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Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act in 2020, provides California residents certain rights to opt-out of certain disclosures of personal information. If you are a resident of other states like Colorado and Virginia, you may also find this information helpful.

This article explains the choices and controls that you can access in connection with this site. We may update this article from time to time to reflect changes.

Choice and Control


We and our Service Providers use cookies and other technologies (such as web beacons), for various reasons. We want you to be informed about our use of these technologies, so this section explains the types of technologies we use, what they do and your choices regarding their use.

Cookies and similar technologies and web beacons

Cookies are small data files that are commonly stored on your device when you browse and use websites and online services. We may use other technologies such as browser storage and plugins (e.g. HTML5, IndexedDB and WebSQL). Like cookies, these other technologies may store small amounts of data on your device. Web beacons (also known as clear gifs or pixel tags) often work in conjunction with cookies. In many cases, declining cookies will impair the effectiveness of web beacons associated with such cookies.

Why does Netflix use these technologies?

We use these types of technologies for various reasons, like making it easy to access our services by remembering you when you return; to provide, analyze, understand and enhance our site; improve site performance, monitor visitor traffic and actions on our site; and to deliver and tailor our messages, and understand interactions with our messages (including emails, and recruiting posts on third party sites).

We may use these and various other technologies for similar purposes as cookies, such as to enforce our terms, prevent fraud, and analyze the use of our sites. There are a number of ways to exercise choice regarding these technologies. For example, many popular browsers provide the ability to clear browser storage, commonly in the settings or preferences area; see your browser's help function or support area to learn more. Other technologies may be cleared from within the application.

To help you better understand how we use cookies, please see the different types below:

  • Essential cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary to provide our website or online service. For example, we and our Service Providers may use these cookies to authenticate and identify visitors when they use our job sites and applications so we can provide our service to them. They also help us to enforce our terms, prevent fraud and maintain the security of our services.
  • Performance and functionality cookies: These cookies are not essential, but help us to personalize your interactions with our sites. For example, they help us to remember your preferences. We also use these cookies to collect information (such as click-through and other information) about our visitors' interactions with our sites so that we can enhance and personalize our website and service and conduct research. Deletion of these types of cookies may result in limited functionality of our tools.

How can I exercise choice regarding cookies?

For more information about cookies set through our sites, as well as other types of online tracking, and to exercise choices regarding them, .

Global Privacy Control (GPC)/ Universal Opt-out (California Only)

What is it? Under California law, there is an expectation that businesses respect opt-out signals received through a user selected web browser signal, such as Global Privacy Control (GPC) (see:, indicating their choice to opt out of the sale or sharing/targeted advertising of their personal information.

Recognizing a GPC Signal The platforms and methods for sending and interpreting a GPC Signal are not standardized and subject to continued evolution. We have implemented methods to recognize a GPC Signal on our sites and will continue to monitor their evolution.

Due to this evolution, we are responding only to GPC Signals from web browsers from California, to allow us to better understand the technical, business and operational impacts of the signal.

If you access a Netflix site through a web browser sending a recognized GPC Signal, we will opt you out of setting cookies used to support sale or sharing/behavioral advertising associated with that browser. If you access a Netflix site from a different browser or from the same browser on a different device, you will need to set a GPC signal from that browser to opt-out again.

Contacting Us

For questions specifically about this Privacy Statement, or our use of your personal information, cookies or similar technologies, please contact our Data Protection Officer/Privacy Office by email at [email protected].