Joe Dolan

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Joe Dolan
Joe Dolan (1975)
NazionalitàIrlanda (bandiera) Irlanda
Pop rock
Periodo di attività musicale1958 – 2007
Sito ufficiale

Joseph Francis Robert Dolan, detto Joe (Mullingar, 16 ottobre 1939Dublino, 26 dicembre 2007), è stato un cantante irlandese.

Album studio
  • The Answer To Everything (1964)
  • Make Me an Island (1969)
  • Lady in Blue (1975)
  • Sister Mary (1976)
  • Midnight Lover (1978)
  • Turn Out the Light (1979)
  • More and More
  • Here and Now
  • This Is My Life
  • Always on My Mind
  • Always Loved You
  • Can't Give Enough (1993)
  • Endless Magic (1997)
  • Joe's 90's (1998)
  • 21st Century Joe (1999)
  • Home Grown (2003)
  • Double 'O' Joe (2004)
  • Let There Be Love (2007)

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