Trevi Group

Trevi Group

Ingegneria civile

Cesena, Emilia-Romagna 32.067 follower

Chi siamo

The Trevi Group is a world leader in the field of underground engineering in the design and marketing of specialized technologies in the sector. Set-up in Cesena in 1957, today the Trevi Group has over 65 offices and is present in more than 90 countries. The Group employs more than 3000 employees. Internationalization, integration and the continuous exchange between its 2 divisions are among the reasons for the success of the Group: Trevi, which carries out special foundations and soil consolidation works for large infrastructure projects (subways, dams, ports and docks, bridges, railway and highway lines, industrial and civil buildings), secures polluted sites and Soilmec, which designs, manufactures and markets machinery, systems and services for underground engineering. Among the many projects carried out by the Group over its 65 years of activity we remember: the construction of the Ertan Dam, the consolidation of the Tower of Pisa, the foundations of the Vasco da Gama Bridge, the foundation works of the new World Trade Center, the consolidation of the niches of the Bamiyan Buddhas, the consolidation of the Wolf Creek and of the LPV-111 levee, the recovery of the Costa Concordia, the new Copenhagen metro, the Four Frankfurt business centre and the new Paris metro line. In 2016, the Group acquired the works for the safety of the Mosul dam in Iraq, overcoming an extremely complicated technological and organizational challenge which received the 2022 DFI Outstanding project award. In 2022, the Group acquired the works for The Line project in Saudi Arabia, the foundation&consolidation works for the North East Link Project in Melbourne and the construction of the consolidation and drainage curtain of the Rogun Main Dam Foundation in Tajikistan, one of the highest dams in the world. Trevi-Finanziaria Industriale S.p.A. has been listed on the Milan stock exchange since July 1999 in the Euronext market.

Sito Web
Ingegneria civile
Dimensioni dell’azienda
5001 - 10.000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Cesena, Emilia-Romagna
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
TREVI Spa: Dams & Levees, Marine Works, Industrial & Civil buildings, Ground & Underground Transportation, Enviromental solution e SOILMEC spa: Equipment for foundation works


Dipendenti presso Trevi Group


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    Today, on this day of reflection and remembrance, we remember the victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. #GroundZero, the site where the Twin Towers once stood, has become a symbol of resilience and rebirth. #TreviGroup had the honor of contributing to the reconstruction of this place through its subsidiary TREVIICOS, which built the #foundations for the new #WorldTradeCenter transportation hub. This project not only represented a high-level #engineeringChallenge but also a moral and symbolic commitment to the rebirth of a city and a nation. Trevi’s work at Ground Zero is a tribute to the memory of those who lost their lives and a sign of hope for the future. On this day, we join the entire world in remembering and honoring the victims, the survivors, and all those who worked tirelessly for the reconstruction. #NeverForget #TreviSpa #TreviGroup #Soilmec Trevi Group Soilmec Soilmec North America #TREVIICOS

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    #Trevi is glad to announce its involvement and the commencement of the works at the #MetroManila Subway Project Phase 1, Contract Package CP-102. Funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Metro Manila Subway Phase 1 foresees the construction of an #underground rapid transit line of about 33 Km, with 14 stations, from Quezon City to Taguig City, extending to Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3. The Metro Manila Subway Phase 1 is expected to serve 1.5 million passengers daily, providing a faster, safer, and more convenient mode of transportation. #TreviFoundationsPhilippines (Trevi Group) has been engaged by the #Nishimatsu- D.M. CONSUNJI, INC. (DMCI) Joint Venture (NDJV) for the Contract Package CP-102, to install #DiaphragmWalls and King Posts for the construction of Quezon Avenue Station and East Avenue Station. Stay tuned as we contribute to enhancing Manila's urban landscape and connectivity!

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    CONFERENCE CALL INVITATION: “2024 Half Year Results” 📅 Thursday, August 8th 2024 at 04:00 p.m. (CEST) Speakers: ➡ Giuseppe Caselli, C.E.O. of Trevi Group ➡ Massimo Sala, C.F.O. of Trevi Group For those wishing to participate, please call one of the following numbers, starting 15 minutes before the beginning of the conference call to facilitate the registration process: ➡ +39 02 802 09 11 for Italy and the rest of the world; ➡ +44 1 212818004 for UK only; ➡ +1 718 7058796 (toll-free 1 855 2656958) for United States only. Alternatively, it is possible to connect from all over the world, via PC or smartphone, through this link (the use of headphones is recommended for optimal audio): ➡ It will also be possible to follow the event in webcast live (audio + presentation slides) via PC or smartphone through this link):  ➡ INVITO ALLA CONFERENCE CALL: "Risultati Semestrale 2024" Giovedì 8 agosto 2024 alle ore 16:00 (CEST) Relatori: ➡ Giuseppe Caselli, C.E.O. of Trevi Group ➡ Massimo Sala, C.F.O. of Trevi Group Per chi desidera partecipare, preghiamo di telefonare a uno dei seguenti numeri, a partire da 15 minuti prima dell’inizio della conference call per facilitare il processo di registrazione: ➡+39 02 802 09 11 per l’Italia e resto del mondo; ➡+44 1 212818004 per UK; ➡ +1 718 7058796 (numero verde 1 855 2656958) per gli Stati Uniti. In alternativa è possibile connettersi da tutto il mondo, tramite pc o smartphone, attraverso questo link (è consigliato l'utilizzo delle cuffie per un audio ottimale):  ➡ Sarà inoltre possibile seguire il tutto anche in modalità live streaming (audio + slide di presentazione), tramite pc o smartphone, attraverso questo link (è consigliato l'utilizzo delle cuffie per un audio ottimale):  ➡

