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Team Robo

A member registered Jan 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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She will certainly make an appearance, just not as a main character! 😊 Thanks for asking!

We can definitely see the resemblance 🤣

For sure!

Aa thank you so much for the kind words! We really appreciate it! We hope you enjoy the full game whenever it finally comes out!

(1 edit)

Darn! That's very strange, we'll have to look into this more. Thanks for getting back to us!

Thank you so much! We should clarify that if you played the legacy demo, we've taken quite a different approach to the full game — but we hope you enjoy it all the same!

Not yet! There's no concrete release date as of now, but we're aiming for August. Hopefully!


Aw we're happy to hear that, thank you! She will appear, but in what capacity or manner we won't spoil 🤭

Ooh, there is a lot of English in the game, but I hope you will be able to enjoy it regardless! Thank you~

Hello! Sorry about the trouble! This should be bypassed by following the steps under the Install Instructions above. Did you have a chance to try them? Thank you so much!

Thank you very much for the kind words ♥ We're especially glad to hear that the characters feel distinct and we hope you find their stories enjoyable!

it's a very fair and common misconception ^^ Thank you for your patience! 

thank you, that's so kind of you! 🥰

Ahh, thank you so much!💕

For saving: The legacy demo's save function is hidden away in the book in the top right corner of the screen (hover to show), though it only unlocks at a certain point. The prologue and full game's saving is a lot easier to access.

If you meant saving progress between the demos and the full game, they're completely disconnected, so nothing carries over.

Thank you again!

Probably a good idea — not only is it a cliffhanger, but it's one that won't be resolved in the full game due to major story changes.

Thank you so much, hope you end up liking it!

Pretty much! While the scenario will be different in the full game, that's all still correct :)

I see! It's been a while, but to me it seems like it wasn't installed correctly: all the files in the zip folder should be placed in the folder together.

It should look like the picture.

Hope that helps!

Sure thing~

Hello! B isn't trans, but is loosely inspired by the 'bifauxnen' character type. If you're referring to the legacy demo, any reference to B as "he" as a misconception on the other person's part (Hikaru's case comes to mind), but B usually doesn't mind. Officially, B goes by and is referred to as "she".

Thank you so much for the kind words! We plan to finish it sometime this year...

Hello! The prologue is fully kinetic, so no decision making. As for the full release, there isn't as much emphasis on traditional choice making as you'll find in many visual novels (not very many dialogue options), but there are "technically" choices in what you do with your free time and a few different endings. Thank you for your interest!

Thank you so much Miio! We really hope you end up enjoying the full game when it finally comes out! 💞

Thank you, hope you enjoy! 

Indeed, it's a result of having worked on the game for so long haha ^^; Glad you're enjoying the new style though!

(1 edit)

We're so glad you enjoyed the prologue caiovv! I have no idea how good an introduction to VNs our game would be, but we're  so honoured by your kind words, thank you! We really want to translate into other languages, Portuguese included, and we've always said that was in the plans (the way we've coded the game is at least catered to ease the process) but it really comes down to how much the initial release can offset the costs of what would probably be a pretty large translation job (of up to 200,000 words!). Another option is opting for fan translations (we've received a lot of offers), but we really don't know yet.

In other words, it's something we absolutely plan on investigating following the main release, and we'll keep everyone up to date on it! 💕 Appreciate your support!

Wow, that is a long time! We really appreciate your patience and hope that it's all worth it in the end. Thank you so much for these super kind words, we are honoured! TT

Sleepi, thank you so much for the lovely comment and support, it really goes a long way! We really hope this all ends up worth the long wait for you! 🥰💗

Sorry to say, but there are no dating sim elements in the game 😔 We are flattered that he holds that power over you though sjdfk

No problem, B's a girl! 

The demo is 4 years old and left up just for legacy's sake. It doesn't represent our current vision and is not at all canon anymore, but some people certainly find it more enjoyable than the prologue due to its emphasis on interactivity and visuals.

The prologue is usually recommended as it's canon and a lot more similar to the full game in style, making it a much better indicator of whether or not you'll enjoy the final product. 

That said, the full game will be sort of like a mixture of both.

Thank you!! 💕

😭thank you for your patieeence! we're aiming for March now, but you know us...

It certainly feels like it's taken forever 😂 Glad you liked it, thank you!

