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A member registered May 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your awesome feedback, I'm really glad that I was able to work with an amazing artist and and amazing sound designer!

It would also be great if you could rate this game; there was an antivirus issue at the start of the rating period which caused us to miss out on some of the most important rating days.

Thank you! I had originally planned for the sleep phase to have a whole other layer of gameplay, involving dream-creatures and mops, but unfortunately some unexpected issues occurred, and we ran out of time.

Thank you for your kind words and helpful feedback! I've updated the description to help explain how the sleep bar works.

Thank you, Derrick!

Sure! My discord is 8bit8ball.

Hey Clair! If you haven't found a team yet, it would be great if we could collaborate! I've added you on discord.

Battle of Battles is tremendously fun! I love the excellent gameplay and art. Well done!

Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks! I really like your game idea!

Thank you! I really like your game too!

Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!