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A member registered Sep 15, 2020

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No, no mazes and no multiple screen setup. The logs are 15 to 31 mb so I'm not sure how to send them.

I think my PC might just be too old for Godot games, which is unfortunate as there keeps coming more of them. I tried switching drivers which has worked on some games and instead of the above bug it outright told me the opengl versions weren't supported. 

Curiously has the same sound-only gray window when play the downloadable version, but the online version does show proper visuals, but its unplayably slow.

Anyways, nevermind, I think it would be a waste of time to dig into this. Thanks for the reply though!

Opens a gray and white window, then becomes all white and borderless. Cursor appears as grey circle and sea sounds play, but no music. :(

Have you erased the blackboard?

I'm not sure how the hint system works. It skips the intro phrase, but it seems to do nothing in the levels. The lightbulb always turns green. In any case, you have to start with the houseplant.

Nice :D Reminds me of "Vignettes" and "Islands: Non-Places", and also of an old obscure game called "Projective" (

It says there are 19 levels, but there are currently 24, two of which were added after Icely 4-months-old video, so this game is still being worked on. Perhaps the description should be updated. 

I have found a couple bugs. In one early level (8? I forget which), one of the walls became white before anything was absorbed into it, but I couldn't reproduce it. In level 20 (the gardening shed), it is possible to absorb the shears before the lawnmower is gone.

Also, could you please make the game downloadable again?

(2 edits)

I have cleared the game, but there seems to be a few loose ends, so I'll ask about them here.

1) I have never found the room with the "8" or "infinity" symbol. It seems to be on the other side of the "E" room, but I couldn't find anything. Can it be reached? 

2) At the end of the infinite maze room, the display showed the "E" with the maze room's symbol and the "four squares" symbol underneath.  What was that hint for?

3) In the "H" (?) room (the part which you first warp into), there's a picture of the "4" and "four squares" symbols. Is this only a hint to the location of the "four squares" switch, or is there more to it?

4) In the "4" room, there's a doorway with "four squares" next to it. Is it possible to go through it?

5) Sometimes, an icon made of several circles appeared right in the middle-bottom of the screen. At first there were 3 or 4, but by the end there were 7 circles. What is it that triggers this, and what causes more circles to appear?

6) In the "L6" room, there's a door beyond the bridge. From what I could gather, there is indeed something beyond it, but the hint I found doesn't correspond to the current puzzle. Could you provide a new hint?

Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure how to hint at this, so here are the steps:

1: cynpr bar bs gur oybpxf ng gur yrsg rqtr bs gur jnyy

2: cynpr gur bgure oybpx arkg gb vg

3: fgrc ba gur ybjre k ohggba, fb bar bs gur oybpxf jnecf nobir lbh

4: chfu vg bhg naq cynpr vg fbzrjurer bcra

5: chfu gur bgure oybpx bagb gur ybjre k ohggba, lbh fubhyq jnec gb bcra fcnpr

6: chfu gur serr oybpx bagb gur hccre k ohggba, lbh pna abj serr obgu oybpxf.

Did you znantr gb trg obgu znpuvarf njnl sebz gur fbhgu jnyy?

If so, then gur obhyqre znl or bs hfr.

(1 edit)

Solved it! I guess my previous solution was the cheese? Regardless, I still feel that it should have been valid, as there's no in-game reason for it not to be (perhaps you could add a message to show that it is intended not to work?), which kinda breaks the player's trust. The intended solution was more satisfying than mine though, so this makes up for that :D

That aside, this was great!

I think I'm faced with a bug.


Gelvat gb trg gur tbyq oybpx gb gur rkvg, V oebhtug na "y" oybpx gb gur ynfg ebbz hfvat gur gjva fjnccvat oybpxf naq frg hc gur "k" oybpxf va fhpu n jnl gung, jura gur fjnccref cerffrq gur ybar k ohggba, gur k oybpxf jbhyq qhzc n obhyqre ba na y ohggba, juvpu jbhyq fjnc fnvq obhyqre jvgu gur tbyq oybpx, nyybjvat zr gb fgber vg naq riraghnyyl fcvg vg onpx bhg ng gur rkvg nsgre univat hfrq gur fjnccref gb zbir gur y oybpx gurer, va gung pbairavrag abbx.

Ceboyrz: gur y oybpx jba'g jnec gur tbyq oybpx. V unir grfgrq zl cyna hfvat gur "qbg" oybpx naq vg jbexrq nf rkcrpgrq. Obgu gur qbg oybpx naq gur fjnccref ner noyr gb jnec gur tbyq oybpx, fb V qba'g frr jul gur y oybpx fubhyqa'g jbex gbb. Fb, V oryvrir guvf vf n oht.

Chrome 108.0.5359.125/Windows 7

I wasn't too big! Excellent! I have a soft spot for games with *that* kind of twist.

(1 edit)

I think it's bugged. I can only move once in either direction, then nothing does anything, except z :/ 

I found a way past the bug: This works as intended for some reason.

Getting the gem past the L corridor was pretty hard.

Final move was sweet!

Is there a way to get the shoes without stealing them ? I tried to wait until the seller returned (after activating the god maskine) to get the shoes, but he didn't, and I'm not sure he will ever "return" now. Is this a bug ?

(1 edit)

So here's how far I got now (in rot13):

V unir sbhaq 5 raqvatf: gur abezny naq shyy inevnagf bs fgnlvat naq yrnivat, cyhf gur sevraqyrff raqvat. Zbfg vzcbegnagyl, V sbhaq gur freire ebbz va gur onfrzrag (!!!), ohg V unir ab vqrn jung gb fnl gb gur tvey ningne. V unir gevrq: hfvat zl vatnzr anzr (ENG), gur ohvyqre/vairagbe/qernzre, "natyresvfu" naq "ab natyresvfu".

