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Used To Be A Gamer

A member registered Jan 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this short game, and I look forward to seeing the future of it. It had some quirks and I commented everything in the video. 

I've played both games and made videos. I love these games, and made videos for Halloween last year. I remember reading something last year where the plan was for a new game every October\Halloween. Is there a plan release this year?

It was a pretty decent game. Some underground guidance would be helpful, and please, for all that is good in this world, shorten the times it takes the elevator to go down. Overall it's a good game. I enjoyed the time I spent playing it, but I didn't finish it because of the extended elevator ride.

I really enjoyed this game. It was a little short and needs more story, but for a 15 year old game developer, it's really good. Got a follow from me. I look forward to your future games.

I LOVE the mix of elements in this game. The ambience and the VHS that keeps you returning to it really make it feel rushed in the best way! Keep creating! This is Awesome! 

Loved this game. Short but great. Very well put together, and very fun. I'd like to see more from this little universe. The little additions to the ambiance were perfect and perfectly placed. Loving your games. 

I'm using windows and for browser i'm using the app. 

The download starts then stops without downloading.

I had a great time with this game. Nice little twist at the end.

Loved this game and the story that it told. Looking forward to playing "Cohabitation" Soon.

This game has really good potential. I love the concept and designs. The mechanics of the game need a little work. After he gets you he stands there, and he guards the power box a little to closely. I'm looking forward to the updates!

Ah. Okay. Cool. I'm gonna play it now. The game page says wasd so it was a little confusing.

Wasd  doesn't seem to work. The arrow buttons do, but it's to hard to get to the other controls. It's also a little to dark. I only got to the sleep part before I had to give up. It look s like a great game and I look forward to playing it in the future.

You are free to comment how you feel on the primary post, however this comment is unnecessary as you are literally an internet nobody troll and your opinion means less that cat feces to me, and I do not even like felines.

I really enjoyed this game. Very well put together and I love that your size is an obstacle in the game.

This was amazingly put together. Looking forward to the sequal!

Good game. Maybe to much back and forth, but the jump scares were great! Worth it.

This game is amazing! Wish I Could have found the better ending. Great job!

An amazing Game! Great Story, and play through!

This game was amazing! The addition of the song on the TV just made it that much better! Great game, great ambiance.

This game was a blast! I loved the different endings, and the ambiance. 

Another great addition to the collection! I've played and loved both games so far and I'm already anxiously awaiting the next. Great Job and keep it up!

This game was far better than I had expected. The way everything changed and the overall atmosphere of the building was very well done.

This game was fun, and the graphics were amazing, especially looking out the window. The story was really good, but I wish it would have been a little deeper.

This game was well put together, and had all the elements of a great game. I can't believe there's people who live with this (I don't mean that in a bad way. That's a lot of strength in my opinion, even if they don't realize it).

I had a great time playing this game. I'm not sure what happened when I was worthy, but this was still really cool.

I love the concept and story of this game! I had a blast playing it.

I think I messed myself... Great Game!

The story was great and I love the ending!

Loved this game, and the story. Every twist and jump was worth it!

No problem at all. The game was amazing and had a complete story that's hard to find in a lot of small games.

I am looking forward to that. Merry Marras was still a great game, and I'm so glad you are continuing and expanding it!

I really enjoyed this game and the mix of different elements it contained. Great Job!

This game well put together, and the constant ambiance made it amazing!

This game was amazing to play. The atmosphere is perfect. Never could get a good ending though. Maybe I'll try again later, or perhaps I'm just not a good person after all. 

I enjoyed this game a lot. A few more jump scares and more chase scenes and it would have been near perfect!

No problem at all. I love the demo and I'm looking forward to the full release