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Horatio Von Becker

A member registered Jun 14, 2020

Recent community posts

Well, you should take comfort in the fact that you're helping bring games into the world anyway. And probably most of the submitters would have trouble in your circumstances too.

Hope things get better for you.

Even just annotating the diagram itself might work! Probably doubles the amount of work involved, though.

You realize that dropping a huge number of interesting screenshots without titles is a horrific nerdsnipe, right?

Interesting and fun! Wondering what Yasmin of the Wood is referencing. Also pretty sure Zenia is just Xena, and that Lilith the Nighthawk is some kind of Dragon Age reference, but I'm not sure and would like confirmation. Also, is Derrow of the Mountain a DERO reference?

(4 edits)


Having fun so far, but one point of confusion leaps out: This apparently a town of 68 people, with no tourists. Why does the Mayor have any bodyguards whatsoever, let alone two? Why is either shop open after midnight?

Actually, I also want to know why the Mayor, if she's the monster's primary target, gets killed second instead of first or last. It's probably more satisfying if she can explain her motives, which is presumably why she isn't the backstory murder, but the monster choosing to kill her daughter first suggests a crueler axis of vengeance - murdering everyone she relies on, and leaving her to die alone.

Edit: Also, I might suggest that the highway going through Brandon's property was an attempt at rerouting after the original path proved non-viable. Dunno if that's more realistic? I definitely feel like a highway is a really expensive project for connecting a town of less than a hundred people, though. Maybe the population count was a typo?

Further edit: If the Mayor's office is right next to the sawmill, why did they have their argument in the sawmill? I'd presumed it was just, like, a halfway point, but unlike her office it probably doesn't have chairs and almost definitely doesn't have power. Was Brandon planning to murder her? A rusty old saw might kill someone if they fall on it, especially from a balcony or something, but probably wouldn't decapitate them fully.

Also, if Lana was cut in half from the crotch up, the Saw Hound's saw is both vertical (undefined in its description) and probably centered on its crotch or navel, which is, y'know, different symbolism from the center of the ribcage, which I think is the default for torso iconography.

Even further edit: I remembered a nitpick about the Pressure table - I do think that approximately every citizen in a rural American town would be clutching their guns as of the first gruesome murder, let alone the third.

...And I'm done! This was cool, overall; I enjoyed this peripheral look at an RPG I don't have the spare funds for at the moment.

Biggest thing I see about the face editor test is the lack of emotional vibes. Maybe half a dozen feral grins would help? That sort of thing does have the potential to square the number of necessary art assets, though...

Just looking at the preview material, I'm unsure if SABRE or Inner Furnace Meltdown ignore the stress overflow rules. Also kinda confused as to whether VOID's stronger settings include the weaker ones. (Wouldn't an implosion strong enough to pull in small objects also create a fairly deafening thunderclap, given that guns do and they have the benefit of a barrel to concentrate force? But the obvious read is that only the strongest is loud enough to bother espers.)

Yeah, and it was a little weird to have bought the demo in one of those megabundles. Tacky, even.

This is cool in principle but in practice very frustrating; what am I missing that is present in the download version besides a clock and functional saving?

Because four clicks and picking a place to store the downloaded game is a much higher barrier to entry than using the browser version.

Ah, a pity - that's one of the probably-about-three of his movies I've seen, and the only one I remember him for sure. Was he in Night of the Museum?

So I don't recognize any of the cover roles - is Sorcerer's Apprentice Nicholas Cage one of the options?

Virtual hugs if desired, sympathy either way.

I was mostly confused by the first level making it seem like Covemounty's algorithm was 'follow left-handed walls'. It was unclear to me until considerably later that there's actually one consistent algorithm,

What does enemy strength scaling actually mean here? Shifting from Morrowind paradigm to Skyrim paradigm, or what?

I was pretty sure the mage boss was elaborately failing to mention that the Enormous Mentor Bird was actually the Owl King, who wanted the battery for nefarious purposes. Which wouldn't make sense actually; the Owls are in charge of the whole facility until you kill them all. Maybe something else similarly nefarious.

This was a decent game. I think a 'skip cutscene' option, and maybe a run button, would have been big helps - the backtracking felt unreasonably padded, and the second bossfight was extremely frustrating because the death penalty was unusually large.

I'm trying to play the tutorial, but it freezes and won't respond to commands? Is the control scheme Z/X/Arrows/Enter, as normal?

I don't know what the long-term goal is. I thought it'd be unlocking the last shop item, but the tunnel nor the map did that.

What was the old one?

Also, saying how to save in the game itself would help. I missed that until I read the boss fight devlog, after I'd already beaten the game.

So I think I leveled twice, and the second time was from beating the boss, so I don't know for certain that seeing the boss board instead of my own when I visited the shop, which had stayed 5x5 after the first levelup, was a glitch. But it is a thing that happened.

