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A member registered Aug 24, 2021

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You end up alone in a closed subway station. There are vending machines and plenty of coins to work them. You even get good at dumping cans in a dustbin, but this being a horror game, that fun part of the game then begins to twist and turn, only for you to find out you're not the only one stuck underground...

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Although the game starts out with you running all sorts of chores, for lots of different people, within the blink of an eye the players immerses into a much more complex world where up is down and front is back. The only important question is: will you manage to escape this madness?

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

I normally write long comments when talking about games, but in this case I keep it simple and to 2 words:

Totally Awesome!

What an insanely great game. Really too bad/sad that you haven't added any new games, because you have all the talent and skills to produce amazing games.

It was an honor playing it!

(3 edits)

Comments below clip:

Niven Hedinger outclasses himself once more, when he delivers another horror gem that immerses a player into the bowls of a small spaceship where we wake up without remembering how we got here. A search through the various rooms  and hallways begins to paint a stark and very dark picture of what did transpire.

Niven hits another one out of the ballpark. Well done, Niven. It was a real pleasure playing this game :o]

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

P.S. youtube doesn't like < > LOL!

(1 edit)

@ The Side,

You're welcome. I really enjoyed playing your game :o]

(1 edit)

Comments below clip:

As a cop without a gun you try to help out a family that's lost to the elements after a car crash. A son is missing. Naturally, you do your best to find the boy and unite him with his father again, but is your attempt good enough...?

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Does the tail wag the dog, or vice versa? Regardless, it looks like virtual revenge is a dish, best served stone-cold. This is obviously a case of what goes around, comes around. I really like the moment when the cop is at the door and the noise coming from the basement :o]

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Hey WetnOOdles,

I thought so too, because it looked to me that you guys tried to avoid running into copyrighted material, but I rechecked my video and it's the song at the end that has been cut...


Regardless, the game was fun to play, so thank you for making it :o]

Comments below clip:

Short and sweet game. The only problem's is the copyrighted song in it, because youtube cut it out and replaced it.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

I'm following you, so bring it on!!! :o]

You're welcome :o]

Comments below clip:

Well, well, well. A game full of surprises, twists and turns. The daughter, the Aliens, the cops, everything falls neatly into place at the end of the game. The story drives home a message that anyone can [or should] understand: life is precious.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Mistaken identity leads to a tragic death. That sums up the entire game in 1 sentence. However, given the many layers a player has to go through to get some understanding of what happened way back, s/he has to figure out how the different elements of the fading puzzle fit together. The result is an immersive game that keeps the player glued to his/her screen for the entire ride.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

According to NASA, the cameras that took pictures were set to dim light, and thus there are supposedly no stars visible in any of the pictures, so I was pleasantly surprised to see sky full of them. It's also smart to have all those conversations going on while traversing the rocky terrain. Of course I wasn't going to stay put with something hurling toward me at warp speed. Hell no! Regardless, I got nailed at the end. Didn't like the extreme loud noise at the end, so I erased it. 

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

(1 edit)

Comments below clip

In this game the player is immersed in a world of wonder. Wonder what happened and why. This game's a demo, but nevertheless sweet to play.

Pros: Ambient setting draws you into this game. Strong story line. Puzzling puzzles to solve.  It leaves you with a feeling of wanting more. Light switches are  easily visible and ready to be switched on.

Cons: Armed with a flashlight and when aiming at an object that can be interacted with [especially when it's white] the white aiming dot kind of disappears. Perhaps a red color would suffice? The same happens with white text and bright lights. That's the only cons I've run into.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

What an incredible lovely game. I normally wade knee-deep through gore, blood and horror, but this game was the antidote to all that, because it gave me a Zen feeling. The puzzles are nice and neat to solve. I really and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

You gotta visit your GF, the one you wonder about why on Earth you're still together. With a broken down car you have to bus yourself towards her, but at night they don't run. So you rent a trailer for the night, and everybody knows that in trailer parks nothing but good happens, right? You go to bed and then wish you hadn't. There's Joe and there's you. Who's going to make it to the end...?

Solid game. I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Loss. Losing. Losses. We all want to live forever and want life to be unforgiving and merciless... Wait a second, we want people we love to be and stay alive, preferably forever. Unfortunately, life itself comes with a limited shelf live, so there will come a time when we will be pushing up daisies and kick the final bucket. This game tries to instill some sobriety about all this and focuses on life and love. That's why I <3 playing it :o]

 I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Bare Bones lays out a map of horrific settings that immerse a simple player like myself into an underworld of a killer on the loose, where escape and safety or priorities no.1

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

@ Niven,

You get what you so rightfully deserve from me [and others]. I'm know as a guy that never butters up to anyone. Whatever I say is straight from the heart and not interrupted by any thought processes. For many  years now, you've brought me [and the wider world] so many entertaining [and puzzling] games that I'm humbled by your praise every single time you utter words of kindness.

