Monday, March 27, 2023

Hooray For Holland's New Election!!

 Like many European countries, Holland allowed a large amount of Islamic Immigration into Holland's biggest cities, with the usual amount of crime and violence. While this was allowed by Hollands former government, the Dutch themselves hated it for the most part as run by with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who did little to stop it. He also went out of way to issue ultimatums to Dutch farmers even though they were doing very great work. Needless to say, they put up a real resistance that worked a great win in Holland's provincial elections, which showed the highest turnout in years, the BBB won 137 out of 572 seats – a stunning victory. In every one of the Netherlands’ twelve provinces, the BBB became the top party while Rutte’s VVD lost 17 of its 80 seats.

 The VVD’s partners in the governing coalition all experienced major shrinkage, too: the D66 lost 9 of its 41 seats, the CDA dropped from 72 to 43, and the CU declined from 31 to 22. Since the provincial councils will proceed, on May 30, to elect the Senate – the upper house of the Dutch legislature – the BBB will now (barring some freak development) become the largest party in that body as well. News media in Brexit and Trump victories in Netherlands and abroad using the word “shock” to describe the BBB’s upset win in a comparison with Trump and Brexit victories.

 BBB’s triumph means that the government’s plan to stick it to the farmers is almost certainly dead. But where does that leave the Islamic crisis? Will the farmers be on the right side of that issue? Geert Wilders, the face of public resistance to the Islamization of the Netherlands, seems to think so: as soon as the contours of the March 15 vote became clear, Wilders tweeted his congratulations to the BBB for having crushed Rutte’s government and declared the readiness of his Freedom Party (PVV) to work together with the farmers. 

While Wilders PVV party lost 6 0ut of forty  seats, the farmers BBB also wants the Islamition of Holland ended and ended now. The sooner, the better and the Happier Holland will be.

Like Norway,Finland, Denmark  and Sweden and hopefully Germany, the Islamation of Europe will continue to be ended.

....All hail Netherlands and the rest of Europe! Who Knows if France and Britain may finally end it as well.

Rob Miller

Sunday, March 26, 2023

The Two State Solution Is Disgusting

The Two State Solution in Israel and the Middle East is indeed the most immoral suggestion of them all. It's is a lie built on a foundation of mendacity. It also is doomed to failure because it is irrelevant. History has passed it by. Facts on the ground have made it moot. The so called "Palestinains" were never a country in the area they want And their desire to ban Jews from as muchland as they can steal is disgusting and as many Jews as they can murder is disgusting. The Pals have never done anything towards peace. They simple want dead Jews and whatever they can steal after they murder them. There never was a "Palestinian People' in the area the Jewish people were given under Treaty totally agreed on by the Jews, the Arabs themselve in what became Jordan and every major country in what was then the League of Nations and what is still a part of the UN Charter. It was the British who blocked THE Jews from coming to Israel, something that would have saved thousands of them from Hitler and other countries like Franch who were happy to give as many Jews to the Nazis as they could, even Jews who already had French citization. It it any wonder those Jews who managed to survive the Holocost had very little other place to go after WWII, even though they had fought Rommel's Africa corps with the British withall their might. Their reward from the Brits was for as many of them as could be kept out of their country or otherwise harassed from any action they needed to protect what little defense they were able to defend themselves. Meanwhile, the Brits gave the Arab troops not just weapons but gave them British Army officers and lots of weaponry including armard cars, not to mention attepts to disarm the Jews and break the treaty they had made with the Israelis. In short, they wanted the Jews dead and the Arabs with all of the Jewish land. The US, thanks to Harry Truman put the Jews of Israel under an arms blockade from any aid by the US. My My how nice of them, Hummmm? Essentially, the idea was to steal all of the land, murder whater Jews it was necessary to kill off and give all of the Jews land to the Arabs under an arms blockade from any aid by the US. My My how nice of them, Hummmm? Essentially, the idea was tosteal all of the land, murder whater Jews it was necessary to kill off and give all of the Jews land to the Arabs Let's examine a slighty diverent situation that never actually occoured. What would have it been like if certain areas decided to remove all the blacks from those areas in order to force them to go back to Africa, or toareas theydidn't want to settle in With the US Governmental ready had planned to do so? Why should the Indians have been treated like that? Why should American Indian been treated the way they were, chased out of their land, even land they were given? Disgracful, especially since it was actually done, and something all Americans should have been disgraced by. The Brits and their Arab Allys killed a number of Jews,even massacred one or more settlements. I none the Brits promised the inhabitats frre passage to the Israeli lines. What they actuallyy did was to take every active male from the teens up, put them against a wall and murder them in cold blood. As for the women and children and elderly people they were taken to an Arab military prison under terrible conditions. The Temples and Jewish shrimes were all destroyed in the Old City. That is what a 'two state solution' would be like, especialy given that the US, considering who has been in the white house lately, and during the Barack Obamas' Iran loving rein, it's exatly what would happen.Since the Bushes in the 1970's most of those presidents have been anti Israel and showed their views.....The Clintons, a certain missfit from Georgia who was an obvious anti Semite. among others and obviously and also likely, our current president.

Back Again and happy to see you all!

I spent some time book writing and I think you will enjoy it. More later when it gets close to publication. Until then, take care! All Good times!! Yours, Rob Miller

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Why Israel Needs A New way to make better elections...And how to do it!

