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A member registered Mar 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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A lovely and soft little game! I really feel like the utilization of rain made the game feel a lot more alive than it might have without, and it did a great job of setting the scene and softening everything. It felt very real. :)

The illustration is great and I enjoy the plot a lot! The environment and sound design are great. I wasn't expecting to get the true end so soon, but I did quite like it! This is the kind of creepy, keep me up at night horror I love the most. <3

The sequence of events did not really make sense to me - we are going into the forest to find our daughter, then suddenly have her body? Hmm. I like the idea of the future game, and the cop/station sequence was great. I think a more refined play area and more focused story would be really good to tie the story up!

There is nothing bad about the game. I am so intrigued by the characters, in love with the world building, and desperate to play around more with the flower arraigning. I am desperate for more, but so happy with what we get. Thank you for this story. <3

I love the tiger, especially at the end HAHA. This is such an incredible improvement from your previous game it's hard to believe it's by the same devs! I really enjoy the storytelling. The environment is super warm and pretty, I would camp there irl.. or maybe not.

I really enjoyed this experience, short and sweet! The entity present here and the more poetic lines about the way it looks, the way it behaves, its reason for getting involved with our doctor was very cool. My favorite part was the body on the table slowly changing, looked great!

A bug happened that crashed my game when I entered the wall and moved forward, clicking the puzzle and solving it before the shadow had fully settled into place on the left side. Seemed like the game didn't know what to do as the animation hadn't finished yet. I was able to get it to happen a couple times going through that sequence before the shadow settled, so fingers crossed it's easy to fix.

Oh my gosh this is great news! Exciting!

Both zones definitely have bugged for me, even upon replaying/restarting a couple times. I have restarted 4 times and each time one of them bugs. 

For me it's upon leaving and going back to the campground, you're not able to move outside of an invisible walled-in zone that reads 'enter x zone'

I was not expecting the secret ending at all! Overall I really enjoy this experience, it feels super spooky delving into the world through the little camera window, the entire dynamic with the camera was great! (trying not to spoil anything, ahh!) I'm quite interested in this other world, the 'other ones', and wish we had a little more about it. As-is the world feels very mysterious!

I believe in you! Even if you stopped working on this today, it's still an engaging and interesting experience with a lot of heart. :) I can't wait to see what's net, both for Lord of Doors and your future comments!

One of the better games I've played this year. I love the voice acting, the visuals are great, and it is a very unique concept for a game. I really enjoyed being able to basically Ace Attorney it - find clues to break dialogue loops and proceed to the next section. I would love to see more games like this, that take that gameplay style and expand out the narrative more in the horror realm. It really lets me feel like my brain is working to figure out what's going on and I get such a rush of dopamine when I figure it out!

I would literally never go fishing if it was like this. :) I would just stay cozy in my own little home. That said! This was such an interesting experience. The fish look great, I REALLY liked the UI for the fishing meter, and the ending was simple but effective. I maybe would have put the poem as the opening of the game, instead of the closer, to allow the players to have a sense of forlorn wash over them while they play.

Interesting game, I feel the puzzles in this one are much stronger than the camp game from you I played previously. Because this game was quite a bit faster paced with the plot, and didn't let us take a lot of time to become immersed in the story characters and their feelings, it didn't hit as hard I think. Overall I enjoyed the scares and set design!

For someone who is really bad at games in this style, the game is currently very accessible! Ammo was reasonable, I love the huge variations in weapons that we get to play with as we run along the first few levels. I enjoy the environments as well! I think perhaps a little more variation in what decorations are in each area and some work on the enemy AI are the only things I would want to see improved compared to where the game is currently. I am REALLY into the notes and story!

I'm so upset this game isn't longer, I love the visuals, love the setting, and really like the overall atmosphere and feeling. I am taken back to playing Silent Hill and Haunting Grounds in just a few short minutes. I would love more! Exploring the grounds, finding out what exactly is behind the sister's back.. teeehee. Thank you for this experience!

