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Snið:Cite web/doc: Breytingaskrá

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Skýring: (núverandi) = bera saman þessa útgáfu við núverandi útgáfu, (þessi) = sjá hvaða breytingu útgáfan gerði, m = minniháttar breyting

21. nóvember 2022

  • núverandiþessi 22:5921. nóvember 2022 kl. 22:59Snævar spjall framlög 28.709 bæti +28.709 Ný síða: {{Citation/doc}} <templatedata> { "description": "Formats a citation to a website using the provided information such as URL and title. Used only for sources that are not correctly described by the specific citation templates for books, journals, news sources, etc.", "params": { "url": { "label": "URL", "description": "The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found. Requires schemes of the type \"http://...\" or maybe even the  protocol...