Israel has suffured for years using it's present election method...what's there now is horse trading by different politicians to meet 61 seats, no matter how damaging it is to Israel's needs and best interests. We saw that in Israel's last election before this one, where a great deal of money was sent to Hamas and to the PLO just to get an Arab party to vote on what was good to Israel's leaders and political financial needs, while the needs of iSRAEL's POPULATION WERE IGNORED.In short we have elections that allow the politicians to work for their own wants rther then for the country and its needs. Here's what is ruining Israel's elections and government. 1. Far too many political parties, which leads to the politicians trading off no matter what the country needs. 2. Arab parties who already hate Israel and shouldn't be allowed to participate any longer....Israel is the only country I can think of which allowsparties who openly admit they hate the country they are allowed to live and work in while supporting the PLO and other anti Israel organizations. 3. Too many parties in general...which means the elections themselves are confused as voters aren't certain whom they should vote for.and why because the politicians try their very best to confuse things or simply lie about what they stand for in order to make deals with other parties who agree privately that they will support one of the parties in exchange for reciving positions and other goodies in the Knesset. This is rediculous! Here is how to fix this for the better of Israel national needs and those of it's people. 1. The Arab parties who openly consider themselves 'representatives of the Palestinians` should not be allowed in the election, since they have none of Isreal's needs and success and openly admit it. This doesn't mean no Arabs should be allowed to vote. hat it does do is to take the politicians in this so called parties out of the election back and forth trading...something we saw up front in the last government Isreal had. 2. No more than 3 parties should be running in the election. The current parties can decide tocombine themselves, thus doing a great reduction in all the back and forth trading between politicians. The party that wins may desire to bring or not bring in the other parties or to allow or not allow them to bring their ideas and interests into the government. 3. Having only three parties will also make it a great deal more easy for Israel's voters to decide on which party is best for the country. Finally, I still wonder why Israel needs both a president and a Prime Minister!! Britians political setup has NEVER been in Israel's favor from the very beginning. Britain did everything it could to stop Israel from becoming a free country...disarming the Jewish people who were attempting to defend themselves from Arab terrorists, who the Brits did NOT add to this,theyrefused to allow Jewish refugees who were desperate to immigrate because Europe was bcomming totally unwelcome to them for the most part. Britain also broke it'a treaty, the San Marino agreement with Israel, the Arabs and the League of Nations, which gave Israel 27 percent of Palestine from the Meditoranian coast to the north bank of the Jordan river and the rest to Jordan.That by the way is still part of the UN charter today, ignored though it is by that organization today. The Brits not only put together their own consentration camp on Cyprus Island after WWII and the Holocaust to keep Jewish refugees from going to Israel, they also armed the Arabs, who were saying they would do the next Holocaust with all sorts of arms including armoured cars and British soldiers and officers who oversaw the Arab invasion in 1948 which included a massacre in which every able bodied man was executed after they agreed with the Brits promise of safe conduct to the Israeli lines if they put down the few rifles and pistols theyhad in order for the womwn, children and elderly would be spared. The Brits stood by while every young male, including teenagers was murdered incold blood. The women, children and elderly were put into a Jordanian millitary prison under disgraceful conditions and not released until 1950.Britain has never done anything to help Israel...even though it was Jewish troops who helped them knock Rommel back in North Africa. I see no reason whyIsrael should use a system that emulates a country which by and large has always hated them.It might be helpful to change that. p> 

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.


As one of the early writers on our entrance into Afghanistan, it was obvious to me from the beginning that this was a huge mistake for a number of reasons. There was absolutely no reason for us to go there, just as there was no reason to go into Iraq. Unfortunately, George W. Bush felt the need to do something even I could see was sheer folly...just as Joe Biden's mistake in 'removing'  us from the place the way he did has already cost more American lives plus billions of dollars in US tax payer dollars.

Any fool should have seen that going into a land locked country with an army after weakening them with ridiculous 'rules of engagement' their grandfathers who on WWII would have been shocked by was ridiculous...imagine this, some terrorist shoots at you, but as long as he either drops his weapon or simply stops shooting at you,  you have to stop shooting to defend yourself or your fellow soldiers!

Not only that, but Bush never understood that going into a land locked country via a hostile country like Pakistan was absolutely the wrong thing to do. The Pakistanis took us for billions in bribe money  to allow us to dock at their harbor and then bring supplies and arms for our troops in trucks over the one road they were allowed to travel. And whenever the Pakis were annoyed with us or simply wanted more money, they would shut down that road, which left the trucks as sitting ducks for the Taliban to ambush*.

The excuse we're hearing now is that going into Afghanistan   was to'get Bin Laden.' And frankly, that was sheer nonsense. Remember where we found him? In Pakistan, right near Pakistan's military academy. The truth is that the Taliban was on the point of getting rid of him and Al Qaeda, and before we even got there, most of them had fled via Iran, where they were welcome...while Bin Laden went to Pakistan, where he was also quite welcomed by our 'allies.' So there was no reason except the usual Bush mentality about 'nation building.'

If we really wanted to damage the Taliban (and why, I don't know) we could have done it by bankrupting them. Much of their finance comes from 'taxes' to the villages who grow the poppies and the sale of opium, after it's  manufactured in labs in Pakistan. Or we could have left them alone, which was what they wanted. And if we had done that, 2,400 + US servicemen plus a large number of wounded and maimed troops would have been alive and well, plus another 1100 or so from the countries who decided to help us out.

So let's look at the current situation. Thanks to Joe Biden's worrying about how the polls showed that the  American people were getting wise to him, he made a thing of not just exiting, but running away from Afghanistan with zero preparations. He figured getting out of AfPack would help him politically.