I enjoyed this! Unfortunately the coolest, most interesting part was primarily off screen/hidden (lore content about the family) until the end. I think I would have liked some flashbacks/earlier sequences in the loops that we slowly unveil the full meaning of as we play (trying not to spoil anything). As-is, I like the idea a lot! I'm def interested in the next installment! :)

I have played a lot of games on this map, but this is the best so far. The last half of the game was very tense and music choice was great! I could feel my heartrate skyrocketing walking from one dark room to the next, trying to get the lights on. I was not expecting the duckies. :p Very fun! 

I look forward where the game goes next; I'd like to see a deeper exploration of the hellraiser-esque entities, and perhaps more focus on different endings that relate tot he wife directly (perhaps her actions, her responses to things we choose to do for her), and more exploration of moral grey zones in our effort to save our wife. I think if the game stays where it currently is, the only things I would want improved are the grammatical issues - there are quite a few typos, and using a word more than once in each sentence is a bit distracting and breaks the flow of otherwise well written lines. Art is great ofc!

What a fun student project! I quite like the set design and the monster is interesting. I feel the notes let us build up an idea that the mother is a fill in for the creature, adding some themes of psychological horror into a harrowing tale of child kidnapping and abuse. The scares and sequences felt nice to play through. I quite enjoyed it! I hope to see more from the team!

Oohh exciting to see this update from you, cannot wait to see the changes in action!

Very excited for your new game! I loved Opia very much, everything about it is so so lovely. :)

Super fond of this title - the dialogue is just right, the visual design is stunning. I'm very fond of the idea of organisms that can take over and so rapidly modify a body like this - it is a concept of deep, existential anxiety and dread for me. Really fun to play! The body horror reminds me (in a super departed and not intended as comparison way) of a favorite, Sanitarium. I feel so much dread and disgust/fascination it's hard to put into words. :) Thank you for this experience!

Thank you for the sale on your games, I've been slowly playing through them! I really enjoyed the overall atmosphere for this game, and so far in playing through your catalogue, '58 has a very strong narrative/story that I feel comes together very well. I am SUPER hopeful we will get a continuation of the plot, if there isn't one already!

I can definitely see horror movie inspo, I think my favorite part has to be the voice acting. Some of the cinematic shots (such as through the window, or the tree/masked robe and end sequence) are very fun!

 Although short, I really believe the game is on par with creations like Amnesia and Layers of fear if we shrink down the scope of those titles to match what we see here. I'm in love. The game has a beautiful atmosphere, and there is so much depth and character to the environments. The children are interesting, and there is a lot of creativity and realism in both the models for environment and people. I liked seeing the dev portrait at the end. :) Very fun.

I would love to see more from the team - for a student project this is amazing, perhaps the best I have ever played on Itch.

I enjoyed the overall setting, atmosphere, and look. I found the creature AI super buggy at times, would often get stuck on boxes or the walls in certain rooms on the second area (keypad entry). Def interested in what you do next. :)

I really enjoyed the visuals, and the different POV while playing; it reminds me of a few of my favorite horror games while keeping a unique vibe.

I wish a little more was done with the visual novel elements - it feels a little disjointed at the moment. Perhaps utilizing the silhouettes more while reading the notes (to help visualize the scenes?) would help make it feel more unified. The enemy AI was really frustrating, but I'm glad I managed to get through the game - I really enjoyed that there are multiple endings, though the one w/o the gun felt a little sudden after the ending sequence. I'm looking forward to more games!

Beautiful concept art, I love these pieces very much! Thank you for sharing some of it here with us so we can adore the eye candy! 

Interesting concept for a game! I like the idea of the gameplay mechanics and I quite enjoy the idea of using this style of card battling to romance someone. I think the game has a lot of potential, and I speak about it more towards the end of my video, but I think this concept can be expanded by building a slew of characters to "romance", and then building out how the player convinces them to date/etc them (or continue talking to them; whatever!).

I would personally start the game a week before prom and, over the course of that week at school or perhaps after-school events, introduce the card game and a series of challenges (perhaps our character meets everyone and we decide at the end who we take to prom, based on who we won against, or maybe we battle the characters we choose multiple times and 'earn the right' to take them to prom - it can happen many ways).

The end goal doesn't necessarily have to be dating them or taking them to prom either, but to build up the overall battling feeling and feeling triumphant, I think it's important not to just throw us at characters to fight; it should feel like you are building to something vs. just doing random battles - imo. The game is only super fun if you are going to get a great reward for doing it.

