Ubisoft attended the Kyoto Game Jam! Thank you Hiroyuki Kobota and Ozan Kocoglu! UbisoftはKyoto Game Jamに参加しました!Hiroyuki KobotaとOzan Kocogluに感謝でいっぱいです!
It has been a real pleasure and honor to represent Ubisoft alongside Hiroyuki Kobota during the Kyoto Game Jam last week, surrounded by amazing students, organizers and industry peers. I really hope this will trigger more of similar events in Japan. Big shout-out to the U.S. Consulate General Osaka-Kobe and Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, as well as all the key organizers, Soraya Umewaka, John Amari, and Farid Enrique Ben Amor (sorry for the other I may have missed!). Looking forward to the next one!!