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A member registered Dec 30, 2017

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(1 edit)

Just finished the sequel, top tier gay stuff right here, i loved the nigahiga video being thrown in btw, nice memes <3 

Also i am glad we found out about grace and sayeeda Sakura and Yuki and their own character development as well

I dont understand anything about baseball, but i still love this game anyways

I love this story and i am extremely hyped about the possible epilogue in development

  • The characters are just relatable as heck, even the cheery bunny isnt all cute and cuddly near the end of the story, and every other character has their own problems, growth, and development, which makes them more human than anything
  • The lore of the world is a little difficult to pinpoint, but it's still interesting enough for me to have downloaded all the other freebie games! 
  • Still alot of loose ends so far, but i am expecting a gosh-darn happy ending dang it
  • Cute chick
  • Also i dont need to mention but the art style is WAY TOO ADORABLE <3 
  • Alot of fun "side quests" to do, and i did them all, which is rare, considering that "side quests" are supposed to be boring chores, but i had fun doing the ones across the episodes of the game, i love that they arent exactly essential to the plot, but there are alot of cute (and grim) scenes you get on the way

I will be waiting forever if i have to, a masterpiece like this needs it's time to grow and develop, thank you Nami~