😅 Understandable...



Which version are you having trouble with, the demo or the prologue?

Searching it up, it seems that specific error message can be fixed by overriding malware protection, as in the install instructions above. We haven't heard anything about the game actually damaging any computers!

Hope this helps!

Thank you, we hope you end up liking it!

(1 edit)

Hello nico! I recognize you from your really supportive comments a long time ago, so it's nice to hear from you again! Thank you for playing and sharing your feedback, it's always welcome!

Actually, we've always wanted to properly address this. We've touched on it in a few places (Kickstarter and somewhat in Itch Dev Logs), but it's hard to reach our entire player base with this very important message. So, we're super glad you asked!

As the years have passed since our first demo, our vision has changed slowly but significantly. These changes came with changes in our own selves and tastes, and we know that with that, there will be a shift to parts of our original target audience inevitably.

We started this project not truly understanding what makes a visual novel a visual novel, and had the vaguest idea of our vision and story. We trusted in our mechanics and aesthetic over the story, not really being too versed in writing (we still aren't). I (alwayspolite) personally and naively believed we could surpass the entire medium of visual novels by relying on the freedom our game engine afforded us, and by making it as anime-like or comic-like as possible, using tons of little low-effort CGs (as if there weren't already games doing that!). Our initial mindset dunked on narration. And for a while, we stuck with it.

After several script drafts, we realized the story just wasn't working. So, we tried delving fully into the world of visual novels, consuming all sorts and genres — classic masterpieces, Japanese, English, indies with shoestring budgets, etc. and have come to understand what truly matters is, yep, the story aspect. Not only has doing that helped us with developing a proper story (as in, not just random events strung together), it made us, yeeees, come to love, and thus adopt that style of writing that more resembles a novel over a screenplay (sorry!) 

The dialogue tags are a side effect of my love for actual novels, so I also apologize for the redundancy that will spawn. I hope people can get used to it, but I understand the issue, for sure. Your comment is a good reminder to hold back on them when I can, so again, thank you! (they'll never be completely gone, though >:D)

So far, this probably sounds like a lot of negatives. Showing is a lot more popular than telling, which has negative connotations, and we get it — we've always loved shows and games that can tell their stories, character developments and the like through subtle quirks of expression and action. But, I've also come to appreciate the depths of emotion one can reach by having that window into a character's thoughts, the core of their being, without having only their actions to go by. There's no telling if we'll be effective at this; only time will tell...

All that said, we went in fully knowing the prologue would be completely different from the first demo, but also knowing that the full game would be sort of like a combination of both. Yes, it will be less about being B and more about learning about her, and the story structure has changed a lot, focusing more on the dark struggles and humanity of the characters and less on just relaxing with them (though we've tried to retain some of that). Rest assured, there are still remnants from the legacy demo, e.g., underlying stat mechanics, items, mini-games, etc, BUT they are far less center stage.

It's always been a concern that we're alienating players (especially any who weren't expecting to be doing so much reading!), and for that we'll always be sorry, but we can only hope that, while some are disappointed they aren't getting a straight extension of the legacy demo, that they will try and play through the game regardless. If not we can only try to be prepared for the backlash and take it with as much open-mindedness as possible.

Of course, we also want potential players to be fully aware of what they're getting into before they buy, which is why the first demo is now labeled Legacy. That might still be confusing, so I'll likely link to this explanation or paste it on the game's main pages... somehow.

Thank you again! We personally still feel we're making something unique, but just unique in a different way. Our vision has now solidified, which is good considering we're trying to release as soon as possible...! We completely understand if you end up opting out if the above sounds off-putting to you, but if you do give it a shot, I can only hope our vision will end up jiving with you to any extent after all!

edit: oof I could talk about this all day. if there are still any concerns to address, let us know! 

Also, so there's no confusion, the kickstarter has ended, so there's no need to worry about donating to it. But thank you so much for the kind thought 🥰

Great to hear!

Hello! That's strange... First, which software are you using to open the zip folder? Something along the lines of WinRAR or 7-Zip usually work.

Sorry for the late response!

You can generally play them in any order, but just know that the prologue is more accurate (writing wise) to the actual game ^^ 

The demo isn't necessary, but if you do want to try it you'll have to keep in mind that at this point it's not really connected to the full game in terms of story, and is extremely old art wise.
