국의 여자 포르노 배우이다. 캘리포니아주 출신.

참고 자료

  • Johnson, Thomas S. "Feeding on Shauna Grant: Ritual Cannibalism in Two Documentary Retrospectives ." Journal of Popular Culture. Vol. 36, Issue 1, pp. 25-43.
  • Los Angeles Times, The Death of Colleen by Michael London, May 6, 1984, Pg. R3-Pg. R9.
  • McNeil, Legs (with Osborne, Jennifer, and Pavia, Peter), Shattered Innocence Los Angeles/Farmington, Minnesota 1983-1984 in The Other Hollywood, The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry, Regan Books, Harper Collins, 2004, Pages 359-370.
  • Riley Patrick, Shauna Grant in The X-Rated Videotape Star Index II, A Guide to Your Favorite Adult Film Stars, Prometheus Books, 1997 Pages 612-613.
  • Syracuse Post-Standard, Small-Town Girl Meets Death in Porn World by Michael London, Saturday, May 19, 1984, Page A-9. Reprinted from The Los Angeles Times.
  • Syracuse Post-Standard, Porn Queen Uplifting And Sad Documentary by Howard Rosenberg, June 16, 1987, Page D-7, Reprinted from Los Angeles Times.
  • PBS's "Frontline: Death of a Porn Queen" (6/8/87), reported by Al Austin, produced by Andy Greenspan