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A member registered Jul 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Modus meant saving a little bit of the thruster boost

Loving it! was surprised by how awesome that opening cut-scene was

Excellent game! Fun concept and slightly addicting. Looking forward to any updates, if it receives any. I do find that a couple item combinations can border on OP, though I still enjoy the game quite a bit.

Damn! This demo was awesome! I also love the little throwbacks to your other games

Love this! Awesome game!

Cool game. I got all of the endings and enjoyed trying to figure them out.

Wonderful game. I put in many, many, hours completing Knight and Arch-Knight Mode. Painstakingly difficult, though rewarding. You struck gold with this Modus; truly excellent work.

This dream/game means nothing to me.

Were you influenced by Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite on this one?

I'm not sure if I've wanted to experience the conclusion of a game more. Beyond excited to see where this goes. Who is Adam? Does he really exist?

Amazing Game! Played it so much. The atmosphere and music are superb and the philosophical ruminations of it all hit home for me.

Loved it. Hoping to get some more people into the HPS1 games with this!