UOS Women’s Megillah Reading continues with new generation

It was a morning to remember at United Orthodox Synagogue’s Women’s Megillah Reading. With more than 70 in attendance, the Purim ritual this year also was a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Women’s Megillah Reading.

The holiday began with heartfelt appreciation for Marisa Brown, the outgoing chair of the Megillah Reading program, whose leadership has inspired countless women and girls in the community.

Then came the highlight: A talented lineup of women brought the Megillah to life – from Esther to Ahashverosh, Haman to Zeresh, some of the readers even read with special theatrical voices.

Brown was joined by Rachel Cohen, Elyse Freed, Alessandra Falk, Sophie Lee Landau, Esty Shavitzky and Rachel Gladstein.

The last few verses were read by eight pre-Bat Mitzvah girls, each layning a few verses from Chapters 9 and 10.

It was truly inspiring to see the next generation stepping up to carry on the tradition.