Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

(including namespace)

Results for Template:Draft NBA 1982 (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 0

Total: 9
Craig Tucker (cestista) (create)
Draft NBA 1982 (edit)
Jimmy Black (create)
Mike Hackett (create)
Mike Largey (create)
Ricky Frazier (create)
Roylin Bond (create)
Tony Guy (create)
Tyrone Adams (create)

Complete transclusion and link overview
Transclusions of the templateLinks from the template

Total: 61
Dominique Wilkins (edit)
Corny Thompson (edit)
James Worthy (edit)
Ricky Pierce (edit)
Terry Cummings (edit)
Sleepy Floyd (edit)
Craig Hodges (edit)
Terry Teagle (edit)
J.J. Anderson (edit)
Charles Pittman (edit)
Audie Norris (edit)
Paul Pressey (edit)
Clark Kellogg (edit)
Quintin Dailey (edit)
Fat Lever (edit)
Cliff Levingston (edit)
David Thirdkill (edit)
Scott Hastings (cestista) (edit)
Trent Tucker (edit)
Chuck Nevitt (edit)
Bill Garnett (edit)
Mark McNamara (edit)
Oliver Robinson (edit)
Bryan Warrick (edit)
LaSalle Thompson (edit)
Wayne Sappleton (edit)
Derek Smith (edit)
Vince Taylor (cestista) (edit)
Linton Townes (edit)
Kevin Magee (edit)
Russ Schoene (edit)
Fred Roberts (edit)
Wallace Bryant (edit)
Jose Slaughter (edit)
Mike Gibson (cestista) (edit)
Jeff Taylor (cestista 1960) (edit)
Eddie Phillips (edit)
Darren Tillis (edit)
Rod Higgins (edit)
Richard Anderson (cestista 1960) (edit)
Keith Edmonson (edit)
John Bagley (edit)
Lester Conner (edit)
Brook Steppe (edit)
Rob Williams (edit)
Jerry Eaves (edit)
Jim Johnstone (edit)
Dale Solomon (edit)
Joe Kopicki (edit)
Chris Engler (edit)
Perry Moss (edit)
Willie Redden (edit)
Dan Caldwell (edit)
Steve Trumbo (edit)
Michael Wilson (cestista) (edit)
Hutch Jones (edit)
Dave Magley (edit)
John Greig (cestista) (edit)
Guy Morgan (edit)
Dwight Anderson (edit)
Phillip Lockett (edit)

Total: 70
Audie Norris (edit)
Bill Garnett (edit)
Brook Steppe (edit)
Bryan Warrick (edit)
Charles Pittman (edit)
Chris Engler (edit)
Chuck Nevitt (edit)
Clark Kellogg (edit)
Cliff Levingston (edit)
Corny Thompson (edit)
Craig Hodges (edit)
Craig Tucker (cestista) (create)
Dale Solomon (edit)
Dan Caldwell (edit)
Darren Tillis (edit)
Dave Magley (edit)
David Thirdkill (edit)
Derek Smith (edit)
Dominique Wilkins (edit)
Draft NBA 1982 (edit)
Dwight Anderson (edit)
Eddie Phillips (edit)
Fat Lever (edit)
Fred Roberts (edit)
Guy Morgan (edit)
Hutch Jones (edit)
J.J. Anderson (edit)
James Worthy (edit)
Jeff Taylor (cestista 1960) (edit)
Jerry Eaves (edit)
Jim Johnstone (edit)
Jimmy Black (create)
Joe Kopicki (edit)
John Bagley (edit)
John Greig (cestista) (edit)
Jose Slaughter (edit)
Keith Edmonson (edit)
Kevin Magee (edit)
LaSalle Thompson (edit)
Lester Conner (edit)
Linton Townes (edit)
Mark McNamara (edit)
Michael Wilson (cestista) (edit)
Mike Gibson (cestista) (edit)
Mike Hackett (create)
Mike Largey (create)
Oliver Robinson (edit)
Paul Pressey (edit)
Perry Moss (edit)
Phillip Lockett (edit)
Quintin Dailey (edit)
Richard Anderson (cestista 1960) (edit)
Ricky Frazier (create)
Ricky Pierce (edit)
Rob Williams (edit)
Rod Higgins (edit)
Roylin Bond (create)
Russ Schoene (edit)
Scott Hastings (cestista) (edit)
Sleepy Floyd (edit)
Steve Trumbo (edit)
Terry Cummings (edit)
Terry Teagle (edit)
Tony Guy (create)
Trent Tucker (edit)
Tyrone Adams (create)
Vince Taylor (cestista) (edit)
Wallace Bryant (edit)
Wayne Sappleton (edit)
Willie Redden (edit)

Generated: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 02:00:18 UTC. Duration: 1 second.

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