
Criteria for Authorship

Recognizing an individual’s contributions to research is essential for a fair and equitable scientific enterprise. All individuals who contributed significantly to at least one of the following aspects of the reported results should be listed as authors:

  • Concept
  • Design
  • Execution
  • Interpretation
  • Write-up

Individuals who have made other contributions should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. (See details about acknowledgments policy in Byline Addresses, Footnotes to the Byline, Acknowledgments, and Statements about Authors.)

Large collaborations. Physical Review recognizes authorship agreements for large collaborations, provided that authorship is determined through a transparent process.

Artificial intelligence writing tools. AI writing tools cannot be listed as an author but can be added in the Acknowledgments. See Appropriate Use of AI-Based Writing Tools.

Contact emails. Active email addresses are required for all authors at submission to ensure that editors can contact any author as needed. Large collaborations may provide a Collaboration Spokesperson email address in lieu of email addresses for individual authors.

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Adding or Removing an Author

Requests to add or remove an author after the initial submission must be accompanied by a brief justification and should be made by the Corresponding Author before the paper is accepted. The added or removed author(s) must be copied in the request and consent to the change before it will be implemented.

During peer review, the Corresponding Author may transfer the Corresponding Author role to a co-author. Requests for this transfer require consent from the current and new Corresponding Author.

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Responsibilities of Authors

All authors are accountable for their work and its presentation in the paper.

Corresponding author. This individual represents all listed authors during the peer-review process and must be designated for every submission. The Corresponding Author should inform all authors of the submission of a paper and the outcome of important steps in the review process.

The Corresponding Author's affiliation at the time of submission determines eligibility for certain institutional Open Access agreements and transformative agreements.

By submitting the manuscript, the Corresponding Author certifies the following:

  • The manuscript presents the original work of the listed authors.
  • The manuscript accurately reflects the scientific results.
  • All listed authors contributed significantly to the concept, design, execution, interpretation, or write-up of the research study.
  • All those who made significant contributions were offered the opportunity to be listed as authors.
  • All listed authors are aware of and agree to the submission of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript has not been published by nor submitted to another journal while it is considered by a Physical Review journal.
  • The authors have provided information to the editors about relevant unpublished manuscripts, including any previous versions of this manuscript submitted to a Physical Review journal.
  • The authors accept the established procedures for selecting manuscripts for publication.
  • Technically sound data exists (where appropriate) and can be provided upon request to support the conclusions and claims of the paper.

Post-publication contact author(s). One or more authors may indicate their email address on the published paper and serve as the point of contact for readers, researchers, or other interested parties. Contact Authors do not have to be the Corresponding Author.

Author contributions. All authors should be able to identify their specific contribution to the work. APS strongly encourages authors to outline their contributor roles using the CRediT taxonomy. See also Byline Addresses, Footnotes to the Byline, Acknowledgments, and Statements about Authors.

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Author Affiliations

Authors must use the affiliation(s) where the research was conducted. They can also include their current affiliation(s) (if different). Affiliations not connected with the research in the paper should not be included. See also Byline Addresses, Footnotes to the Byline, Acknowledgments, and Statements about Authors.

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Use of ORCID iDs

ORCID digital identifiers allow authors to preserve their research identity and connection to their publications throughout their careers. ORCID iDs are required for all Corresponding Authors and are strongly encouraged for all other authors. APS requires authors to authenticate their identifiers via the ORCID verification process. Verification requests are sent shortly after submission to all authors who have provided an email address, and authors are asked to follow through as soon as possible. Adding ORCID iDs after a paper is accepted is possible but may cause production delays.

Authors who have verified their ORCID on a previous submission will need to repeat the steps for every future paper they coauthor.

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