Now think about that. just a sudden exit with no real plans.  Aside from 300 American military and citizens who are still there with no way of getting to the Kabul airport because they were told to wait until they got orders to do so, which they still haven't received. How they'll get out is a mystery. Heck today there was a suicide bombing attack at the airport. According to the pentagon 11 Marines,, a Navy  corpsman, and a U.S. Army soldier were killed by the suicide bombing and at least another 18 service members were wounded. And that's just the beginning.

We spent 88 billion taxpayer dollars on the 'Afghan Army' which did nothing to defend much. And that doesn't include the taxpayer dollars spent on 'nation building' which are also down the toilet now.  Some of you may remember all the 'green on green killing' when Afghani soldiers we were training turned on our troops. And the equipment we gave them? The Taliban now has billions of dollars worth of state of the art US military equipment, including rocket launchers, Blackhawk  helicopters, and other goodies. 

More than that.  The United States had just 2,500 troops at Bagram when Biden was installed. The United States had not suffered a casualty in over a year. Bagram was also a prison. There were thousands of Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS terrorists held in captivity there after they’d been captured on battlefields or some other ops. When our troops were ordered to leave, theTaliban simply released about aiding and abetting terrorism.

Here's another thing to reflect on. The Taliban has no love for Pakistan..neither do what's left of ISIS or Al Quaeda. Believe it or not they actually think of Pakistan as not devout enough to Islam. With all these new weapons they now have, imagine what would happen if they decide to attack Pakistan, a country with an air force and nuclear weapons! 

Since the Taliban now have  an arrangement with the Chinese, rest assured that all of this equipment will also get a look see by them as well, perhaps of some reverse engineering so they can copy it and learn it's weak points. Of course, Joe Biden has his own connection with them so I suppose it's not something he's worried about.

There's no reason this equipment couldn't have been destroyed or removed before we announced our departure.* There's also no reason we couldn't have had our people in Kabul beforehand either, so we could get them out safely....except that Joe Biden wanted some credit. He'll definitely get some credit.  What he's working on now is getting lots of Afghanis into the US. This also gives us a clue on who's calling the shots, and it isn't Joe Biden. 

There's no reason these people couldn't have gone to some other Muslim majority nation, where they would be far more at home, with a culture and laws familiar to them.

If you'd like to know why, do some research about the problems countries in Europe who let Afghanis in have had with them. They tend to stay on welfare, rape women and young girls and cause other problems. I'd advise you to do a search  on your own on that one. I guarantee you'll be shocked.

The only good to come out of this is that I hope we have learned a lesson. No more 'nation building' and no more large scale wars unless Congress votes for it. As for the two presidents , Bush and Barack Obama who were so insistent about getting us into Afghanistan, spending billions on it (and I'm certain a lot of the money we spent went into Afghan politician's pockets) I hope the American will be a lot more open about voicing their disrespect for this kind of activity. 

*A brief note While President Trump was in office, we had a lot  less causalities than when his predecessors were running things. For one thing he removed the idiotic 'rules of engagement our troops were forced to obey. He also made an agreement with countries we were on good terms with like Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan  to deliver supplies to our troops via the Caspian see and a short route through Turkmenistan. So no more bribes for Pakistan, and o more trucks sitting there like sitting ducks. While we can't be sure, I have a feeling he would have handled our exit a lot better.


As one of the early writers on our entrance into Afghanistan, it was obvious to me from the beginning that this was a huge mistake for a number of reasons. There was absolutely no reason for us to go there, just as there was no reason to go into Iraq. Unfortunately, George W. Bush felt the need to do something even I could see was sheer folly...just as Joe Biden's mistake in 'removing'  us from the place the way he did has already cost more American lives plus billions of dollars in US tax payer dollars.

Any fool should have seen that going into a land locked country with an army after weakening them with ridiculous 'rules of engagement' their grandfathers who on WWII would have been shocked by was ridiculous...imagine this, some terrorist shoots at you, but as long as he either drops his weapon or simply stops shooting at you,  you have to stop shooting to defend yourself or your fellow soldiers!

Not only that, but Bush never understood that going into a land locked country via a hostile country like Pakistan was absolutely the wrong thing to do. The Pakistanis took us for billions in bribe money  to allow us to dock at their harbor and then bring supplies and arms for our troops in trucks over the one road they were allowed to travel. And whenever the Pakis were annoyed with us or simply wanted more money, they would shut down that road, which left the trucks as sitting ducks for the Taliban to ambush*.

The excuse we're hearing now is that going into Afghanistan   was to'get Bin Laden.' And frankly, that was sheer nonsense. Remember where we found him? In Pakistan, right near Pakistan's military academy. The truth is that the Taliban was on the point of getting rid of him and Al Qaeda, and before we even got there, most of them had fled via Iran, where they were welcome...while Bin Laden went to Pakistan, where he was also quite welcomed by our 'allies.' So there was no reason except the usual Bush mentality about 'nation building.'

If we really wanted to damage the Taliban (and why, I don't know) we could have done it by bankrupting them. Much of their finance comes from 'taxes' to the villages who grow the poppies and the sale of opium, after it's  manufactured in labs in Pakistan. Or we could have left them alone, which was what they wanted. And if we had done that, 2,400 + US servicemen plus a large number of wounded and maimed troops would have been alive and well, plus another 1100 or so from the countries who decided to help us out.