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    The main goal of the grouting consolidation/curtain of the #RogunDam Project is to avoid the uncontrolled leakage from the reservoir through the rock mass foundations below the dam and the near surface zones exposed to very high hydraulic gradients. Each construction phase requires serious, disciplined, and organized work in a highly challenging context. #TreviSpa, with its own motivated and experienced site teams, is proceeding with the works in accordance with the work schedule and high quality plan required by the Sub-Contract. (The Project is commissioned by #OJSC Rogun HPP with Webuild as the Lot 2 Contractor responsible for the construction of the Rogun Dam).

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    We are thrilled to announce that Lorenzo Faedi, #Treviicos Senior Geotechnical Engineer - Technical Manager, will be presenting at the upcoming course on Grouting and Ground Improvement hosted by the Colorado School of Mines that will take place in Golden, CO, from July 29th to August 1st, 2024.   Lorenzo, with his extensive background and over a decade of experience in #groundEngineering, will delve into the intricacies of #JetGrouting and #DeepMixing Methods, including test sections, QC and practical applications in the field. His sessions, scheduled for July 30th and August 1st, will offer valuable insights and knowledge to industry professionals. ➡ Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more and to network with fellow professionals.!   For more information and to register for the course, please visit the School of Mines’ official website:

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    The #ROGUNDam Project foresees 3 different types of drilling and injection activities within the Main Dam Grouting Galleries carried out by #TreviSpa: The preliminary consolidation around the galleries, the grout curtain (Sub Horizontal, Downwards, Upwards, Fan) and the drainage curtain of the Main Dam.. The grout curtain activities consist of the sequential execution of 3 grout curtain lines, namely the A line (on the downstream side), the Line B (on the upstream side) and the central Line C The primary holes will be drilled first, followed by the secondary and finalized by the tertiary grouting boreholes. The grouting evaluation will be based on the closure criteria and grout volume absorptions detected per each stage of each borehole. (The Project is commissioned by #OJSC Rogun HPP with Webuild as the Lot 2 Contractor responsible for the construction of the Rogun Dam).

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    Il #GruppoTrevi ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nella formazione degli studenti dell'Istituto "S. Mottura" di Caltanissetta durante l'anno scolastico 2023/2024. Attraverso una collaborazione attiva, gli alunni hanno avuto l'opportunità di:   ➡ Esperienza diretta: il personale tecnico di Trevi S.p.A. ha rivestito il ruolo di insegnante con l’obiettivo di avvicinare gli studenti al mondo del lavoro formandoli su contenuti inerenti al know-how del gruppo, le esperienze tecniche e la professionalità maturata negli anni.   ➡ Esperienza sul campo: hanno seguito le fasi realizzative delle fondazioni di un viadotto ferroviario nel cantiere di Nizza di Sicilia.   ➡ Essere inseriti nella realtà lavorativa: nove studenti sono stati selezionati per un periodo di tirocinio che prevederà un passaggio di formazione in sede e a seguire pratica nei cantieri su territorio nazionale.   Un in bocca al lupo agli studenti per questo nuovo inizio.

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    The contract for the consolidation and waterproofing of the rock mass foundations of the #RogunDam in Tajikistan was awarded in May 2022 to #TreviSpa, the specialized foundation and consolidation division of the Trevi Group, by the main Contractor of Rogun HPP Project Lot 2 #Webuild S.p.A. The Rogun Dam, consisting of the construction of a 335 m high embankment #dam, will be the highest dam in the World. Once completed, the Rogun Hydro Power Project will be made by 6 turbines in operation 600 MW each, for a total installed capacity of 3 600 MW, able to double the energy potential of the whole country, making Tajikistan a reference point for the energy sector of the Central Asia.

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    Last tuesday, #TreviASC, the #TreviSpa branch for #foundation and #geotechnicalWorks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the presence of Giuseppe Caselli, CEO of the Trevi Group and Andrea Acerbi, General Manager of the Trevi Spa division, started the production piling activities for the #AmiralProject, a petrochemical complex which represents an investment of $11 billion, located in Al-Jubail Industrial City (Jubail-II), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). TreviASC is a sub-contractor of TECNIMONT, the Italian Group international leader in the field of #plantEngineering. Trevi ASC's scope of work for the Amiral project, consists in approx. 2,000 piles in #CFA diameter ranging between 600mm and 800mm with depth ranging between 10 to 20 meters approx. 5 Piling rigs are engaged for the execution of Trevi Asc works.

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