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A member registered Jun 15, 2020

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It's interesting. There's not much lore to it, but still interesting. The enemy can get quite annoying with the chasing but nothing game breaking. I'll just assume she was a stalker by the ending.

Pretty nice evolution from the 1st version. The game is pretty good at keeping you on the edge of your seat. The damage of the cars are a little inconsistent, sometimes it's one hit kill, sometimes it's not. I'm guessing it has to do whith their speed at the moment of the impact, if that's the case than it's actually realistic. Will keep an eye on the improvements and when the lore is added. Keep up the good work

Pretty cool. It makes you tense and on the edge of your seat all the time.Will keep an eye for the full version.

*English subs coming soon

Interesting game. Some cool concepts, others not so much. The video is in portuguese but I added english subs so you can see my thoughts on the game. Will keep an eye on the final version.

Demon Banban Yay!

Here's my video on the game

Had lots of fun when it came out. Manage to get 100% done. Love the pickle lady

Pretty cool game! Can't wait for part 2!

Very good game! After playing all the demos, I was hyped to the full version and it did not disapoint. Hope we have Amanda 2 cause there's definitelly room for that. Kudos on the great job!

In a way, it's etter than the last entries. In another way, it manages to be even worse. Shorter game with a lot of backtracking to give a false sense of almost 2 hour of gameplay when in reality it barely scrapes 1 hour. Bittergiggle was hyped as an villain when he's more annoying than anything. Toadster was also hyped as an ruthless sheriff when he barely does anything. He arrested the 'banbangang' and yet failed to implement any security against Jester. Stood the whole game doing nothing at the elevator. And the gears missions....why so much back and forth? grab the 3 gears then go to the elevator. Dunno if the next two games will be the last two, but hope it's better. The voice acting was much better this time around tho. And please fiz that drone. It's irritating at best

Gameplay in Portuguese but I'll list my thoughts here:

-Game's kinda buggy but nothing game breaking.

-The key clipped through the floor, resulting in playing from the start again

-Dunno if it's intentional or not, if you shoot the duck after grabin the toy, he'll kill you.

- I fell to the void in the corridor with the red platforms. Loading the game puts you right in the void, no way to escapebut restart the game.

- Exit from the code panel is harder than it should be.

Another banger! Pretty cool concept and the ending wa top notch. Keep up the good work

Pretty interesting game. Reminds me of Granny. The key clipped through the floor and I had to restart but no big deal. Will keep an eye for chapter 2

just like the first one, the chasing sequence is bugged. PLus, the game just stops, there's no ending or anything

Uma experiência bem estranha....

A really strange experience....

lol enjoy the free clicks I guess

Bugado...a iluminação não funciona se você chegar muito próximo de portas ou paredes. Quando você pega os 4 bonecos e jogo 'esquece' de abrir a porta e a sequência de perseguição no final buga. A música segue mesmo não tendo mais ninguém atrás de você. o jogo não tem final, ele só acaba.

Janky...lightning doesn't work if you're too close to the walls or doors. When you complete the 4 toys mission, the game kinda forgets to open the door. Chasing sequence is kinda bugged. The chasing music keeps playing even when there's no one chasing you and the game just ends, there's no ending or anything.

It's literally on the second row in 'New and Popular'

(1 edit)

Mais um jogo do Zed Technician completo! Gostei bastante desse. Vou jogar os restantes e ficar de olho nos próximos jogos.

Another Zed Techician game completed! Really enjoyed this one. Will play the remaining ones and keep an eye on future releases.

Joguinho bem interessante, meio curto, senti que a virada aconteceu rápido demais. Mas vale a pena.

Pretty interesting one. Kinda short, felt like the twist happened way too quick, but still worth it.

Bem legal. a Impressão que eu tive foi que ficou mais fácil do que o primeiro, mas provavelmente é pq eu já estava acostumado com a temática do game. Todos os finais no vídeo.

Pretty cool. Was under the impression that this ne was easier than the first, but probably because I was used to the way the game works. All endings.

Não sou o maior fã de jogos de loop estilo P.T. Mas esse é até interessante. Um bom trabalho, mas o plot twist do final estava meio na cara.

Not the biggest fan of looping games like P.T. This one is actually kinda cool. Good job, the plot twist was kinda spoiled the moment you realize you never actually see your wife but still a good experience.

Um bom jogo. Já tinha jogado Man from the Window e No Strings Attached e curtido o trabalho do Zed. Todos os finais no vídeo.

A good game. Had played previously Man from The Window and No Strings Attached and was familiar with Zed's work. The video shows all endings. Congrats on the game!

Labirinto do Ursinho Nóia é bem curto, 5-10 minutos você termina ele, mas é interessante. Em breve, vou jogar o 2 tamém.

Maze of the Baked Bear is pretty short, 5-10 minutes to finish, but it's actually interesting. Will soon play Bouncy Bear 2.

Muito melhor depois da atualização.

Now we're talking. Much better with the update!

Bem criativo. O final me pegou de surpresa.

Pretty creative. The ending got me.

Mais um jogo de terror de mascote. A lagartixa é meio bugada, mas não é de todo ruim.

Another mascot horror game. The lizard is kinda buggy, but not game breaking.

Não tem mto o que fazer no game, 3 minutos só e o máximo de gameplay é abrir 2 portas.

Not much to do in the game. It's really short and the gameplay consists in opening 2 doors

Curti, um pouco curto. Consegui os 3 finais, um foi na sorte mesmo. 

I liked, kinda short. Got all 3 endings, one was pure lucky. Had no idea I would get an ending by not realizing there was not more of the map and falling to oblivion

Gostei do jogo, mas como outros já disseram: é basicamente a mesma coisa do Poppy Playtime 1. Tem potencial se você for mais na sua pegada. Vou ficar de olho nos próximos capítulos.

I liked the game, but as others mentioned, it's too similar to Poppy Playtime 1. There's definitely potential if you follow your own path. Will keep an eye for future chapters.

Se você é fã de Metal Slug, esse jogo vale muito a pena. Captura muito bem a essência e, na minha opinião, merece o título de sucessor espiritual da série. Espero ver mais em breve!

If you're a fan of Metal Slug, this game is worth every minute. It really captures the soul of the original and, imho, deserve the title of spiritual successor. Hope to see more soon!

Muito bom! Te deixa tenso o tempo inteiro, ambientação muito boa. Vale a pena conferir!

Amazing game! Keeps you the edge all the time, pretty tense atmosphere. Good job.

Lembra bastante House of the Dead, incluindo a opção de dois caminhos diferentes. Faltou um chefão ali no final, mas é bem legal.

It really ressembles House of the Dead, including the option of two separate paths to reach the end. MIssed a boss in the ending, but overall, a pretty cool experience.