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A member registered Oct 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Browser version. Just doesn't load and freezes

Level 27 crashes

Came here from Jacob Geller, legitimately one of the scariest horror games I've played in a while. The first time the monster that follows you shows up is really scary, and while in the Dark Forest I was constantly thinking "I hope none of those guys show up" and then they did. But I like how up until then you were completely powerless, and then suddenly you can kill the monsters. So it does hint at there being a way to fight back. And then you actually face the boss.


Nice game, got the golden orb and maxed out everything. I just think clones are completely useless, a single jump gets me around 400K and a thousand shards, meanwhile clones give barely anything, even when standing on the max upgraded green pad.

Got 16,525

Fun game but there seem to be some invincible corruption blocks in the top left, no matter how many fighters I send it just doesn't go away

Fun game, is " thunder news"  the end?

Ponkel community · Created a new topic High score?

I got 49

If you turn off sound you can no longer sell animals

Fun game, it would be better if you could keep playing with the hotel

Nice, I managed to get to 13 generations

Got -20

(1 edit)

Just got -17 on 18 courses

I got -9 on the 9 courses

Fun game, but a bit short. Took 1:30.071 for me

Fun game, but I think it's weird how upgrades become progressively more efficient, up until YT ads, after which they become less efficient again. So the optimal strategy is to just spam YT ads (until you can't click fast enough anymore)

Fun game but workers should automatically find food, even without you going there. Now they just become completely useless after you start getting some guards, as you will never be able to find food as quickly as your guards can kill bugs.

Fun game, it's quite specific but I really like games where you get to choose between upgrades every round.


Nice, I got 7 now

(1 edit)

Nice game, I survived for 5:14 (6 upgrades, 408 kills)

Fun game

Fun game but very difficult

Fun game

You can jump with the up arrow.

But there isn't really a  game", it was just a protoype I made. All you can do is walk around and punch the trees.

Nice game, got 3 points

Fun game, interesting creative concept

The platforming mechanics feel smooth

Fun game.

Fun game, but it's too easy if you just keep upgrading your gun

Very fun game, for me the best strategy is to rotate as soon as possible because I then have more time to predict where the ball will be

Fun game, but there should be a way to directly select gamemodes from the rotation. And infection is too easy if you just instantly kill the first zombie

Also if you die and respawn the peas don't respawn

Fun game, made it to 24