So let's look at the current situation. Thanks to Joe Biden's worrying about how the polls showed that the  American people were getting wise to him, he made a thing of not just exiting, but running away from Afghanistan with zero preparations. He figured getting out of AfPack would help him politically.

Now think about that. just a sudden exit with no real plans.  Aside from 300 American military and citizens who are still there with no way of getting to the Kabul airport because they were told to wait until they got orders to do so, which they still haven't received. How they'll get out is a mystery. Heck today there was a suicide bombing attack at the airport. According to the pentagon 11 Marines,, a Navy  corpsman, and a U.S. Army soldier were killed by the suicide bombing and at least another 18 service members were wounded. And that's just the beginning.

We spent 88 billion taxpayer dollars on the 'Afghan Army' which did nothing to defend much. And that doesn't include the taxpayer dollars spent on 'nation building' which are also down the toilet now.  Some of you may remember all the 'green on green killing' when Afghani soldiers we were training turned on our troops. And the equipment we gave them? The Taliban now has billions of dollars worth of state of the art US military equipment, including rocket launchers, Blackhawk  helicopters, and other goodies. 

More than that.  The United States had just 2,500 troops at Bagram when Biden was installed. The United States had not suffered a casualty in over a year. Bagram was also a prison. There were thousands of Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS terrorists held in captivity there after they’d been captured on battlefields or some other ops. When our troops were ordered to leave, theTaliban simply released about aiding and abetting terrorism.

Here's another thing to reflect on. The Taliban has no love for Pakistan..neither do what's left of ISIS or Al Quaeda. Believe it or not they actually think of Pakistan as not devout enough to Islam. With all these new weapons they now have, imagine what would happen if they decide to attack Pakistan, a country with an air force and nuclear weapons! 

Since the Taliban now have  an arrangement with the Chinese, rest assured that all of this equipment will also get a look see by them as well, perhaps of some reverse engineering so they can copy it and learn it's weak points. Of course, Joe Biden has his own connection with them so I suppose it's not something he's worried about.

There's no reason this equipment couldn't have been destroyed or removed before we announced our departure.* There's also no reason we couldn't have had our people in Kabul beforehand either, so we could get them out safely....except that Joe Biden wanted some credit. He'll definitely get some credit.  What he's working on now is getting lots of Afghanis into the US. This also gives us a clue on who's calling the shots, and it isn't Joe Biden. 

There's no reason these people couldn't have gone to some other Muslim majority nation, where they would be far more at home, with a culture and laws familiar to them.

If you'd like to know why, do some research about the problems countries in Europe who let Afghanis in have had with them. They tend to stay on welfare, rape women and young girls and cause other problems. I'd advise you to do a search  on your own on that one. I guarantee you'll be shocked.

The only good to come out of this is that I hope we have learned a lesson. No more 'nation building' and no more large scale wars unless Congress votes for it. As for the two presidents , Bush and Barack Obama who were so insistent about getting us into Afghanistan, spending billions on it (and I'm certain a lot of the money we spent went into Afghan politician's pockets) I hope the American will be a lot more open about voicing their disrespect for this kind of activity. 

*A brief note While President Trump was in office, we had a lot  less causalities than when his predecessors were running things. For one thing he removed the idiotic 'rules of engagement our troops were forced to obey. He also made an agreement with countries we were on good terms with like Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan  to deliver supplies to our troops via the Caspian see and a short route through Turkmenistan. So no more bribes for Pakistan, and o more trucks sitting there like sitting ducks. While we can't be sure, I have a feeling he would have handled our exit a lot better.

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why A US War in UKraine is Ridiculous

And Here's why.One our military experts such as Gerneral Milley finally understand why Russia went to was because Russia, who needs the Black see for it's warm water took the Crimia which Russia had held for years. This is no reflection of Russia. For them to give up the Crimia and the Black sea would be etremely damaging. And Putin is no fool.Second is that a large part of Ukraine is inhabiated by Russians The 'Country' itself was only inhabited in 1991 on very light circumstances. It's also worth remembering that Ukraine was an ally of Hitler in WW 2 who enjoyed murdering Jews. At Babi Yar, the Ukraine Blue Police had Jewish men, Women and children murdered after their parents had dugged their own graves. And that is only the beginning. During the Holocost, they murdered,out of a population o 900,000 Jews...almost 70 per cent. Another reason is that America army is reducing, simply because many US soldiers are sick and tired of their officer giving them the same 'whitey is racist lectures nonsense. In short, by siding with Ukraine, we are angering Russia without reason and helping ourself not at all.

Friday, September 09, 2022

The Hidden money grab of Joe Biden's studet loan bill




President Biden's new bill isn't what it seems. Sure, college students will appear to get a break and they will...but for  a very short time. 

Yes,  America's working class will pay a great deal for that Party, for a while.

But guess what....

As soon as these college student get jobs and are themselves working, they will be paying a large part of the party for all the new college kids, especially as the elder working class retires and is paying a lot less of it.

And what that really means is that the Democrat gang the college kids are voting for are going to grab far more of their money then the students saved. As we have seen, the Biden presidency is rabid with spending huge amounts unnecessarily for their own whims and far out ideas.
This  is simply another easy way to rip into the piggy banks of America's working and middle class for their own expensive ''needs', such as campaign costs like bribing people like the Teacher's unions for campaign cash and election support...and  the huge amount they are willing to give to Iran along with allowing them a free road to getting nuclear weapons. I wonder if they realize that a country who took our diplomats and imprisoned them in exchange for a ransom can also blackmail us as a nation or even threats on certain cities once they have these toys the Biden administration is happy to see that they get...and oh yes....
Iran is a major helper and financier of terrorism...especially when it comes to America. It was the Ayatollahs who allowed the men from Afghanistan into Iran, where they actually received flight training...after which they were allowed into are country and given pilot
licenses  before they came here and attacked the US on 9/11, something we actually did almost nothing about, even though federal judges had ample evidence Iran was definitely a culprit. 

