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A member registered Aug 17, 2021

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A very nice game, smooth graphics and great music. Nice to have a high score table. Very enjoyable!

It’s not bad, but I find the sound effects off, to high frequency and my ears don’t like it. Also the delay rate you can fire is to slow, I find it annoying I can’t fire fast enough. The graphics are very good though. It is the best version I have seen on the c64 but I was hoping for better.

I do play the MAME version and I find it easier to play because of the mechanic of wall shooting. I guess I just got used to it since playing in the arcades when it first released. I personally always thought it was a feature of the arcade game, but thanks for explaining why your version doesn’t do it. This by no means takes away from your version it’s excellent. As are your other games, e.g.PAC Man and Random PAC. Personally I think Random PAC is the best PAC Man game I have played, I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys PAC Man. 

Future game request: I would love to see your version of space invaders for c64. With an option to play the different versions I played in arcades as a kid. If I remember correctly the first version I played the Aliens were white and so was the base. Then I remember white invaders and green base. Final there was a version with coloured clear plastic strips so the invaders were different colours on different lines. If you ever had spare time to create this it would be the ultimate version of space invaders. Wow I hate to think how much time I played invaders.

Please keep turning out c64 games and thank you for creating games that we all can play and enjoy in the modern age.

Wow best Missile Defence game I have played, very playable and addictive. Very nice looking with great music. Dual SID support! I wish more developers would do this.

BTW: I am with the others that wish the game saved to a five score high table. Even the one score would be fantastic. 🙏 

That looks so much nicer and much easier to read.

Thank you.

Any thoughts on changing the Map/Room selection box to green as well? (The box moved around the map when in map mode).

I think it would look nice as well.

(1 edit)

Ah right o.

Thought so. So a room is two square in length might be worth adding to manual.

Ok thanks.

Just a question on the manual in the Overseer section paragraph 4, a study is mentioned to train dwellers brains 🧠 but the manual doesn’t show the study and the game BLD menu doesn’t show an option to build a study. So I just wondered if the study is in the game or if I haven’t got far enough to see it.

Next question. Is there a reason you can’t place a building or mine at the end of a tunnel. I have to dig two tunnel extensions to build on the penultimate tunnel. This stops you from placing a mine to the far left/right edge of the map where there is coal and metal deposits.

This is now my favourite c64 game but boy it’s rock hard for me. Those darn creatures are a pain in the butt, lol. I never seem to be able to mine enough coal to build a ventilator and when I have managed it the next coal seem is to far away I can’t build another as the seem is to low and my dweller dies getting there, (catch 22). I guess I will figure it out, I hope. 😁 

One request: Can we have an option in the menu to select a different cursor colour. I find the white on white difficult to see, old eyes.

One thought: Add an option to allow destroying a building. It’s a bummer when you accidentally put a ladder on a coal seem I guess  I have learn to be more accurate. But if you do add the function you could remove the SAV option as the OPT option has save. Just a thought.

Doh! It’s Jiffydos! 

I forgot the Miyoo Mini auto saves and loads a save State. Turning the auto load/load state off then turning off jiffydos and resetting, the game loads from the c64 blue screen,(slowly lol). Then the save game works correctly. Switching jiffydos back on and resetting loads the c64 blue screen but save function fails intermittently, but quite offen.

Again this is on the Miyoo Mini Plus my primary device for playing on so I don’t know if jiffydos causes an issue on windows pc, just haven’t had time to test.

ps. The jiffydos roms I am using have the correct Hash value, I checked as to make sure the roms weren’t corrupt.

Ah ok.

Wondering if the save issue is just on the Miyoo Mini. I will test it on my pc and let you know.

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Am I missing something?

I have built 10 quarters which should give me a total of 20 dwellers but when I look in TEM option I only see a total of 12, that includes the dead. I have full power and hydro. So I am not sure why I am note getting any extra dwellers. Have I done something incorrectly?

I can send the disk image with save if you want.

Update: Darn the save was corrupt 

(2 edits)

Save Bug.

Bunker System Control V2.3

There’s still an intermittent save bug. If you don’t notice the “file not found error”,  and you try to Load the save, it’s corrupted and the game starts from scratch. This seems to happen rarely but it does happen.

The best way I found to get the error more quickly is to  first create a save point. Then:-

1. Select Restart from the vice menu. This reboots the emulator and loads the game.
2. At the Title Screen Menu I select option 3. Save to disk, by pressing the fire button. 
Then hold the fire button and select OPT and select save. If you don’t get the error go to OPT and select save again. If after selecting save 4-5 times in a row and you haven’t had the error, use Vice Restart option and repeat the above.

I understand the above is not a normal thing the player is likely to do but it’s the only method I have found that should show the error does happen, (the error does happen whilst playing normally).

