
ラグビーワールドカップ2023 | 日本vs.アルゼンチン戦・実況スレの翻訳


「日本vs.アルゼンチン実況スレ | ラグビーワールドカップ2023」




LantiKR What the actual fuck

TaytosAreNice (アイルランドファン) What the hell

OptimalCynic (イングランドファン) No fucking way!

elder_gorilla (日本ファン) Wow wow wow

danflip09 (南アフリカファン) BEAUTIFUL!!

RjcMan75 What have I just seen

Monsterbeetlez (アイルランドファン) ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS!

Viridian_kiwi (ニュージーランドファン) What a try!

WallopyJoe (イングランドファン) Everything about that try was fucking sexy. The draw and pass, the kick, the bounce, the take. Beautiful stuff!
(何もかもがめちゃくちゃセクシーなトライだったわ。リーチ・マイケルによるパスと見せかけて守備を引きつけてからのパス、アマト・ファカタヴァによるショートパントキック、からのそのまま自分でキャッチしてトライ! 美しい仕事でしたわ!)

WallopyJoe Leitch's draw and pass to put him through is also pretty sexy

Sure_Association_561 (インドファン) That was just amazing

Kykykz (アイルランドファン) Try of the tournament?

Dull-Bit-8639 The try of the WC!

thejgod (イングランドファン) That's one the best tries of the tournament, absolute filth!

edroyque (イングランドファン) Try of the tournament?! From a 5? That was incredible!!
(マジで今大会のベストトライでは? しかも右ロックがやっただと? 最高すぎるだろ!)

Tell_Ye_A_Story Contention for try of the tournament. Fucking hell, that was unbelievable! And its a 2nd row! Wow amazing
(間違いなく今大会のベストトライ候補だわ... いやちょっと信じられないくらいに素晴らしいプレーだった、ロックの動きじゃねぇ! 凄すぎる!)

sadicologue (フランスファン) WTF was that!!!!! No lock has the right to do that!!!! What The Fuuuuuck
(なんだあれは!!!!! ロックがする仕事じゃねぇぞ!!!! 一体どうなっているんだ!)

ConscriptReports (南アフリカファン) TRY OF THE FUCKING YEAR

Die_Revenant Has to be, fantastic try in general, but for a lock... Something special.
(間違いない、単にトライとしても素晴らしいがロックがこれをやりやがったからな... これは確かに特別なトライですわ)

On_The_Blindside (イングランドファン) The big number 5 taking the chip and gathering it is just glorious to see.

Meshkent This is the best try scored by a lock in rugby history

jonothantheplant (ウェールズファン) Is that the best lock try ever?

Milobren came here to say the same thing. Legendary try!

kaleidoscopic_being Rarely see a lock move like that. Brilliant try.


scottyounger Damn kids shouldn’t have been allowed to watch it, it was too sexual

lordofsealand Straight to pornhub

fantome187 I didn’t know porn was allowed to be broadcasted in the afternoon 😂

PinappleGecko I hope that doesn't awaken something strange in me

DaveHolden (アイルランドファン) What a beauty. I thought for sure the bounce looked unfriendly but perfectly placed.

callfoduty why are all Japan tries so beautiful?

mm_of_m That is a beautiful try

Bunnit18 (イングランドファン) What in the hell just happened?! What a boy!

cynic__96 (オーストラリアファン) That’s the greatest thing I will ever see in my life

whoneedsmelons Amazing

ThorsRake (スコットランドファン) Lol outrageous play from a lock!!

Inverted_Six I can’t believe what I just saw

shyte1 (イングランドファン) Poetry in motion

KRoadKid What a try, best lock try ever

Monsterbeetlez (アイルランドファン) Fakatava is a great player

yeah_nah_hard (サモアファン) Such a skilled lock. Second-coming of John Eales fr.

Stuweb He'll be watching that over and over again when he gets home tonight

Secret-Roof-7503 Fakatava living the dream of all second rows

ForensicShoe (イングランドファン) What a beast

j_b1997 Stop the tournament. Give Japan the cup

ManCrushOnSlade (イングランドファン) Japan deserve to go through just for that try.

death2sanity (日本ファン) WHAT A BOUNCE

Fitzfuzzington (アイルランドファン) Yayyy! Keep it up
(やったー! この調子で行ったれ!)

MANOFSTEELE101 let's fucking goooooooo


peachypal 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

monkfreedom Anyone rooting for Japan?

KusoTeitokuInazuma (ウェールズファン) I think everyone outside of Argentina

Appropriate_Tiger316 LETS GO JAPAN




WallopyJoe (イングランドファン) Woof

Rancid_Orphan (イングランドファン) Oof

rustyrabz UGH

lizardk101 (アイルランドファン) Nooo!