Very well, we'll see what happens.

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The New Israel And Why it is vital

 It is obvious by now that the con game run by Naftalli Bennett and his fellow con men is over now. After lying to their voters and including the Left and Arab anti Israel parties after saying they wouldn't, the game is finally over as even some of the participants like Gideon Saar  have jumped the ship and things are going to change. And change is indeed necessary after the last few months.

The following changes need to be made:

What's driving Israeli Islamist leader Mansour Abbas? - Israel News -

 The money passes hands.......

First, no anti -Israel , terrorism Arab parties need to be included. And no more Israeli shekels need be given to those like Ra'am leader Mansour Abbas to give to   Hamas or the PLO as bribery. Nor need any new homes for Israelis be stalled off any more, or bribes given to the likes of of Israel's enemies.

But that's not all.

It's also high time that Israel stopped co-towing to certain Arab countries like Jordan or to other or certain anti Israel countries that have 'leadership' that is obviously anti Israel... like the current Biden administration, swollen with Israel haters from the Obama years. 

There's no reason Israel should have to deal with this, anymore than they had to tolerate Barack Obama's obvious hatred and dislike of Israel.

Or in this case, having to tolerate things like being  forced by the Biden group to make Israel wait for  iron dome  missiles needed while the country was being bombarded by Hamas....disgusting. There is no reason Israel, who invented the Iron Dome should be forced not to make it's own. Or to not be able to manufacture and manufacture it's own missiles because US companies want the deal themselves. Israel has a very good weapon manufactures and can make their own

ENOUGH! There's no need to tolerate this. If America is not an friend or ally, why should Israel bother to treat it as one until that changes?

What may likely come next is some kind of as usual, some political horse trading after the votes come in. By why not make some changes instead?

Imagine an independent Israel with only a few political parties? Why not? wouldn't that be better?Of course it would. At any rate, Israel needs to become far more independent, and it should be.

Rob Miller

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.


Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Where I Have Been

 Hello Everyone!!

If any of my wonderful fans have been wondering where I've been, here's the answer. I went to the hospital for awhile but now I'm in great shape. I also have spent some time freelancing, and am working on a novel and a book on faith. I'll let you know when they're published and ready.

I notice that a lot of you have been coming by to see what's up, but know you know.

Best Regards and Thanks,

Rob Miller, AKA JoshuaPundit

Naftalli Bennet Shows his true colors

 Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett attends a cabinet meeting at the Prime minister's office in Jerusalem, on March 27, 2022.



Naftali Bennett was an Israeli politician I once had real respect for. That was until he ran for prime minister and told the Israeli public he would never let the lefty parties or the Arab parties into his coalition. He lied and did both, with the result that Bennett and  Israel's government became something of a slave to MK Mansour Abbas, a man who had ties to Hamas and the PLO. Not only that but he demanded that  Israel's police be forbidden from  searching for the massive amounts of illegal weapons found in Arab towns and villages. 

 What's driving Israeli Islamist leader Mansour Abbas? - Israel News -

Since his vote was needed to put certain things through that were part of Bennett's 'new thing' ,He was able  used his position  to blackmail the government into giving money to the PLO and Hamas and to stop homes from being built in parts of Jerusalem and other cities that really needed more housing. 

And believe it or not, Abbas was able to blackmail Bennett and Minister of defense Ganz into refusing to use Israel's defense forces into againt not just Hamas but the PLO's own   'pay for slay' policy, even when Israels generals urged Bennett to allow them to fight terrorism from Hamas and the PLO . This at a time when food prices, paying for heating and other badly needed things had prices raised a huge amount. This left  many families  having trouble managing to keep things going! Imagine that, while  huge amounts of shekels were being given to the PLO and Hamas.

Not only that, but PM Bennett also allowed Joe Biden and the former Obama hands , who were and are  obviously anti Israel to call the shots, even to the point of their ending any Iron Dome missiles for Israel's defense at a time when Iran is only a short time away from having nuclear weaponry. 

The latest? Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has decided to close the Temple Mount to Jewish visits for the rest of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in response to violence which has taken place on the holy site. And who has the violence come from? Not the Jews, but from the Arabs, who will obviously continue this since they can get away with it. In other words, the Holy  Western Wall and the Temple Mount will be off limits to any Jews for 12 days

  The previous closure period for this  was for a maximum of 3-4 days. Just last Sunday, Arabs attempted to block Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount by placing stones at the passageways used by Jews. Five people were injured when stones were thrown at buses carrying worshipers to the Western Wall. 

The real story is that while Israel eased restrictions for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, that leniency was used to gather and store stones to throw at security forces and Jewish worshipers and to engage in violent  riots. 

This comes following a string of Arab terror attacks across Israel, including a stabbing attack in Haifa last Friday.

Where will this end? Two Yamina MKs,  have left the government, which may very well mean another election since it will take PM Bennett and his 'coalition below the 61 seats required to stay in power Let's all hope so. If there is an election, the Israeli public will have a chance to  vote again for the kind of government they really voted for last time...a coalition of the Likud, the other  parties on the right and the religious parties.

