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A member registered Oct 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool game with some nice animation flourishes, trippy mood and decent puzzles. Unfortunately got stuck at the phone so I never saw the ending :(

What is SHIFT8? You are playing with a keyboard, right?

Thanks for playing :) You got the intended ending. The 'endless mode' is part of the narrative.

there will be. update in 2023 will complete the story. watch this space

First game to make me smile uncontrollably in a long time. This took me back some years! Took me way too long to figure out the second 'level' though :)

a downloadable version will be included with the next major update - watch this space

Oh, that door. Have you seen the sign on the wall that mentions a hidden room under the stairs? 

a hint: the note in the room opposite the escape pod room mentions a blocked passage opposite a vending machine. It may not be blocked any longer. Perhaps you should look for a vending machine…

Sure - fairly simple - this effect can be achieved by setting the camera output to a low resolution render texture, then displaying that texture using a canvas image that has been upscaled to screen size.

I could help with this. Feel free to check out the games on my page, all of which I created the music/sound fx for.

my twitter account is linked on my profile, you can DM me on there.

I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for pointing this out - what a weird bug. I'll take a look at that.

Hey thanks for the kind words. Noted: i'll look at adding an option for adjusting the controls.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sure, I'm happy to hear any comments.

Weird one. Couldn't recreate the issue, but I moved a few things around in the hope it would alleviate the issue and updated the file. I'll see if anyone else reports it. Sorry about that!

Thanks so much! Yeah, sounds like a bug… can you tell me what was in the room? I can take a look at fixing that.

looks, plays and sounds great. i died a few times by misjudging the edges, as others have mentioned, but that's a pretty minor point. fantastic work!

I've played a few platformers for this jam, and this is one of the better ones. The jump felt natural and the visuals were crisp. I like how you can figure out that there's a platform just out of sight by spotting the top of a mushroom. good job.

pretty basic, but that allows you to get straight into the action.  Nice work with the particles effects. Perhaps a slight background animation might be interesting. Good job!

Simple to understand, easy to play. Like another user, I thought that if the scythe behaved like a boomerang that might be more fun - also if you could collect hearts with it. And, correct me if i'm wrong, but you say you require health to throw scythes, but you require health to do anything/keep playing - so it's just a regular game over, right? Anyway, it's a fun little game :)

Pretty impressive! I too have thought about doing a game like this but these deckbuilders are probably a LOT more complicated to concieve than they appear. I played for a while, and I imagine having a familarity with Slay The Spire helped me to understand from the outset. Great work for such a short timescale.

nice work, and bonus points for taking the time to include a tutorial. I like the lighting as a mechanic - plus the hard shadows add a nice bit of atmosphere

good atmosphere, lovely visuals. can't fault it!

loved the boomerang, i used it a lot. the sound fx work really well. fun game, good work.

this is really helpful feedback, so thanks for that and thanks for playing :)

nice vibe, nice mechanic - couple of bugs, but for a first game jam this is great. I didn't get too far into the game cause I suck at platforming, but i think you could zoom the whole thing in and have it sidescroll for a more immersive experience. good work!

i like this - i'd have expected a limitation on how many bodies you can pile up, but i'm glad there wasn't because it's a really fun mechanic to play with! I suppose what would make more sense is a bonus for completing with minimal deaths. I got the 'stuck in the top left' bug too, but I played enough to know this is a quality idea. nice work.

a good looking game with an interesting concept. kind of infuriating trying to land on the columns, but i guess that's the point. nice work!

a LOT of fun - and I have enough trouble with Tetris on one axis, so this...

a simple enough concept to understand first time round, nice art and music, jump a little hard to control but, all in all, a nice little game! good work.

i enjoyed this! at least, i enjoyed as far as I got. Am i missing something or does R always send you back to the start? It needs a restart level option. Other than that, the art and music are excellent, and it was so nice to play a submission without any combat/violence.

looks good, feels good control-wise, platforming can be a little bit slidy but overall a nice game! maybe some music would have added to the atmosphere. I agree with the comment below about checkpoints.

Love the music and atmosphere, would prefer to have more control over the camera and maybe some HUD element to make it clear how much health you have, because the sword is very small. Nice job!

Yes, that's allowed. See below from the Jam Homepage FAQs

Can I make changes during the rating period?
Yes, just make sure that the original version of the jam can still be downloaded.

Great idea! I've never had someone play my games on stream before, so I'd love to be on the list. I enjoyed your first one.

here's the game, see you there.

It all works, looks good, sounds nice, no bugs - but it's too short! I suppose adding some advancing difficulty levels would be the next logical step for this.

Well, i played it a second time and did a lot better. I think that if the target gets away then there should be some player feedback to reflect that, otherwise you just feel like you did something wrong, or maybe missed the target in the first place. Also i'm playing on a trackpad so the reeling in was quite a workout. As a further idea, you could consider an inventory screen with greyed out shapes for the items that have not yet been caught.

Kinda creepy when you look out the kitchen window. Good stuff! I don't think I'd be interested in this if you added shooting though, but that's just me.

Polished, minimalist and challenging - also, it teaches you how the game works nonverbally, which is a plus. Great game.