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A member registered May 31, 2023

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I chose answers like i would realistically talk, and were voted out by all three.

Made me think, that i might actually be a human robot after all, how sad...

*sad_emoji* *sad_emoji* *crying_emoji*

>So you were a memetic hazard all along?
: No, i wouldn`t consider myself a hazard. I will not harm you
>How can you prove it?
: I cannot. Right now you are harming yourself with anxiety over this simple text game.

Now THIS is how Monika from DDLC should`ve played out. Absolutely love it and look forward to keep up with this "parasocial relationship" if you can call it that <3

instructions unclear: Insulted everyone and finished last

Finally - a game where i can powertrip and send thots to the orange site where they belong. Thanks fam

Is it even possible to squeeze at least one pound out of them? In place i live there is no community organisers and i have ZERO idea on how and what should i do here

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>Hold A to drift
>Look inside
>Hold SPACE to drift

9/10 Still better than "Heading out"

Thank you for making this comment, and helping me to decide if i should play the game or not

It was too abstract for me. I guess there is a deep meaning to it, i just missed it

Motivational poster

"MalOvent is an adult horror visual novel"
Yeah, it is. Please pay closer attention to games description next time

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Really? You could never?

So its "Fresh Start Cleaning Simulator" but with a furry character? 



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Чел, ты позоришь нас, русских извращенцев этим комментом. 💀
Хотя бы на английском пиши, для конспирации

The second i understood, that this game revolves around Ukraine, i just HAD to perform as worst as possible.

Its probably a good doctor simulator, i just cannot do it properly, since i do not want to feel like a traitor of my country. Sorry for being born in Russia, i guess

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The game REALLY doesn`t like telling you anything and then laughing at you when you smash your forehead against the rakes developer set up.
For the sake of "not ruining your experience" i will not spoil everything, but just a fair warning - dont bother playing on easy difficulty, and be prepared that the dev has set up a casual filter (and a resource drain) right before the boss battle (which you can beat first time only with Dream`s luck and faith in that so called "goddess")

If you got bored with World of horror and wanna try something similar, but slightly different, you might like this game, but i found it somewhat frustrating, and dropped it after the forementioned casual filter (skill issue)

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Artstyle is cool, song is catchy, despite being short and on loop and i am generally a sucker for Papers please type of games. Overall short but sweet, loved it.
I give 9 flowers out of whatever amount there were on the table at the "You died" table to that Bastet looking cat (Couldn`t fit more on there, unfortunately)

Most professional polish repair service:

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"For real? Wow, Turns out she isn`t always winning"

- THAT guy who was mad he couldn`t fight back in this game

Even though i never was in a relationship (besides parasocial ones) the test really did spilled out all the truth about me and my love style: "Sweet, but aloof". 

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"Wake the f up, samurai. We have a dragon to feed"

Also, i will miss the iconic "Victori" screen. I thought it was intended :(

What if i don`t own a shredder, and its difficult to acquire one (not to mention i find it a waste of money for a singular interactive game)?

Canonically, Gabby struggles with modern technology. Please cut her some slack

its a year of the dragon, lads...
You know what to do :)

Try lowering the difficulty to zero for a few seconds. Had the same issue and it un-stucked her for me 

Ah, yes, "Did i just fucked myself with my own deck?!": the game.
Most would say "10/10 would play again" but the thing is - i will not. Good luck with full release though

made me break my headset and start taking my anxiolytics again

ikr? so much money for such small content, and there is not even a demo to see where you throw 20$ at. While i have nothing against (sane) dog people, maybe, just maybe, price is a bit too high?

poco? You mean that phone from the memes, where it explodes? Yikes

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Great game. As i can see all the budget went on a dragon, amirite? 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Though i encountered a bug - after i stuffed her completely and (E)nteraction button appeared i waited for a bit (y`now, to admire my hard work) and after about 5-10 seconds SHE GETS UP and destroys the house. I couldn`t do anything because 1. She is technically defeated and 2. Her leg and head textures were missing.

I am not sure if its a game bug, or it is relating to my PC. Anyways, let me know if it is fixed, and once again - thanks for a surprisingly good fetish game 

Edit: forgot to mention: this is a bug for 0.2 downloadable one

Man, he looks weak. We are prolly playing as a girl, since getting kidnapped by this lanky weak-ass herbivore, who is trying to play a moralist is not possible for a guy.

He probably tied up the rope so weakly, that you can break out of it faster, than he`d reach you with his butter knife...

Okay, i am done venting. Remember - simping for killers is unhealthy

Simply put: i loved the approach this game took. It has both the sex scenes galore, a lot of customisation via cheat mode, and it allows you to be a pure boy/girl/being and avoid sex altogether, rewarding you with some wholesome endings and comical situations.

Though i found the presented options for creatures to be quite limited, and its cumbersome to change the settings if you want to (a selection window would be nice, instead of having to click through everything)

So basically, this is "Free cities" but with fewer economical content and more humor. 

Amazing. 9/10

Thank you!

Sure! I tried launching it at a Laptop with Windows 10 22H2 64bits. CPU - AMD A10-9620P RADEON R5, 10 COMPUTE CORES 4C+6G   2.50 GHz and 6 GB of RAM.

Takes alot of time to load. Not only that but my character is a terrible driver and always crashes his car into a tree during the beginning cutscene, essentially softlocking me from actually playing it.

10/10 mad skillz

So i open the tutorial, right? And every time i open the case file, it just shows random pictures that does not make any sense. Most of them arent even on the board. And when i try to build any connection, the game calls me a dumbass and says that i should quit this job. Well excuse me, instructions are cryptic and not clear. Either expand the tutorial or simplify everything. Otherwise i dont know who this game oriented for