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Afghanistan...A Folly That Should Never Have Happened


As one of the early writers on our entrance into Afghanistan, it was obvious to me from the beginning that this was a huge mistake for a number of reasons. There was absolutely no reason for us to go there, just as there was no reason to go into Iraq. Unfortunately, George W. Bush felt the need to do something even I could see was sheer folly...just as Joe Biden's mistake in 'removing'  us from the place the way he did has already cost more American lives plus billions of dollars in US tax payer dollars.

Any fool should have seen that going into a land locked country with an army after weakening them with ridiculous 'rules of engagement' their grandfathers who on WWII would have been shocked by was ridiculous...imagine this, some terrorist shoots at you, but as long as he either drops his weapon or simply stops shooting at you,  you have to stop shooting to defend yourself or your fellow soldiers!

Not only that, but Bush never understood that going into a land locked country via a hostile country like Pakistan was absolutely the wrong thing to do. The Pakistanis took us for billions in bribe money  to allow us to dock at their harbor and then bring supplies and arms for our troops in trucks over the one road they were allowed to travel. And whenever the Pakis were annoyed with us or simply wanted more money, they would shut down that road, which left the trucks as sitting ducks for the Taliban to ambush*.

The excuse we're hearing now is that going into Afghanistan   was to'get Bin Laden.' And frankly, that was sheer nonsense. Remember where we found him? In Pakistan, right near Pakistan's military academy. The truth is that the Taliban was on the point of getting rid of him and Al Qaeda, and before we even got there, most of them had fled via Iran, where they were welcome...while Bin Laden went to Pakistan, where he was also quite welcomed by our 'allies.' So there was no reason except the usual Bush mentality about 'nation building.'

If we really wanted to damage the Taliban (and why, I don't know) we could have done it by bankrupting them. Much of their finance comes from 'taxes' to the villages who grow the poppies and the sale of opium, after it's  manufactured in labs in Pakistan. Or we could have left them alone, which was what they wanted. And if we had done that, 2,400 + US servicemen plus a large number of wounded and maimed troops would have been alive and well, plus another 1100 or so from the countries who decided to help us out.

So let's look at the current situation. Thanks to Joe Biden's worrying about how the polls showed that the  American people were getting wise to him, he made a thing of not just exiting, but running away from Afghanistan with zero preparations. He figured getting out of AfPack would help him politically.

Now think about that. just a sudden exit with no real plans.  Aside from 300 American military and citizens who are still there with no way of getting to the Kabul airport because they were told to wait until they got orders to do so, which they still haven't received. How they'll get out is a mystery. Heck today there was a suicide bombing attack at the airport. According to the pentagon 11 Marines,, a Navy  corpsman, and a U.S. Army soldier were killed by the suicide bombing and at least another 18 service members were wounded. And that's just the beginning.

We spent 88 billion taxpayer dollars on the 'Afghan Army' which did nothing to defend much. And that doesn't include the taxpayer dollars spent on 'nation building' which are also down the toilet now.  Some of you may remember all the 'green on green killing' when Afghani soldiers we were training turned on our troops. And the equipment we gave them? The Taliban now has billions of dollars worth of state of the art US military equipment, including rocket launchers, Blackhawk  helicopters, and other goodies. 

More than that.  The United States had just 2,500 troops at Bagram when Biden was installed. The United States had not suffered a casualty in over a year. Bagram was also a prison. There were thousands of Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS terrorists held in captivity there after they’d been captured on battlefields or some other ops. When our troops were ordered to leave, theTaliban simply released about aiding and abetting terrorism.

Here's another thing to reflect on. The Taliban has no love for Pakistan..neither do what's left of ISIS or Al Quaeda. Believe it or not they actually think of Pakistan as not devout enough to Islam. With all these new weapons they now have, imagine what would happen if they decide to attack Pakistan, a country with an air force and nuclear weapons! 

Since the Taliban now have  an arrangement with the Chinese, rest assured that all of this equipment will also get a look see by them as well, perhaps of some reverse engineering so they can copy it and learn it's weak points. Of course, Joe Biden has his own connection with them so I suppose it's not something he's worried about.

There's no reason this equipment couldn't have been destroyed or removed before we announced our departure.* There's also no reason we couldn't have had our people in Kabul beforehand either, so we could get them out safely....except that Joe Biden wanted some credit. He'll definitely get some credit.  What he's working on now is getting lots of Afghanis into the US. This also gives us a clue on who's calling the shots, and it isn't Joe Biden. 

There's no reason these people couldn't have gone to some other Muslim majority nation, where they would be far more at home, with a culture and laws familiar to them.

If you'd like to know why, do some research about the problems countries in Europe who let Afghanis in have had with them. They tend to stay on welfare, rape women and young girls and cause other problems. I'd advise you to do a search  on your own on that one. I guarantee you'll be shocked.

The only good to come out of this is that I hope we have learned a lesson. No more 'nation building' and no more large scale wars unless Congress votes for it. As for the two presidents , Bush and Barack Obama who were so insistent about getting us into Afghanistan, spending billions on it (and I'm certain a lot of the money we spent went into Afghan politician's pockets) I hope the American will be a lot more open about voicing their disrespect for this kind of activity. 

*A brief note While President Trump was in office, we had a lot  less causalities than when his predecessors were running things. For one thing he removed the idiotic 'rules of engagement our troops were forced to obey. He also made an agreement with countries we were on good terms with like Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan  to deliver supplies to our troops via the Caspian see and a short route through Turkmenistan. So no more bribes for Pakistan, and o more trucks sitting there like sitting ducks. While we can't be sure, I have a feeling he would have handled our exit a lot better.