I might start fleshing the game out like this;

Overall concept - what happens, when, where, why? So this could be "Main character has a week to work up the nerve to ask someone out to prom.. time to rely on the heart of the cards and learn how to socialize! If successful, MC gets to take their dream date to prom!"

1: decide if MC is masculine, or (preferably) make them gender neutral - really solidify the training for card game and how to play it

2: build out characters to romance/date/fight (who are they, what motivates them, what are their personality tropes/archetypes, what do they look like, how do they talk to friends, how do they talk to strangers, how are they known at school?)

3: build out how those characters battles would go; hopefully they would not all be the same (color, symbols, lines of dialogue; make them personal and interesting, make us care about them)

4: build out how you meet and the final sequence with those characters (if the game is over the course of one week, are we choosing who we interact with every day? that's six days + prom to decide dialogue for -- are we only meeting them once on the night of prom? maybe they are having a fight, or situation that we help them solve through card battling? maybe they are just there and we charm them because they don't have a date)

I think this is really the basis of what you need to create a game on a large or small scale. From there you could really decide what more you want to do - unique cards from fighting other characters? A stat system which increases elements of your personality, which helps you secure the person you want to take to prom? Silly moments in the gameplay that happen based on your choices as you go through it in a visual novel style?

The game could be really small in scale, have 3 characters you talk to/fight/ask out, or  it could be larger -- whatever the development team has the capacity to do.

I just feel there is a lot of potential here!

Compared to the creepypasta, this is a better experience. I enjoy the pacing and the overall tone. I feel like where the game falls short, is entirely due to the poor writing of the creepypasta itself - so I would love to see original concepts from you! I like the voice acting too!! :)

I'm patiently waiting for your next game!! 🥰

I really like this game, I would love to play another that is fairly similar - but from the perspective of the demon agent who gets into trouble and is writing the blog?! I feel like that could a longer, funny/interesting experience. The art is very cute and I love the humor/tone. :)

Quite liked the gameplay loop - the aesthetics from hue/saturation/texture was great! The story itself is super interesting. I think my favorite sequences were dreaming/with the mother, her dialogue feels very purposeful and interesting when layered on top of such a gross/icky world.

Thank you for the translation! I quite like the game overall; the different endings are very interesting and the true end especially so; I like seeing the build up of Jack's personality and implications of what drove him to the emotional/mental state he ends up in while at this cabin. The English translation needs a little work as it feels a bit jarring at times, but overall I liked your writing style and cadence a lot - especially as the action amps up with the rabbit mask ending, stabbing ending, etc!

Are you interested in making other games featuring Jack, perhaps before this game takes place? Or other games? I'm interested in what you do enxt!!

I love this one like all your games so far - the art is SO cute! Are the characters also featured in your other games? I feel like they are at least a little familiar. I love the spooky stuff in this one a lot - the eye creature and little centipede bug skull omg! Thank you for the game!

I really enjoyed the game. The writing is lovely, the characters feel very alive, I am SO invested in each one's relationship with one another, the office work, Nina's personal life. I would love more, and I hope to one day get it!

The way that feelings and entities are handled here is very unique - it's one of my favorite concepts in both mythology and horror (that emotions, events, what we take away from them and how we simmer with them over time can have a life of its own, to summarize). The art is gorgeous, and I love the little investigation sequences where you can look at different items around the home.

The multiple endings, including the true end, all felt very purposeful and important - each one just furthers Hugo's ties to the world, to his own 'curse', to the other characters.

A lot is said in 13k words - no small feat! Thank you SO much for this game!! I cannot wait for more!

I'm liking the new cats and the timer(s) and point feature!! Thank you for the update!

Not a bad experience overall, I feel like the scares are a bit minimal for how intense/creepy the vibe is supposed to be. I generally liked the notes, though I wish they had built on that horror a bit more too. I like the idea/lure for being in the house.

I feel like this game is an interesting proof of concept; you have various levels, items, ways to use the call/summon feature. I think if you wanted this could be quite an interesting, longer puzzle experience - maybe going from where you are now as the game ends to outside and then more exploratory, or just similar to portal with long winding trials to get through and getting out is the end.. as it is, it's an interesting concept and I like the way it plays!

I'm so excited!!!