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A member registered May 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Aye sorry bout that! x'S Here i thought the hidden rooms would give people more trouble, haha.

man what a cool aesthetic, putting this on the Halloween marathon for this year. will be back with a review then~

Heyo! Thanks for playing! :D

Gave it a little update, the data counter now should go to 200%. To enable completionists their endorphin fix, lol.

I'll still keep the ending as is, my artist heart will not allow me otherwise. I figured anyone who really wants to replay it would find a way, and well, here is proof. No mysteries left in the internet age. xD

Welp, i just checked the game's files and turns out i am an idiot, one of the relics was in the wrong spot. Gonna fix that and update the game's files asap.

Heyo, thanks for playing! x3 As for the relics, there's at least 1 on every screen, i can post a map/solution with the locations marked if ya like? There are also 3 hidden areas with 3 photos in them (one near the water plant, one where the big toothy mouthed plants are, and one near the arch). I figured finding every single relic would be tedious to most people, so i capped the counter at 10. xD And yeah, the ending is an intentional lock... The game was inspired by the likes of OFF and OneShot, i wanted to do something similar.

Thanks for playing! Yeah i wanted to keep the gameplay as simple as possible, since this is my first "real" game that i actually managed to finish and release. xD Originally there was going to be an upgrade system and shoot-em-up element (blocking bullets with your scanner), but it would have clashed with the meditative atmosphere anyway. So all that ambition got scrapped, and it became essentially a walking sim. Probably for the better, haha.

Excellent! Been looking for something like this~

This is exactly the horror fix i needed to put me in a Halloween mood. Great little game!


Just got done, and man this was really cool! The style, the atmosphere... extremely well done. And i think i feel at least 20 years younger from that message board conversation in the opening. Very accurate recreation how every single chat conversation i've had in ca. 2004 went lmao.

Is that... a Desperado reference? Ok gonna have to play this as soon as i got time lol.

Probably the best way to experience Lovecraft.

I'll give it another try today, let's see if I can make to the end this time. xD It's a cute game otherwise, really like the idea of the hovering mechanic.

(1 edit)

I must be the unluckiest person cuz I ran into 2 game breakings bugs in this... bug game. When I got on the lilypad on the puddle of water left of the hermit's house, I can't get back to land. Pressing right doesn't do anything, pressing up just does a little hop, no flight. Presuming it's because of the rain there. (Tried flying from the small ledge on the left but your bug automatically returns to the lilypad when falling in water so no dice either.) Restarted game, didn't mess with this puddle this time, then Lilypad worked fine on large body of water you gotta cross later. Managed to get to the part with the vine seeds and after plantig a few just fine, I suddenly can't plant any more? I tried it in many different spots on different screens. Bug plants seed, nothing grows. Probably gotta restart again...

This looks fffffffreaking adorable.
Will give it a try as soon as possible, watchlisted for now.