RugbyLover86 Ok that was……..gorgeous

Stuweb Good god Carreras is quick

SuccessfulHistorian What a try

Minischoles (イングランドファン) Holy shit, Carreras had a fucking nitro boost there, that's some acceleration.
(何ですかあのカレラスの加速は! エンジンにニトロを噴射したみたいに一気に加速したぞ)

AllRhodesGoToHeaven (オーストラリアファン) I'm all for Japan this match but bloody hell Carreras is unreal

getName What a fucking try, this game.

Eolopolo (ウェールズファン) What a game this is, knew it'd be close but wow..

Skuadddd (フランスファン) Game of the tournament so far

Steppin84 This game is SOOOOOOOO GOOD!

michel_v (フランスファン) What an enjoyable game it’s been for neutrals.

adturnerr No matter if Japan win or lose they've done themselves proud. Past 3 World Cups they've been a team that could make it past the pools which is some incredible progress

mulkers (オーストラリアファン) Japan making back to back Quarter Finals will be huge. Argentina failing to make back to back Quarter Finals will be huge








Supreme_Rev_Council What a game

toastoevskij (イタリアファン) What a game

tLeCoqSpotif (イングランドファン) Great game

patiperro_v3 Great match!

NFINIT3 What a game! A shame both teams couldn’t go through they both deserved it.
(いやほんと凄い試合でしたよ! 片方がここで敗退したのは残念だったけど、どちらも決勝トーナメントに進出していいと思えるだけの力を見せつけたと思う)

SchmeepyDooDoo Man, so many errors, yet somehow the best game. I eeally like both the teams and both the fan bases so it waa pretty brutal to see one knocked out.

Monsterbeetlez (アイルランドファン) That was such a great game. Feels so bad for Japan - they pushed England and Argentina so close.

Grim_Farts_Barnsley (イングランドファン) Gutting for Japan. Well played Argentina though. Best of luck against the welsh.

deliriodelux (アルゼンチンファン) I’m glad it’s finish, suffering like hell….but we are in quarters!!! Lfg!!!

3l_Gordito (アルゼンチンファン) Great game and well played to Japan. It was a very close match and an exhilarating one at that.

AverageYeFan Really wish Japan won that

ThorsRake (スコットランドファン) Most fun game of the tournament so far.

f1ddich (日本ファン) Good game Japan. You did your best!!

New_User_Account123 I wanted Japan to win this SO MUCH

adturnerr 9 wins in the past 3 World Cups for Japan is amazing progress. Adding the fact there beaten South Africa, Ireland and Scotland in them tournaments aswell just adds to how impressive they've been

peachypal (日本ファン) I completely forgot about this but did Japan qualify for the next WC by finishing 3rd in the pool? Or did we already qualify for it when Samoa lost to England yesterday?
(すっかり忘れていたけど日本がプール3位になったってことは、次のワールドカップの出場権を得たってことだよね? というか昨日サモアがイングランドに負けた時点でその資格を得ていた?)

reditanian Yes, Samoa losing left them in 4th place, so both Japan and Argentina qualify regardless of who won today’s match.

Secret-Roof-7503 Japan finished with 9 points and Samoa 7. Japan automatically qualifies for 2027

peachypal (日本ファン) Oh thank you. Now l can cry myself to sleep 🛌

Fitzfuzzington Enjoyable game for this neutral. Some lovely attacking rugby from Japan, but their defence is poor.

ExactThanks944 One of the best matches in a while. Was on the ege of my seat the whole time. Had a cracking time watching it. Rugby wins overall
(今大会どころかここ最近見たラグビーの試合の中でも最高に楽しい試合だった。もう終始前のめりになりながら見ていたぜ! 日本は破れてしまったかもしれないけどラグビーというスポーツにとって大勝利の日だった)

Milobren (ニュージーランドファン) What an absolute rollercoaster of a game! Congrats to Argentina, they really took their opportunities well. Sorry to see Japan now out. がんばった日本!
(まさにジェットコースターのような試合だった! アルゼンチンよおめでとう、君たちはチャンスを本当にうまく生かした。日本の敗退はとても残念に思う。 頑張った日本!)

Doc3vil I love the respect and honour in Japanese culture. The way the players are going around the pitch bowing to their supporters. Some of them in absolute tears - it’s sad but beautiful to see the passion.

Geosaurusrex Great game in the end, entertaining as hell.

NewAdvent Excellent match, was really rooting for Japan, but some poor defence and seemingly desperate indiscipline at the end cost them a place in another QF.

2 steps forward in 2019, 1 step back in 2023. Hope they can take another 2 steps for 2027.