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A member registered Mar 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ofc! the only problems i had is that when it hits the game over screen, i have to restart the game entirely! like, closing it and reopening it. That and the character of which you need to exit the room, he still kills me despite leaving instantly!

What a great game :), if you'd like some voice acting for any future games with verbal dialogue, id be happy to participate, for free!

Howdy! if you'd like a (free) voice actor for any of your future games let me know! I'd love to lend a hand for any future verbal dialogue! :) I'll Let you know the socials if you're down!

if ya need a voice actor (for free): Lemme know ;) I'll let ya know the socials if you're down!

can't wait for that! 😉

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out now :) check it out!

Hey pal :) I played as requested via dm's! Great game! I'll be commenting again when it has released at 3pm EST Today! :) (i made a neat little offer in the video too! 🙂check it out when the video has released!)

hey bro! I truly hope you read this! If you ever implement verbal dialogue in your game, or games then I'd absolutely love to voice act for you!, for free too man, I don't mind it. Its been a little dream to voice act in a horror game, so i wouldn't mind one bit! Let me know!

sounds good, you can dm me on insta @Debitily if a spot becomes open! cheers 🫡

video is officially out! great game. apologies for my horrible reading at the start though 🙏

Hey man, Great game! unfortunately my recording went corrupt, so I couldn't upload the footage, but hey, if there's any upcoming games you're working on with some verbal dialogue, I'd love to voice act for you! For free as well, because I genuinely don't care to be paid for doing something so cool. Let me know! 

Sounds good, thanks for giving me a chance! I'll check once a day, if I don't answer, then I will have answered the next day. Until then, I'll be checking out your other games over time! If you want, we can go ahead and friend each other on insta, and leave it at that till you dm and let me know about it!

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Awesome! I've always wanted to do something like voice acting, and your game was actually really good! its the first one I've played so far, I'll definitely be checking out your other games! and I'd absolutely LOVE to voice act for you! but I can't promise it'll be amazing... I'll drop a few different dm'ing options for you to choose from! (not trying to promote my channel or anything to anyone, so I apologize if this looks like I am)

Instagram: Debitily -

YouTube: ZestyZoocumber -

gonna remove the discord one :], youre still welcome to contact me through it though if you ask!

That wraps up the options... I'm not really all in with a lotta platforms, but here's my tiktok as well: Debitily -

hey man! Absolutely loved the scenery here, the video will be posted today at 3pm est! and hey, if theres any slots open for some voice acting in your next game, lmk! I'd love to do so, for free as well! 

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 nice game, but whats with the red wall in the woods that crashes your game after you go near it?


great! maybe stop by the channel sometime and lemme know about any new game changing updates, yeah? have a good day!

Reposting my comment for a fresh slate, as I stated before, the game is pretty good, and its actually really creative in my opinion, though the only downside is that the monster bugged out and couldnt kill me. But... it gave me an advantage for having an insane up close screenshot for a top tier thumbnail! 😈

this looks like a walmart remake of blair witch... is it based off of it? 

4 gigabytes for a demo that doesnt go anywhere but the first area? went on it, was stuck in the first room you are in. literally doesnt continue after that.

Just played. video will be up sooner or later. channel name: ZestyZoocumber.

fun game, not scary at all but one problem it has is that the stairs were invisible for some reason, and has an invisible brick blocking me from getting to the second floor.