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Thank you for playing my game!

Thank you for playing my game! 

I played your game and left a comment:)

I really like the game's unique art style and music. I am looking forward to the finished product.

I think Neo's damage is a bit low, it takes five shots to kill a monster. I'm more accepting of 3 to 4 shots.

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Thanks for playing my game! 

The ball in the statue room is in the northwest corner of the room, there is a statue with her back to you and the ball is in her hand. In the robot room you need to listen to the voice of the robot that is giving a speech and it repeats "The ball is red" (I was trying to make some similar feeling like Control)

Hey there! your games and ideas are cool :)

Honestly, the first time I saw that giant monster walk by I was super shocked, super impressed. The monster, or god, that appeared at the end also startled me. This game is superior to what I thought it would be!

The atmosphere and art style of the game is really great! There's a deliberate parody of old horror games.

The scenes in this game are quite well built! However there are no check points in the game. Every time I die I have to re-watch the opening animation of the game and start from the beginning. And when I encountered the first trap, I was stuck for a while before I found out how to move forward, it would have been nice to add some guidance.

Woah! The story of this game is super cool! I am looking forward to what happens next. I always feel like the main character finds himself at the police station and ends up there. I hope there's a twist.

Will the developer develop some new games? I love this style of games!

(1 edit)

I passed the first three chapters, but got stuck on Chapter 4. I wandered in the corridor in Chapter 4 for a long time. I could see a dog in a room through the glass window on a door in the corridor, but I couldn't open that room. I found a heart, a red cable, and a powerful flashlight, but I couldn't find a place to use them!