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Genesis P. Olenta

A member registered Feb 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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FWI it works perfectly ! <3

hi, which engine does it use ? (just asking before buying because unfortunately my old computer can't handle Unreal.) BTW all of your work is amazing !

this vaporwave-buttcrack-murder/suicide-simulator lacks penises. otherwise cool. 

there is actually a way... :)

Lovely game ! I really loved it. Nice gameplay.

Hello ! Interesting, how many endings are there ? I found 2 for the moment.

Un chef d'oeuvre !

ze accent of ze différents narrators is absolouteli on pôint. I love ite.

OMG what can we to except wishing you the best,   a slow healing may be a good healing, and no further problems. Hugs to you. Get well.

this is lovely. Mountain-adjacent.

quite interesting actually !

yay ! best time of the year again ! <3 you guys ! 

<3 <3 <3

hello, very cool game but how to get it full screen ? 

this was surprisingly cute

My computer refused to download your files saying it detected a virus inside. This may be due to various issues - i'm not big in technique- but anyways download is not possible for me now. FYI I'm on windows 11. 

virus detected !

Sooooo cute and fun ! I wish there will be more in the future !

you broke my heart ! <3

very cool and quite relaxing. I loved it.

heu...le bouton Play ne marche pas ? y'a que Exit qui ferme le jeu...

very cool anyways !

Nice scene, with the background music it looks like a theme park.

is it just one scene, or is the plot evolving ? I got rid of the boxes then went home, then it started again...

pourquoi j'ai vu ce truc 7 ans après ???? mais c'est super bien ! J'adore

You got me at Elon ! :D :D :D 


I wish you the best for you and your family, + it seems really worth waiting ! <3

for some reasons it made me think about this short film 

well this is interesting but I don't know if I completed it or not. Are there different endings ? I saw this was a W.I.P so maybe the current ending is not finished yet ?

hé bien mes oreilles sont tombées.

this is sooooo cool !

this is.

for the moment I had two endings, but I have to reset the game after every "game over" because it gets stuck on a black screen. Otherwise it looks promising.

wee that was hopeless indeed. I wish there were others endings.

meanwhile, in the real world...

This is so...cozy. Actually, I enjoyed wandering through the city. Everyone seems so quiet... I love it.

this was comfortably conventional. 

(1 edit)

actually one way to prevent the man from killing you is to just stare at it without moving. I can last hours, but this is a VERY quiet game !