I have no idea where to look, so I need a hint!

I'd prefer to avoid using discord, as I'm not sure when it will require phone verification, which I'm not giving. I'm basically saving my account for when there's no other choice.

Also, I have tried without the flowers. LOL.

Now I'm scared of what'll happen if I haven't brought the flower first...

BRUUUH. Don't do this to me, man! I'm too old for this crap! This game is too much, I expected it to toy with my brain, not with my heart! (I also got caught in the clone maze, so I should've seen that coming, but you *really* got me there.) Madlad.

(3 edits)

I have found a very bad softlock. I got caught wearing stolen shoes, then thrown into the house with the tall hair person, and then it goes:

"10 shame for stealing those shoes! 20 if you hadn't given me that flower, you'd be in big trouble. 30 but since you're my friend, I will just cause you mild inconvenience. 40 goto 10"

Over and over. Can I save my save or is it wasted ? 

J'ai refait le jeu, et j'ai obtenu un code pour les "artworks", mais où faut-il entrer ce code ?

C'est le "bac+2" vous voulez dire ? Parce qu'il était déjà là dans l'ancienne version. Histoire que mon commentaire ne serve pas complètement à rien, j'en profite pour faire la pub de La-Mulana et d'Aggelos (fait par un Français!), au cas où ça interresserait.

En effet, le gros bug du "pain" à disparu, mais il reste possible activer ce succès même après qu'il ait été activé (pas grave). Je n'avais même pas remarqué que la boue faisait des dégâts! La boite, c'est celle à l'entrée du couloir menant à la salle de bain: elle ne semble servir à rien de précis (je suis resté 10 minutes à tester des trucs avec, j'étais sûr que c'était un secret lol). 

Quand aux ennemis, vous avez eu raison de préférer le reste. La plupart des niveaux de Gunstar Heroes sont ultra basiques, et la variété des ennemis est quasi nulle: ce sont les boss qui font le jeu. Ici, les boss ne sont pas aussi énormes que dans GH, mais les niveaux sont bien meilleurs, ça équilibre! (et puis c'est gratuit!)

J'ai vu dans le changelog qu'il y avait un nouveau succès, mais j'en compte toujours 29. J'ai même passé le boss rush sans mourir, au cas où. Est-ce un bug ?

J'ai trouvé un bug. Lorsque j'active le succès "on ne mange pas de ce pain là", tous les succès déjà activés sont remis à zéro, puis les succès "explorateur", "mélomane" et "chef d'orchestre" s'activent successivement. Heureusement, j'ai pu rétablir ma sauvegarde. Il y aussi quelques problèmes de ralentissement, mais ça se résout en redémarrant le jeu. Le succès "maître du temps" a une faute d'orthographe (?) bizarre: "Chron1410o."

Sinon, je me suis bien amusé! Je ne crois pas avoir capté toutes les références, mais j'en quand-même vu pas mal. Les niveaux étaient intéressants et bien coriaces (je ne détaille pas, pour ne spoiler personne), j'ai hâte de voir Hooper rager au niveau 14! Les boss étaient tous bons, quelquefois même très bons, avec des patterns à trouver. Le seul que je n'ai pas aimé, c'est la "tête laser" du boss du niveau 6: toucher une fois puis attendre 10 secondes pour qu'il soit vulnérable, c'est pas mon truc. Je connaissais déjà les remix de Shimoine, c'est une valeur sure! Le seul vrai point faible du jeu à mon avis, c'est le gros manque de variété des ennemis: je crois que même le 1er Castlevania de la NES en avait plus, et il était bien plus court que ce jeu! 

Quelques questions. Je ne comprend pas à quoi sert la boite en haut à gauche de la 1ère salle du niveau 2. Toujours dans le niveau 2, il y a pas mal d'espèces de boules avec une étoile dessus, j'ai atteint 101% mais je n'ai trouvé quand à leur fonction. Je ne vois pas non plus à quoi pourrait servir l'étoile dans le niveau 3, vu l'absence d'enemis. Je ne sais pas quoi faire du code qui vient quand on débloque l'éditeur.

(3 edits)

Is there a community for this? A discord? I think I have solved the first 20 puzzles (was utterly stuck for days, then solved all 20 in a day), but the stuff afterwards is something else. It even seems there are way more than 5 puzzles (or words) left. Most of all, it is the hardest to see which clues and elements pertain to which puzzle. I am in need of hints LOL.

This is excellent! Especially the way every piece has a special role to play, and the unique way the snake piece works. It's very "flavory" in a way, and the challenge is a welcome spice. I noped away from the harder version though LOL.


Find where each piece must go.
Use snake to move pieces.
Use square to correct parity if needed.
Use long piece to help finish.
Find which piece can help with placing the snake.

What is the music that plays in the elevator? The one with violin and flute. Also, what is the credits music?

The switch doesn't show up for me, only a blank background.

Excellent! It just kept getting better.

Thanks! It works great :D

Since Flash has passed on, games like this are slowly pushing to a new online game golden age. Thanks! :D

A small criticism: the "toggle" version of grabbing keeps on "toggling" if you hold down the button, instantly grabbing and letting go, but I expected it to only toggle AFTER unpressing the button and THEN pressing it again. I think you should make it so, if that's ok.