This happens on my Miyoo Mini Plus, I have not had time to test on my windows pc. But I will.

That’s better for controls I find. Thanks

Reading the manual, (yes I did), the manual states to build a Generator first then build A Hydro plant but the game tells you to first build the Hydro plant then build the Generator.  I think the game should tell you to build the Generator as per the manual as building the Hydro plant first makes it harder to understand why you are not creating any water, (no power). Can you swap the first system messages around as I think this will make more sense for a noob.

(3 edits)

On the Mini Miyoo Plus I have noticed that moving the selection cursor is a bit quick. I hold the fire button and tap left or right and the cursor shoots right 2-3 options at a time. I have to tap left or right very quickly to move only one option. This makes the menu a bit fiddly. I would rather hold fire and press left or right and only move the cursor one place until next direction press. I guess I am saying can the auto repeat on the menu be disabled. Or a longer time be set before auto repeat kicks in.

Thanks for fixing the window issue I can get passed day 6 now! 😀

Menu Bug using Fire Button instead of space.

Press OPT to bring up the menu  press space changes the options etc. This works as I would expect. 
If I press fire instead the fire button only works reliably on option numbers 2 and 6. If you press fire on save you can get “62, file not found,00,00” this seems related to selecting OPT then selecting Restart, Continue then selecting save. Or select Continue then Restart then save seems to change. This only happens when using the fire button.

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Dig a tunnel and then select a tunnel that is Not at then end of a tunnel, then build the mine or other Building. It appears you can not build at the end of a tunnel. Not sure if this correct or a bug.

(6 edits)

This is a great looking game but I have a couple of issues, I wonder if any one else has this problem?

1. If you dont build the hydro you die, thats correct but then you get the message Shutting Off 3..2..1.. then this message just repeats. I can not get to the OPT function to select the menu to select Restart.

2. Same issue day 6 when you have to build the Laboratory, the meassage pops up but I can not clear the message.

As far as I can see you can not hold fire and move the selector to select OPT when a message is on the screen. I cannot find away to clear the message.

PC, VICE 3.8 (GTK3 3.24.39, GLib 2.78.3, Cairo 1.18.0, Pango 1.50.14)

and Mini Myioo Plus (Onion OS 4.3.1-1)

Tried Jiffy DOS, Enabled and Disabled. Did not help

Update: If the red selector is on OPT when you die, if you press space and then quickly press fire button the menu will appear.

I wanted to say how great dig dug is on the c64. I do find it harder to play than the arcade version as there seems to be a mechanic missing. The arcade version as I remember allowed you to dig close to edge of a small cave/trench from top/bottom/left or right of a cave and fire the harpoon through the thin wall to inflate the bad guys. This leaves a thin wall to stop a second bad guy in the same cave from getting to you. So this version only allows you to inflate a bad guy if you dig and open a cave and let the creatures out. Lol I only mention it as I find it hard, maybe it’s just me getting old. Anyway I just wanted to thank you for writing for the c64, please keep up the great work. Thank you.

I am looking forward to this sequel as I am enjoying the first game, I am currently playing. @5x years old, my reactions are not as good as they used to be. Finding it hard but enjoyable. Wonderful to see games still being written for the c64. I am getting more enjoyment playing these new c64 games than playing modern games on my PS5. Please keep up the fantastic work!

Thank you. 

What a wonderful game! It’s great to see that c64 games are still being written all these years later. I really hope you create a sequel as I had a lot of fun completing this game. Never found the secret level but it is a reason to play through again. Keep up the great games. Thank you. 

Thanks for writing C64 games. I love them. This is a most excellent shooter!

This is a wonderful game with great game play and excellent graphics and sound. I really hope there will be a second version with many more levels. Thank you for Old Tower.

I just wondered if you have a .d64 or .d81 version of Snow Force. Or a version with just Soul Force-X on disk format. The game has saves but it will not save to disk. I assume because it's a .crt file?

Anyway just hoping.

Thank you so much!

Thank you for creating BWC, I am looking forward to playing it. I have been purchasing and playing your shoot em up games and really enjoying them, so I am really looking forward to play BWC, love a good RPG as well. Thanks for the quick fix, wishing you a very merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

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Hi, I have just purchased BW1 and found version 1.1.0. Hangs at the beginning of the games. You are reminded to find the cat. You walk to the cat and stop to the left of the cat. The box about press fire to interact with an object appears, you press fire and the game hangs. Does this every time. I have tried re-downloading the .crt file and replaced it but it still happens every time. If I do the same with version 1.0.9 then it works correctly.

PS. If you start a new game with v1.1.0 and ignore walking to the cat but walk to the telephone the hint box appears, you press fire and the game hangs, so it appears to be an issue with the hint box. Again this does not happen with 1.0.9. 

System: Miyoo Mini Plus, Onion OS, Emulator Retroarch.