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and other publications.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Hitler's Missing Speech




 By Nitzhakon


 So I’ve “gotten into it” any number of times about Hitler being a Socialist, that you can’t say NAZI without understanding it comes from “National Socialist German Worker’s Party”, and so on.  And there is plenty of evidence that he was, indeed, a Socialist.

I  was born and raised in the “People’s Republic of Marxachusetts” and grew up very, very liberal.  Name a Left/Right issue, I was on the Left.  No question.  Yet each time I abandoned a Left position to move Rightward, I can point to a seminal event or other piece of insight/learning that ushered in a reconsidering of my former position and – often – describe my thought process after that event as well as new insights and thought patterns that started to ascend.

As one example, still fresh in my mind despite (cough cough a long time), is the moment when I started to doubt the anti-gun teachings I’d been impressed with all my life (bolding in original):

I was living in the Midwest when my police officer neighbor remarked that I should get a gun for self-defense. Having been raised, all my life, to believe that civilian gun ownership was wrong, it shocked me to my core that – of all people – a cop was telling me this.

Unlike most Leftists – and have no doubt that I still was one – I didn’t dismiss this as a flier data point stated by a knuckledraggingslopedforeheadredneck, but rather it made me think those great two words that often stand at the threshold of a new insight: That’s weird

I can also describe – and did – the thought processes and cascades that came from that moment.  As I can when I started to question my “pro-abortion” stance to move towards the pro-life view.  And many other shifts, including my transitioning from a climate alarmist to CO2-mageddon skeptic.  All of this ties back to something our host said some time ago on their old blog about humility.  In this context, the willingness to admit the possibility of error.  Humility is the opposite of Vanity, and while the Seven Deadly Sins – and Seven Heavenly Virtues – are Catholic constructs (not that there’s anything wrong with that!) I have found them to be useful intellectual tools. I have told my children, in teaching them my values, that it’s my belief that all humans have 1-2 sins that dominate a particular person’s weaknesses, that there are 1-2 that are “intermediate”, and the rest fall off Pareto-like into the trivial.

As noted in an excellent book I recently read, learning requires change, and change requires the humility to admit one might be wrong in one’s beliefs.  This is, as an aside, is something I would ask when doing interviews back in my days as a corporate slave, er, drone, um, I mean employee: Tell me about a time when you changed your mind on something significant.  Describe the background, your initial thoughts, what you changed to, and why you changed your mind.

If reworded a little, it’s also an excellent question to ask of a potential new boss.


Sunday, June 06, 2021

What Happens When YouTake School Choice Away


 Free picture: school, classroom, empty desks


My, my... Leave it to Sodom on the Bay to not only close schools for weeks, but to come up with a forced, mandatory requirement to 'expand diversity' which gave most parents zero choices of where their children could go to school. This so-called 'Zone system' the school board voted in back in  December was designed to 'increase diversity' in the public schools no matter what. And, as a cherry on top, students living in public housing and their parents were given a priority in the selection process. 

 What that meant is that if you had a child in a decent elementary school near where you live, they could be sent  anywhere. And parents were prevented from any appeal about it, even if it meant their children would be going to school in a dangerous neighborhood far away, with substandard teachers and curriculum and problems with gangs. 


On the other hand, if your child already was in such a school, instead of improving it with better teachers and disciplining the trouble makers, You would get  the priority of sending him or her to the good schools in your 'zone'. Not only that, but the curriculum of all public schools will also be 'diversified...and I'm sure you know what that means...the teaching of critical Race theory in all public schools.

  While on the face of it this seems like it might have some good points, the obvious reasons for doing it was highly suspect. Among other things, it was scheduled to cost $2.5 million over the next 18 months. 

Hmm, no interest in how how the existing schools could have been improved with that money instead! The real reason of course has nothing to do with diversity. So the real reason it was done is obvious. It's about power and control. These children will be subjected to the far Left's views on morality, America, and of course critical race theory. 

Not only that, but families were not to be allowed  to appeal any decision of the Bureaucrats. And since students living in public House projects will get priority in picking whatever school they want, teachers who are actually trying to educate a class of students can no longer teach to the general learning level of a classroom, which of course means that the smarter kids with the higher learning capacities suffer.

It also means that people who struggled to save and  buy a home at San Francisco's high prices in a nice neighborhood because of the good schools were getting ripped off big time.Especially since they pay the highest taxes.

So how well did this expensive program work out? Simple. Much of San Francisco white and Asian parents took one of two ways out. They either found private and/or Parochial schools to send their kids to, which meant that they were still getting ripped off and  stuck paying those high taxes as well as private school fees.

The other choice of course, being to relocate outside the district or maybe even move away from SF period.

When I first read about this , I sympathized, since I got my kids out of the public schools where I lived  myself as soon as possible, respectfully in the 5th and 3rd grades and found an excellent parochial school for them. I still think that it was one of the best moves we ever made as parents, expensive though it was.

Surprise! That's exactly what happened in San Francisco, and their racist woke tactics cost them a bundle. This s what happens when the people supposedly running the public school district spend their time debating on how to rename public  schools after Lefty 'heroes' instead of historic American heroes. And the kids are already behind, because there was almost a year's lock down mandated by the teacher's union.

According to the SF Chronicle, more than 1,700 public school students have simply left the public schools. And they're expecting a lot more to  leave at the start of the next academic year in the fall. And guess what?  Any teacher will tell you that one of their important duties is that morning head count, which determines how much Federal money the school gets.

