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Zarigueya gal

A member registered Aug 14, 2023

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I agree with you (Y)

Observations as of 29/7/24: 

  • I wasn't able to read the text at the start of the game as it disappears to fast, a 'click for next' would help us slow readers; 
  • Walking is so, so, painfully slow
  • some objects that can be picked up do not get the bold white outline when hovered over; 
  • dialogue box for objects that can't be picked up can be annoying; 
  • Cool gimmick, but I don't see much of a point of being able to rotate in 3d the items in the inventory, seems like a 'front and back' may be enough.

Also some people are talking about endings, not sure what do they mean as I grabbed everything that could be picked up and.. that was it, all I could do after that was slowly walk in an almost empty room. Unlike the screenshot shown in this page, my inventory took the whole screen and I had no "Adam's family box".

Being able to rotate the camera in this art style took me by surprise, very cool.

I wasn't expecting there to be a story, its so cute

The title didn't attract me much, but I like dev's work so I decided to take a look. It's fun enough. I would say the relationship with lewis is way more than "friendly enough for a landlord-tenant", to know that much and have so much to say I get the feeling they communicate a lot more regularly and deeply than I do with all the neighbors I'm in friendly terms with.

I appreciate browser playing as I don't have to go out of my way to install things but it has limitations that may not appear in the downloadable version (music stopping and quick save not working). 

But the important thing is: We all need a Lewis in our lives.

Very cool, Love the art, all the expressions, the characters and most of all to watch someone spiraling, amusing indeed. 

Every burn to the king had me going "OOOOOOOOOH!" *slaps desk* "in you FACE!", very fun. 

Florence knowing immediately who the king is talking about when he says he is going to "bring her BACK" hit me eh soso? as in I would expect a little bit of a different reaction, I can't properly put to words what has me on the fence about that interaction, for a reason dev is a writer and I am not. Anyway, enjoyed everything about this. Following  and keeping and eye on the works.

This was hilarious, I cackled at the awful break up lines, the son of a b. 

Going to check out more of your things.

simple but engaging and cool art. very nice.

cute and the movement has a nice feeling to it, the solving methods change just in time before it becomes repetitive.

adorable art, love runmo's face when they stick to walls or hit the floor after a big fall.

Would be nice if pikit gave actual advice or info, like the fact that the "special" is used while jumping... Besides that it isn't unforgiving, nice game, nice art, nice sound effects and music.

10/10 I may have cried a little

way harder than expected jaja, but it is fun and adorable, really like the art.

It is up to one's taste, I do think it would work better in another POV but your suggestions of reworking some scenes would really make a difference (only hearing half of the conversation and other touches) and would help the game flow a lot better.

A sweet spot can be found between yanderecon's thoughts with the introduction of character and yours: make it so it doesn't take in-universe time. An idea can go through your mind in a second so the "thinking" of the character introductions can be done without Mc having had to space out for a while to get the idea to us. 

Personally I think that's where 3rd pov would make it a lot easier to write those moments, cause getting that information out in 1st pov AND make it sound naturally takes a lot more effort. 

 I've been in similar situations where I've felt sweaty and gross from work and didn't want to show my whole face.

Yeah, don't we all sometimes feel like that, the thing if for years you just show the ceiling... it's just weird. Weirdness and dissonance can easily take readers out of the moment. I can hold my disbelief for so many things while reading a story, I love feeling in a story, but stuffs than don't correlate properly makes it feel like there wasn't a beta-read. I don't mean this a diss at the creator, I do think cutesai is doing something really cool and you have to be quite brave to put your work out for the world to see. I mean this as honest well intended critic.  

Yes, I also believe the hearts as ctc are in part with the aesthetic, it just confuses me sometimes, easily a me-problem.

Cool that the Leon scene was identified and was just a bug.

Yeah I get that Teo is meant to be disliked, he is extremely dislikable, but in a way that is my point. As presented right now I can't see the thought process of the characters that make them keep the dude around and that takes me out. 

