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A member registered Sep 25, 2020

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I'm not gonna lie, this goober got me good. It's kinda wild how fast he actually goes throughout the building, caught me off guard lol. This game was a blast to play, I always love escape rooms. Great work!

I really thought I was safe for a second, until I saw the Clap Clap sign outside the house. This was an awesome game to play and terrifying as well. Don't know exactly why the monster has a fascination with rubber ducks though lol. Incredible game, keep up the amazing work.

Congrats dev, you have made fishing terrifying lol. This game was a lot of fun to play, and it's a shame my OBS crashed while recording. My first reaction to fishing up the stingray was gold. Loved the fishing mechanic as well, wasn't too difficult, but wasn't overly simple either. Amazing job!

I really loved playing this game. Especially loved all the different endings you could take, the car one made me laugh. Also loved a couple of the little easter eggs in the game. Amazing job!

This game was a lot of fun to play. Definitely made the store eerie to walk through when it was dark. Rip my boi Tim though, at least he died doing what he loved. Great work!

I really enjoyed this game a whole lot. I could also immediately tell that it was made by Capybaraforge. Jumpscares were also top notch, did not expect for them to hit as hard as they did. Great job dev, you have an incredibly unique style. 

I love PT style games so this was right up my alley. I wish I got to see more anomalies, but I figure there are more in the full version. Also can't believe I got jumpscared by a chair XD. Great game, awesome work!

This game was incredibly fun to play. I loved finding all the endings, each one being very unique. Last one took me a bit of time to find, but with a bit of exploring I eventually found it. Great game, keep up the awesome work.

This game was a experience for sure XD. I can't wait for the full game to come out and then I think the story will start to come together. This game definitely nails the eeriness aspect. Great work!

Recently made a video on solving Evil Chester's riddles. Had a lot of fun playing nightmare mode. Hope y'all enjoy my video.

I really enjoyed this game! Seems like it has some cool lore attached to it too. The eeriness of the game is incredible. Only thing I would possibly add would be a flashlight. Great work though, can't wait for the full release.
(1 edit)

This game was a blast to play through. I really enjoyed impersonating a cop and I genuinely was scared/creeped out at some points while playing. Only issue I came across was getting the car stuck off the road at one point, but that's probably from me being stupid lol. Amazing game, keep up the great work.

Another fun and wacky game from you. I loved playing this game, end cutscene was a bit long though. Also had fun finding all the posters. Front facing Brian is cursed lol. Great work!

This was a super fun game to play. Genuinely an interesting concept with collecting the burgers and the teleporter. Also had a blast running away from the the Jollibees. Great work!

I had a blast playing this game!! Unfortunately I was turned around for some of the jumpscares but the audio still got me. Also had fun exploring outside the laundromat for what it's worth. Made a video on your game, hope you enjoy. Keep up the great work!

Sounds like you got some good game lore lol. Always love your games, it’s a blast to play them anytime. Best to you!

Went back and read the creepypasta after playing the game and you did an amazing job adapting it. Game was definitely spooky and well made. Great work, I had a blast playing it!

This game was very interesting and honestly funny at some points. Amazing game as always. Question though, did Peter turn into the alien. Trying to figure out the lore lol. Keep up the awesome work!

This game's concept was awesome. You're a super creative dev, with amazing concepts for horror games. I loved your liminal space game and this game is also no exception. Can't wait to see what game you make next, you are one of my favorite devs.

I loved playing this game, I had a couple funny moments as well. Can’t wait for the full version to come out. Made a video about the demo over on my channel. Hope you enjoy 🤍.

This game was awesome just like your other games. Loved finding my boi Phillip skewered in the shelter. Definitely a fun video to record. Great job like always.

This was a super fun short horror game. Nothing better than being locked in a dank, dark basement. I love escape room games so this was really enjoyable to play. Great work!

I really enjoyed this game. I don't have claustrophobia myself, but I imagine for people who do this game is 10 times scarier. The only problem I had with the game is that sometimes you can't move all that well, but honestly I think that helps to add to the experience of the game. Makes you feel as though you are truly stuck in a cramped cave and need to shimmy your way out. All in all, this was a great little horror game to play. Keep up the great work!

OOOOH boy two of my favorite game concepts smooshed into one. Papers Please + Analog Horror, I’m sold. Made a quick little video on the game and I would love to make another episode. If you do watch my video, thank you very much and if you feel even more gracious a comment would be greatly appreciated. This was an amazing game well worth the price!

Yeah I noticed that while playing too. Idk if it was because I have two monitors, but the way I fixed it was by pressing the windows key and reselecting the game icon on my taskbar. Just had to do the phone thing again afterwards. Hope this helps.

So I accidentally misread atmospheric as aesthetic on the itch page, thought it was funny, and made that a bit during my video. My dyslexia apologizes 😂. On a more real note, the game was really well made. It definitely nailed that creepy, eerie vibe. Only problem I had was the combat system, idk if it's just too small of a window to stun them, or just a skill issue on my part. Regardless, keep up the awesome work!

This game was a serious fever dream! I may have spedrun the first level in the game by exploring the map too much, but I don't think it mattered all that much. Might honestly play the game again as I hear there is more than one ending a player can find. Incredible game, keep up the great work!

First and foremost I apologize as I recorded this game while I was sick, so I seem a bit off while recording. Regardless, this game was still beautifully eerie and creepy. Great work!
(3 edits)

This was an extremely fun game to play. Loved finding all the different endings, even if I had to wait a bit. Last ending took me a bit of searching to find, but it was worth it. 

This was a fun game to play. In addition I actually learned a little bit of Spanish, so double win there! Keep up the great work, had a blast playing.

Loved the game so much that I decided to play it again, but this time with higher stakes. I decided to wrap a shock collar around my arm and got shocked every time I got shot. Had a lot of fun ngl. Hope my video makes y’all laugh or smile.

I really loved this game and its premise. It’s been forever since I’ve played a dating game, but this didn’t really feel all that lewd which I liked. I managed to get up to a date with 92%. Great game keep up the amazing work!

Loved the game so much that I decided to play it again, but this time with higher stakes. I decided to wrap a shock collar around my arm and got shocked every time I got shot. Had a lot of fun ngl. Hope my video makes y’all laugh or smile.

For a SpongeBob horror game this game looks amazing. I had a blast blowing everything up and the storyline was kinda interesting. Honestly I wish the game was a little longer. Great work!

I have missed horror games like this! This game had me laughing so much, it was a lot of fun. Never had the chance to play the first game but I’m probably going to check it out. Great work, had a blast.

This game was a blast to play through, well done Lixian. I had a lot of fun making my own little headcannon about the monster living in the fridge. 

lol nice comment

Like a lot of people, came from the first game which was hilarious. And this game was just as good. Had a blast playing it. Hoping for a third one!

This game was a great psychological horror adventure. May have spent a BIT too much time on the cookie clicker-esque game though 😂. Wish I had talked to a couple more npcs during my video as well. This game definitely brought back memories of when I traveled by myself for the first time, and yeah, it's unnerving. Excellent work! 

This horror game was so much fun! Love the concept of playing a game inside a game. Jumpscare got me good as well. Great work!