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A member registered Jun 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Honestly, I wish there was a little more substance to this game! The game looks great but just wandering around until something happens isn't the best way to build tension. A Good foundation but needs a little more meat on its bones. 

Good proof of concept! I left some suggestions but a solid little game!

Funny, scary and quirky! A brilliant little indie horror game!

Not too bad! Massive props for the voice acting but the game felt a little padded by menial tasks. 

Loved the game! Very quirky, with a ton of character. The only gripe I have is having to manually call out every time there's a doppelganger. 

To say this was only made in 30 days it's extremely good! You've nailed the atmosphere! 

(1 edit)

Now that's how you do a demo! Just enough to tease what the game is about but enough to leave you wanting more! Looking forward to the full game!

(1 edit)

Pretty good little game! My only wish is that it wasn't bogged down in menial tasks. It's a shame because the story and atmosphere were good! 

Great little game! It would be great to see this expanded in future but for the price, it's well worth it. 

I think you actually managed to nail the atmosphere with this game! There are a few little gripes but it's a pretty good demo! 

I liked the story but the scares didn't quite land for me. I am very desensitised though! I did love the portrait, even if it did look a little out of place in a hotel room! 

Gotta say this game did a great job of building the atmosphere early on! The Russian Sleep experiment is creepy on its own but I feel this game did it justice! The only criticism is the walking felt a little slow but it's more of a nitpick than a mark against the game. Good job!  

Fun little proof of concept! There are a few little irks (I left some feedback in the video) but definitely one to watch!

Love the second ending! Proper call back to Silent Hill!

Good little game! The alternative story was by far the better of the two stories. One of those scares really got me!!

Not bad for your first game, didn't click with me unfortunately. Looked great though! (Game starts at 33:40)


Loved this! Great art style and those neighbours were all horrifying in their own ways! Good job! (Game starts at 16:39)

Good premise! Massive props for having a "realistic" ending! ;) (Your game is first in the video)

Was this game trying to be serious or a meme? I couldn't tell! Honestly might have been worth sticking with one or the other and this might have been pretty good! (Game starts at 23:13) 

This game jumpscared me so hard it was actually embarrassing! Very spooky's house of jumpscares! 

Well I wasn't expecting THAT ending! Good job! (Games starts at 7:04)

This was great! Simple yet effective! (Game starts at 36:53)

Actually quite enjoyed this one! (Game starts at 11:12)

Great demo despite a few little frustrations! Looking forward to the full game! Game starts at 12:39.

Could have done without all the walk around the block sections but otherwise this was a pretty good little game! Game starts at 43:49

This was really creepy! Good job! (Game starts at 24:30)

Really enjoyed this! Very realistic as most cyclists face horrors on the road every day! :) (Game starts at 33:04)

Properly weird game! That jump scare though! (Game is the first in the video)

Great hark back to Silent Hill! The only issue I had was with that crab boss! Screw that guy! (Game starts at 25:45)

I was thrown by the text to speech voice acting but otherwise an awesome short survival horror game that took the right influences from Resident Evil and Silent Hill! Good job! (Game starts at 13:50)

Didn't expect this to be as good as it was! Never looking at Kermit the frog the same way ever again! (Game starts at 53:33) 

Never ran away from a tentacled street light before! I'll chalk it up to experience! 

I honestly have no idea what that monster was I ran in the opposite direction and never looked back! (Game starts at 7:44 in the video)

This game was great, a good mix of funny and scary! (This game is at 21:47)

Really enjoyed this! Looking forward to seeing more! 

Yeah never opening another cardboard box ever again... 

Apart from not being able to interact with the environment this was a great little horror game!