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Hello I started playing Knight’s Try 4 days ago, and have now beaten the game in Squire, and Knight mode, totaling 914 tries. As i found that there was no save quit in options, and couldn’t find a way to go to the castle from in a level, or at the end of the game, I just saved and quit the game. It seemed to save my progress just fine. When I completed Knight mode however, i was left in the flight section, and I closed the game and reopened it. It did not recognize me having beaten the game in Knight mode. I wanted to see where the mysterious cave thing goes, and I planned to practice to beat the game in Arch Knight, but I can’t say I want to if it doesn’t show my accomplishment, and grant  me access to the additional content.

If there is a way to save and quit to save my progress I’d like to know. I am playing on switch, if that has anything to do with it.

(1 edit)

Oh ya, I should say that I love the Game, great job!