According to the Chronicle, this is going to cost the district $20 Million in Fed money...not that the public schools are doing very well otherwise academically, like a lot of California public schools. You see, with the better students leaving, the remaining children in SFUSD were at 12% proficiency in Math & 19% in English, with 80% of those kids who are left  not meeting reading literacy requirements.

The Sf school district already has a lawsuit to deal with because of its decision to rename schools named after Washington,Lincoln, etc for their 'racism.' 

Meanwhile, the School District Vice President, Alison Collins

 ðŸ‘‡Entire senior staff of San Francisco schools denounces ...

 was under fire because of a number of tweets criticizing Asians of being racist and not woke. After she refused to resign or remove the tweets (see, if you use Twitter and are from the right demographic you can get away with racism). She sued the School District for $87 million after she was removed from her position. I haven't bothered to check whether she won, since all this shows is the quality of who's running the school district....





Rob Miller

Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com, Yediot and many other publications.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day: Heroes And Hypocrites

Today is Memorial Day, a day when we honor men and women fallen in the service of their country.

Back when America was more of a piece, such a day was universal because of what it meant. Oddly enough, the holiday itself started from division after the Civil War, a conflict over 600,000 Americans never returned from.

Southern women, putting flowers on the graves of their fallen also decided to decorate the graves of the fallen Union soldiers as well, and the custom spread across the Mason-Dixon line. From such a great,painful division came unity.

In America today, we are now in the midst of another great division. And increasingly, we lack the common bonds of our ancestors.

Let's examine something.

At the present time, we have a volunteer military. What that means is that some young men in our society made a choice to restrict their own freedom and risk their lives to defend the rest of us.Increasingly, there is a socioeconomic and geographical divide between those whom chose to serve and those who don't. In the past, most Americans knew someone who was serving or had served in our military...vets like Dad, your uncle or grandpa, somebody's niece or nephew, the neighbors kid or perhaps your own. That's no longer true.

The fact is, most self-styled progressives despise the sort of people who serve in our military. Oh, they'll pay lip service to 'supporting the troops' because, you know, it sounds patriotic and provides them a fig leaf, but the attitude is fairly obvious. A few Memorial Days ago, MSNBC host and Nation editor Chris Hayes had this to say

CHRIS HAYES: Thinking today and observing Memorial Day, that'll be happening tomorrow. Just talked with Lt. Col. Steve Burke, who was a casualty officer with the Marines and had to tell people [inaudible]. Um, I, I, ah, [Steve] Beck, sorry, um, I think it's interesting because I think it is very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words "heroes." Um, and, ah, ah, why do I feel so comfortable [sic] about the word "hero"? I feel comfortable, ah, uncomfortable, about the word because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war. Um, and, I don't want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that's fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism: hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that. But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic. But maybe I'm wrong about that.

To people like Chris Hayes, the people that go into the military are suckers and dupes, and more than one of his comrades on the left have shown that this is exactly how they see it...especially when they think no one's listening too closely.

Chris Hayes isn't alone. And people like him don't understand this. Not only don't most of them not know anyone who has ever served, but to them, it seems like anyone who would volunteer for the military is someone beneath them socially and intellectually,someone who had no other option. Especially for patriotic motives, which they also think of as borderline neanderthal. I mean, why would someone risk his life at minimal pay for such a deeply flawed country like America if they were, you know, smart?

Today, I saw photos of Bill and Hillary Clinton marching in a Memorial Day parade in their home town Chautauqua, New York. Since Mrs. Clinton and her friends are now preparing the ground for a 2020 run, I suppose they though it made good optics, you know. A nice photo op.

 Not so long ago, an Obama-appointed judge threw a lawsuit out of court against Mrs. Clinton for willful negligence in the death of their sons by the Benghazi families. Judge Amy Berman Jackson set aside their claims that her use of an illegal private server to send confidential intel out unprotected helped cause the death of their sons. Not to mention ignoring repeated pleas for more security from Ambassador Stevens.

The judges verdict? That Mrs. Clinton's activities, even the clearly illegal ones were, and I quote "that Secretary Clinton was acting in the scope of her employment when she transmitted the emails that are alleged to give rise to her liability,”

And here you have these people marching and smiling in a Memorial Day Parade.

President, Barack Obama actually attempted to charge our wounded warriors for the medical care they were receiving for free via the VA. He also used the were the Obama Department of Justice to disenfranchise military votes overseas during the 2010 midterms.

And he further showed his feelings about the kind of people whom serve in our military by using dead military bodies being flown back to American soil as a political photo-op in defiance of Department of Defense regulations,the wishes of the families and simple common decency.

Yet in spite of all that, we still breed men here in America who answer the call of freedom. They understand something far more important than the contempt of the elites, and the smug platitudes uttered on this day. It is these men and women who define patriotism.

They knew that our beloved republic is worth fighting, and sometimes dying for. They put their lives on the line for our homeland. And they know how much many of us honor their bravery and sacrifice, even if it's s simple gesture like flowers on a grave. They showed up and gave their all. That's what we really honor on Memorial Day. And recent events may signify that we have indeed turned the corner as a nation, back towards the values we once held in common.

Those heroes, dead and alive will live forever in our hearts and always have our deepest gratitude and respect. The Chris Hayses, and their ilk never will.

I hardly respect such creatures as Americans.

Rob Miller


©2005-2021 by Rob Miller

please helps me write more gooder!