Everything else in OP's comment I agree on though! 

Got me a little chuckle that you only refer to my positive intake there jajaja. But yes, there are a lot of good things in this demo, the work can be seen. I'm curious to see how it evolves, I want to see to rest of this story. Cheers!

oh, look! a cute farming game with pumpkins and crows, how adorable! 

oh no.

The art is lovely, the movement has a nice feeling to it. Can't play it cause im a scaredy cat.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee wachaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, felicitaciones por el demo, re copado! Tenes mi atencion, te estaré siguiendo. Me hizo reir mucho cuando el VA dijó las bear puns, una cosa es leerlo, pero escucharlo mata. 

Es fantastico encontrar trabajos de latinos y ni hablar de compas argentinas. Muchisima suerte, que avance todo smooth y puedas vender mucho.

I have MANY thoughts on this, but they are all my personal opinion.
I see a game with so much potential, it clearly has a lot of love in it.

I think the 1st person angle (having it being narrated by the mc) makes things tumble when stuff happens that isn't supposed to be heard or seen by them. It can be hard to ignore that, for example, Mc is the one narrating Ren's bad experience with the cashier and later still thinks they may like each other. It also makes things seem slower cause it feels like mc takes quite some time to process stuff. 

I have a bit of a problem with moth's video call. It's framed to interact with moth but enforce the idea that mc does not know moth's face, yes, but having been video calling an internet friend for years and them always aiming at the ceiling is just...?? took me out a lot. It would feel less unnatural if a videocall isn't brought up at all, maybe moth is shy and never shows his face so mc and him have only calls (no video) or he has a very old cheap cam, like, I can count the pixels on screen cam, to make it easier to disguise his appearance a bit. I think other options could work better to make interactions with moth feel less... forced by plot?.

Leon seems to be presented to be the more calm and perceptive friend, but in the date his actions (not as much his words) come up quite rude, pulling at your friend's arm taking them away from their date is really out of touch (unlike telling your friend that you are a escape route, that is good perceptive friend! I liked that). It feels like everyone is portrayed quite over the top to show Ren's reactions when it doesn't need to be so, worse case maybe is Teo.

Teo... makes a couple problems I have with the writing shine. Every second of his interactions with everyone took me out by the simple idea of "why would they keep this person around?". We all can understand the idea of having a friend who is a bit crass, a bit rowdy, but Teo is just awfully mean every single time he opens his mouth. He can be a friend that is crass and sometimes steps over the line that Ren can react to. For example as his confidence crashes seeing how mc reacts positively to something he can't embody with the character he chose (I can't be kawaii boy and a vulgar crude rude dude at the same time!) he can have an outburst that, in context, can be justified by anyone cause hey, Teo was being a bit of an *hole anyway, without Teo being an awful person. 

And the little end of paragraph hearts confuse me a bit cause I think it is the intonation lol.

I understand this is a demo, but Leon talking like he knew about Ren when they ran into him and Mc's date came out of nowhere and really confused me, just like if Mc's fixation is referred as a web comic, a manga or an anime and what it is called.

I mean no harm with all that, it is only my perception of stuff. 

With that out. Wow I would have never thought that something as small as having the character portraits blink would make a game with this mechanic feel SO MUCH more alive, that and the small "surprised jumps" and the sort make a kind of.. static experience feel way more dynamic, it is a great touch.

Wasn't expecting so many character portraits for a demo, that is so cool, so much work! 

Love that Ren trows a bunch of things at the wall to see what sticks, trying to mold himself to Mc, dressing like her favorite character and so on. I really appreciate that a bit of his tattoos can be seen (under his clothes and covered by make up) just as the remnants of snake bites, and the hoodie that implies he had a waay different style (maybe the kind that would wear all dark and chains and know to pick a lock?).

All in all... I want to see what this evolves into, maybe I end up not being the target audience, but I can see this has a ton of love and wish it the best.

Simon is adorable, I'm in.

Hope to see more of this!

This game is great, please give it a try.