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A member registered Oct 27, 2023

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Very cool and unique horror game! I really enjoyed the nostalgia levels from that one old jumpscare video from YouTube. The horror game itself was very fun and unsettling overall. :))))))))

Very scary horror game! I enjoyed the suspense a lot and the scares. I unfortunately could only get two endings but thats properly because i'm bad at games. Overall very fun horror game! :)))))))))

Very fun dinosaur horror game! I got jump scared way too many times then i should. Only thing i would like to say is i got lost but i'm just generally bad at games. Very fun and unique dinosaur game cant wait to see more! :))))

extremely unsettling horror game I really enjoyed the suspense and build up from all the characters I've met along the way. The ending had my soul leave. :)))

I really enjoyed the suspense and the unsettlingness. Very fun short horror game :)))  

I was not expecting a encounter of a very recognizable clown very silly fun short horror game!

There is one jumpscare that truly caught me off guard and made my soul leave! very fun horror game :))))

I really enjoyed the story and the suspense throughout playing. It generally made me very anxious my heart stopped when I saw "it". Very fun horror game :))))))

My soul left me when I first seen the monster 💀 very fun and unique take on SCP-087! can not wait to see more! :)))

Truly unsettling! I've enjoyed the suspense, scares and the story very freaky and fun horror game! :))))

I've played this horror game a few months ago and the improvements are insane! I've only play for a short bit but still my soul still flew away! very fun and scary horror game :)))

I enjoyed the scares and suspense a lot while playing! I haven't got all the endings yet but will most likely will revisit this horror game to get them all. Very fun and unique horror game. :)))

My soul literally left my body! I enjoyed the suspense a lot. Very fun and short horror game :)))

Very unnerving horror game! It did took me awhile to figure out what I was meant to do for the second and third ending but overall did panic and got scared through out playing very fun game! :)))

Actually very unsettling although short I enjoyed the suspense a lot! very fun game :))))

A silly short and fun scary game! Who knew splendorman was chill :))))

Loved the overall vibe of the game and the uneasiness of it all really added to the creepiness and especially at the end. Overall very fun game!

I had so much fun playing. The overall vibe of the game was so uneasy. The suspense was great and the one jumpscare made me pass away! A very fun game :)))

I had a amazing fun time playing.The creature and sound effects got me so bad and even a few more times when I was playing! I really enjoyed the puzzle/secret endings! overall very fun and creative game :)))))

The sound effects and atmosphere truly got me. I was so uneasy throughout playing but had a amazing experience overall cant wait to see more stories in the future! :)))

I really enjoyed the hidden story and lore, truly very scary and uneasy. I can't wait to see more games in the future :))))

AMAZING GAME! I haven't completed the game yet, but I am planning too I truly can't wait to see more in the future and the potential of this game getting big is insane. I loved the soundtrack and cameos of other indie games ill update my review again once I complete it. Overall, an amazing game in the making. :)))))

Very scary. I got jumpscared more times than I should have but had so much fun playing I did try to find all the ending but unfortunately it seems like i'm just bad at games. Very fun horror game overall :)))) 

Truly scary and disturbing. I'd got jumpscared so bad, but you truly nailed the sound effects throughout the game. My anxiety levels just kept increasing, amazing experience overall!

This horror game actually made me flinch so hard while playing! It truly gave me old slender man vibes for some reason, but overall I love the jumpscare sequences and amazing horror game overall very uneasy. I made a lebron meme video inspired by the jumpscare sequence as well.

Inspired meme video : 

Very fun and funny, scary game. I really enjoyed the scares and the ending was the biggest twist in gaming history.

Terrifying and freaky. The sound effects got me so nervous throughout and I've flinched so hard with that one jumpscare. very fun game :)))

Just finished playing intruder and had a great time playing! The one jumpscare at the shopping place got me so bad. Overall very fun and anxiety inducing cant wait to see more :)))

Just finished playing Shreks hotel! I'd loved the goofiness. The scares have generally made me jump throughout the entire horror game. An the voices of the character really made me feel like I was in a dream don't know why but it added a weird scary feeling to the overall vibe of the game. I did get stuck at one part where I was trying to hide the painting but I'm just bad at playing games. I loved it and I can't wait to see more games in the future, going to play greks hotel next :)))

Very cool creapypasta game! I haven't heard of Laughing Jack but this is one of the most interesting and scary games of him. I loved the dream sequence and that one scare caught me of guard. The sound effect of him running was insane 💀 I can't wait to see more! Amazing game. :)))

I loved playing this game as the sound effects have made me loss it! Every time when the Tv glitches out the uneasiness grew I was generally surprise that I've kept playing it was truly scary! Amazing experience overall and can't wait to see more games in future! :)))

Very scary experience throughout and a very cool concept of the slide! It reminded me of the slide SCP but love the overall vibe and uneasiness through out. The scream whistle made my heart stop and rethink my life for a second while I was playing  💀  Very fun and amazing game! can't wait to see more :)))

I've just finished playing. I'd loved the entire concept of the game and the scares have made me jump so many times. I generally can not wait to see more as I had such a fun experience playing truly scary for me at least. Can't wait to see Luigi and excited for the future of this game :))))

very fun horror game! The ending i was not expecting but it was insane! amazing game :)))))

Very fun SCP game! i generally got so uneasy with the first encounter of SCP-XXXX. Even though it was short I loved every bit of the playthrough just wish there was more :))))))

I had such a fun time playing! I can't wait to see the final game. I generally loved the atmosphere and suspense and the interactions of the two characters. I do know that in the final game it may be very different but still can not wait to see more and the other SCP's. Very fun demo :))))

Very scary, freaky game! I really enjoyed the suspense and dread throughout playing! amazing game I will definitely get the full game very soon! :))))

Very fun and interesting game! I really enjoy the art style and the overall vibe very freaky :))))

I also unintentionally played for a very long period of time to get a very big high score.

Very interesting game! I can't wait to see more. I am currently playing it and only just started, but I'll update my review here the further I continue playing. So far, I love the art style and the overall vibe :)))

(This Post will be updated more in future)

Insanely scary! I had such a fun time playing. It generally made me stress and freak out throughout the entire game. It was so much fun though I can not wait to see more on what you guys have installed :))