The way I do it is by blocking (press the arrow away from your attacker) and then tapping the charge button to dash away.

You're making a Metroidvania for free, man. That usually takes experienced devs about a decade. Don't sweat it!

So after deliberately buffing the MercRat and inadvertently rendering it unable to Query (and thus me unable to learn it), then running out of non-attack options, I attacked him for one damage. He said "You've made a grave mistake!" and then the game crashed to the TIC console. I haven't managed to get screenshots or copy-paste working, so here's my best stab at a manual copy-over of what was on the console:

>[string "-- title:
ROWBYROW..."]:5745: attempt to index a
nil value (global 'cur_line')
stack traceback:
 [string "-- title:
ROWBYROW..."]:5745: in function 'TIC'
 [string "-- title:
ROWBYROW..."]:5773: in function 'TIC'

I was also trying to Query as many of the first dungeon enemies as I could, and I haven't managed Slime or Rival yet but I have managed Maneki.

Interesting game so far! Would be easier if you had an actual description of picross rules in the tutorial.

(1 edit)

Very cool aesthetics, but I've found myself frustrated by the fact that holding Z builds charge if I'm not moving but costs charge if I am. It's unintuitive.

Edit: I got much better at this when I did local multiplayer; having an opponent who can die and isn't already broadly competent helps a lot. An update to the training mode might be nice there.

(1 edit)

Hmm. Decent art and moveset, but I'd have preferred a more combat-focused game - I never died to enemies or timeout, only to the remarkably unfair jumping challenges.

What does it mean?

What was the cheese option? I beat it the intended way, which was hard.

This is a fun concept, but a frustrating execution. Specifically, the lack of higher-leveled pots - to let you engage with the core mechanic in the later stages - is unfun, rather than challenging. Maybe instead of blocking pots entirely, higher-level weapons should just get split?

I found the forum through the Contact Support page. Just add a button in the Contact Support page for "a NSFW game page is not flagged", context of "provide us the name and/or link", and clarification about when the clickthrough is mandatory (and thus the sort of thing it's appropriate to bother Staff about).

I don't remember when I first saw clickthrough used for a confirmation screen. ("Nag screen" is interestingly new to me.) But I'm reasonably sure I have seen it used for that, in multiple contexts.

(1 edit)
Uhm. Where is that term used in that way for a confirmation dialogue? A clickthrough is the mere fact that you clicked a link that was shown to you. It is the basis of measuring clickthrough rate.

Different circles, I suppose. I have, on reflection, seen that useage too - but as I don't work in advertising, it isn't a common use.

Since you do not want to use the report button, any feature request for it are beside the point - as those report buttons are only attached to projects and postings. You already were told that you could tell staff directions how to find the unflagged page. How do you think the admin meant you would contact itch to provide said directions?

It wasn't clear, but seemed like they might be suggesting this thread for it. I was hoping a standard procedure for reporting a page you aren't actually on could be implemented.

Even flipping the triangle would be something, though raising the arrow to the same height as the sword would make both tactical and visual sense.

No (I'm not even sure what software to use for a screengrab video) and no (those protect me from malware and normally speed things up a lot). I can try the download version?

A 'clickthrough' is a page or page overlay you have to click a button to get through, such as Archive of Our Own's TOS page. I was indeed referring to's standard NSFW warning page, which the game in question did not have, presumably because it was not flagged. I suggest that a calmer demeanor when talking to people who use unfamiliar jargon will lead to more pleasant future conversations for you.

I have uBlock, and it was not completely implausible, before I checked, that a NSFW warning overlay did exist and uBlock was blocking it. (I do use adblockers to shield myself from pornographic content, but only as a supplementary measure.)

The administrator who already replied to me implied that your suggested course of action - which I also suggested as a feature request - was not actually supported by the report function as it is currently implemented.

I think I just downloaded the demo? Like, today? I was pretty surprised that Steam didn't recommend SIGNALIS afterwards; they seem like they'd have a huge overlap in audience interest.

This looks really cool and I'm looking forward to playing the demo, by the way. :)

This is a pretty fascinating concept. I really want to see more done with this.

I also have the same problem, also on Firefox. Jump height seems to change a lot?

Thank you for your prompt reply. I request that the report function be changed to allow linking the page rather than being made from the page, in future.

(1 edit)

I just had a bad experience with a seriously NSFW game page (sexually explicit GIF in this case), and I've checked that being logged in and having an adblocker doesn't make all 18+ clickthroughs disappear. I don't really want to go back to said game page in order to report it, and I'm also pretty sure this isn't the only time this has happened. What's the suggested process here?

I've been enjoying this so far, but the charged bow seems to be going for a visual innuendo that I really don't appreciate. Is there an option to... not make the arrows look like an erect penis coming from the crotch instead of the hands?