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A member registered Jan 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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It stills processing HD, I play on controller and tbh this is the best time I could get I even tried with all other cats so maybe bobcat just good, and np! Game is just fun so i'd love to see it better, I'll wait for more updates to come! There is 1 area of this map though that I feel like should be changed in the clip after the first race you can see me crashing into nothing since there is an invisible wall that always stops me from taking a tighter turn, do not know if this is on purpose but that's my only criticism with the new map LOL. Cant wait for more!!

I just tried the new version, and yeah drifting feels so much cleaner now! I will say I do not know what the sparks mean, though I just use them as a guide to tell me if I am turning too hard, which I really like! The game feels really unique and a lot of fun with the new change, the new maps is also really cool I love how you repurposed a previous map yet made it feel so different! Really excited for this game :D!! In terms of balancing cats with high turning capabilities seem really strong right now, but then again game isn't multiplayer yet so I would not fully know. Can't wait!

Funniest thing I've played in a minute, it's also a lot of fun! My only real complaint is tight turning is really hard since using your break to simulate a drift makes you do a 180, but I suppose that's also the point. Other than that a lot of fun! Can't wait for the multiplayer release

This was a lot of fun! Genuinely a great time, the style was great (though at first it was a little nauseating but I got used to it) and the puzzles are really creative! Wish there was more, can't wait for that to be continued to lead to a full release!

Just replayed and noticed you could change controls somewhat, so that's nice! Full customization would still be great

This game was a lot of fun! I love the graphics style, the humor and that it's a clever metroidvania. My only complaint is the controller controls are a bit weird, using a trigger to jump feels uncomfortable, wish I could customize it! Running feels a little weird too, but only because the dash is also a trigger. Other than that, really fun!

I have not finished the game yet, but WOW! I just got to the desert level (had to stop because the extremeness was making my arm hurt) and this game so far is amazing! At the start the weapon variety was kind of bland, there was never really a reason to not use the infinite ammo base shotgun, though once the secondary abilities kicked in the combos went crazy! I still cannot find a use for the automatic weapon, but everything else is so much fun, especially the grapple! Enemies are also a lot of fun to fight against, though I really only have 1 small gripe and its that the maximum look area for the Y axis (well up and down) is capped so I cant look completely down, which feels a bit awkward however other than that, it's an amazing stylistic, almost doomlike shooter! Can't wait to finish the game :D!

Thank you so much!! Will do!


This is really cool and very well made!! Wish there was an actual boss but can't wait to see where it takes y'all!! If I had the money I would donate a bit

Also cant collect coins on the edge, probably change the collider of the water!!

That was pretty cool! At first I did not understand how to play the game but I got the hang of it, the visuals and the sfx along side the music were amazing!! Great job :D

Wow that was very different, I have never seen anything like it!! I really enjoyed it and it felt, weird idk how to describe but its a feeling you only get every once in a while. It was an amazing game!!

Thank you so much :D!! It’s my first ever jam game!! I’m glad you enjoyed !!

Pretty cool, the graphics look amazing!! I just wish there was more than just a literal endless runner, also music and SFX would have really juiced up the game, but nonetheless good job!

This was really cool!! I really enjoyed the game and the mechanic felt smooth and really well made!! This was great!! And I loved the final boss lol, good job this was an amazing entree!!

Difficult game just because of the really weird movement, but fun idea, I think you really pushed the mechanics to their limit with all the tests!! And I loved the music!!

Pretty cool! I like the concept it just the controls do not feel amazing, feels incredibly floaty (which I mean I know we in space but still), it just feels unresponsive and is what makes the game hard, but it is still an interesting concept!!

That was amazing! It looked amazing, played amazing, and sounded amazing! I really enjoyed this game a lot!! Really well done!

Wow this was actually really cool, I really enjoyed the concept while it was very short and simple! Maybe this could use more levels, it was super weird and wacky but it fit the theme perfectly!!

I loved this yes no one would consider recording 60+ lines it was very creative and fun!! I really enjoyed the voice lines they actually added so much to the game! Well done!!

The movement felt pretty nice I enjoyed it, wish I had someone to play with lol, but the guns shooting felt weird idk it seemed inconsistent but apart from that it felt really smooth and well made!

Lol that was fun, I enjoyed running around and dodging, never really shot since it seemed very ineffective, also what do the numbers mean? I shot something 8 times that said "8" and it did not die, but apart from that it was still pretty fun!!

That was AMAZING!! I really enjoyed the game, it was a lot of fun and the visuals look amazing! I wish there was music or sound in general, but even without it it was great! The story was pretty interesting too! This was an amazing entree!!

This was really cool :D I love all the creativity in all the references lol, its visuals were also amazing !! Really good game jam game!!

I enjoyed this game! Adding a leaderboard would be sick :D, it was pretty cool mix of Will You Snail and Pac-Man! I wish for the Jam though that there was an objective, but overall everything was really well done!!

Good job! I really liked it, it is cool and unique! The controls are a bit hard though, I wish you could see your mouse cursor, but apart from that nice entree with great visuals and music!

Pretty interesting, I am guessing the bug was gravity switching, I believe so much more could have been done with this. Also background music would have been nice, but I like the art. Good Job!

Ah yes I love this, my screen filled with broken textures LOL. It was a lot of fun and a really cool and interesting puzzle game!! And it looks really good for the theme of the Jam!!

Are we inside a ladybug? Also interesting idea! This could be a casual game that has a leaderboard and it is pretty cool! 

Very interesting game! I liked the simplicity of it and mechanics! One thing I did not like was that you had to button mash, but a part from that really interesting game!!

Thank you!

I am glad you did!

I totally understand, I plan to release a fully polished version of this game!! Thank you for the feed back and for playing!

(1 edit)

I did not really understand, I answered and played it like 7 times and always got 3/6, nothing changed but the background and the tempo of the mario music. It seems interesting, but I cant seem to figure it out in any way. Even tried mashing answers

Edit: Nvm after reading a few comments and retrying some theories I figured it out, and that is actually a pretty cool Idea! I really liked it and it was super creative and well made, it was just super subtle. Good Job!!

Wow this was really cool and well made! I also love how it is the grandma fixing it lol, but overall really fun and interesting take on it!!

Thank you!!

I really enjoyed this game! I liked how the bugs were messing with the creator and how he felt like he could not fixed them, almost like all of us in our first game!! It was super cool, and while I wish there was an official ending and not just an endless shooter, it was still pretty funny to add on lol. Well done!!

Lol! I thought the tutorial for mine was mediocore, and I loved your game !!

Yeah it is super random lol maybe make the boss more telegraphed, and make sure that when a random thing like the skull appearing it is shown a warning to the player before it happening, or else the boss can simply just feel unfair, similar to cuphead bosses.

I absolutely love bosses, they are my favorite thing in any game and I enjoyed this one! It was a bit challenging but only due to its random nature, and sometimes I could not avoid something, however besides this it was so much  fun and reminded me of a glitchy version of Hollow Knight! You should definitely do something with this in expanding like making a full on boss rush game! I would LOVE that! Overall really good game!!