Comments below clip:

So you end up in a loop where you have to solve puzzles while trying to find your way to the end of this game...? Loved the setting and the atmo.  Well done!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

(2 edits)

Comments below clip:

Who doesn't love to run around at night wandering from one Tipi to the next...? Who doesn't like to do so while carrying a lighter, lighting up candles...? Who doesn't like to be chased by a spooky deer while at it...? The immersiveness of this game, like all the others before it, is Niven's personal game signature and the way of building up a narrative keeps every player glued to screen until the final credits roll over it.

Niven bangs another ball out of the horror ballpark, to score his next successful homerun. 

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos and thank you, good sir, for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

I'm all about new adventures, but not when I'm getting cornered by unseen hands. What started out as a tranquil 'Let's go camping' dream, quickly turned into a feverish nightmare that I really wanted to escape ASAP. Unfortunately, the game [and the evil DEV :o] had other plans in mind... Did I make it out of there in 1 piece, or did I end up in tatters and several pieces...?

Only 1 way to find out. Play or watch the damn thing!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

An immersive horror game where we, as the protagonist, find our way through the narrow aisles of a plane flight to nowhere, wondering what happened, and wandering around without end. Although there seems to be nobody on the plane, we're obviously not alone on this ride. 

Very well done. The atmosphere gets thicker with each pass. The cabin walls are closing in, as we stagger from one loop till the next. 

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved [provided this is not an effort by a single individual] and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

When one follows in the footsteps of the past, will one end in a better future? It is every parents nightmare to lose a child, no matter how, and because this game is based on a true story/events, one can only feel sorry for what has transpired [in reality]. As I'm a board certified 1-ending guy, I will watch the other clips on this page to see what the second ending entails.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

An immersive horror game that drags the player [mostly against his/her will] down the stairs of imagery one doesn't want to see or watch. Obviously, we're not alone in that building, but the one question that looms big in our minds: will we make it out alive...?

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

I didn't know what to expect when I started playing this game, but I was pleasantly surprised going through one door wandering to the next. I can't wait for the full game to be unleashed.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

Although I did struggle at first to get this game up and running properly, I finally succeeded in finishing it. It was a blast. 

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

(1 edit)

Comments below clip:

This very short horror story masterfully builds suspense through a seemingly mundane situation. The abruptness and simplicity of the narrative evokes a sense of undefined unease, leaving players questioning the underlying menace and what will happen next. 

One might argue that the ordinary act of feeling hungry and being prompted to eat suggests an eerie control over the protagonist's actions, hinting at a deeper, more sinister force at play, way beyond our imagination. 

This ordinary and minimalistic approach effectively taps into our primal fears, making the players' imagination fill in the terrifying blanks.

That is, until we go back to bed...

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

'A Desert Fable' by Caleb Draper is a hauntingly beautiful short horror game that immerses players in a desolate desert landscape. The game masterfully explores themes of survival and the fragility of life as you navigate through the sands, constantly reminded of the fate of three brothers who have perished.

The design and execution are superb, creating an atmosphere that is both eerie and thought-provoking. The visuals and sound design work together to enhance the feeling of isolation and tension, making every moment spent wandering the desert sands compelling.

I experienced no bugs, hiccups, or technical issues, which speaks to the quality and care put into the game's development. Kudos to everyone involved in creating this fascinating experience. Thank you for making such an interesting game—I thoroughly enjoyed every moment playing it!

(1 edit)

A couple of things: 

1) I'm on a Window 11 Pro [x64] machine and had to use compatibility mode to get the game running, it is set to Windows 8

2) When I'm in a cellar and go up the stairs, I'm faced with a  security number pad. Once that's on the screen, I can't get out of it.

The first is solved. Do you have a solution for problem no.2?

Thank s in advance.


Comments below clipt:

So, you go hungry and want a bit to eat...? Maybe you bite off mor than you can chew.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

Comments below clip:

After having played quite a few Yahaha horror games, playing these games became quickly repetitive and boring. So I almost gave this game a pass. But because of the way the title appealed to me, I gave it a shot. And I'm glad I did. What a wonderfully thought out game it turned out to be. I so enjoyed playing it and am thankful for all involved making this gem of a game.

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

You're welcome :o]

Will do! :o]

Comments below clip:

I ran around in the dark. Switched on the lights. Got my snack and then had to run back to my bed. Obviously, there's more to life than the tooth fairy :o]

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.

OK. In that case I accept your explanation and it's all water under the bridge :o]

This is what it said in the email I received;

"A downloadable game.

Enter a quiet town where Alex , a 9-year-old boy, lives a normal life. But when the clock strikes midnight, his house turns into a place of mystery and fear. Dark hallways, hidden rooms, and strange shadows transform his familiar home into..."

It says "A downloadable game." It isn't, yet. Please be truthful. Thank you.

Comments below clip:

While the cold wraps it gnarly claws around your body, your mind runs circles around the inner angst of trying to find your daughter.

You become desperate as you have to solve puzzles and come up with evading solutions that seem to slip through your shivering fingers.

Great game, guys!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags, so kudos to all involved and thank you for making this interesting game! I had tons of fun playing it.