The Unique Challenges of Securing Containers and Serverless

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Containers and serverless functions have revolutionized the way we build, deploy, and run applications. However, their unique characteristics pose distinct security challenges:

Dynamic Runtime Environment

  • Unlike VMs, containers allow developers to package OS components, impacting the runtime environment significantly 
  • Frequent updates through CI/CD pipelines mean thousands of image changes daily, increasing the need for robust security practices
  • Immutability ensures that changes occur only at the start of the development cycle

Microservices and Networking

  • Microservices architecture shifts networking dynamics, with functions, containers, and pods replacing traditional VMs
  • Highly orchestrated environments are not predetermined and run for short durations, creating dynamic networking requirements
  • Utilization of minimal Linux distributions reduces the attack surface 

Security Posture Determined at Development

  • Security is largely determined during development due to the packaging of OS components
  • Use of open-source components introduces potential vulnerabilities 

How Aqua Can Help Secure Your Cloud Native Workloads 

Aqua offers a comprehensive serverless security solution with specific AWS workloads. Our solution ensures your cloud native workloads on AWS are protected against vulnerabilities, unauthorized access, and anomalous behavior. With Aqua, you can confidently embrace the benefits of containers and serverless functions while maintaining a robust security posture. 

Download our whitepaper to gain in-depth insights into securing your cloud native workloads on AWS and learn how Aqua can empower your organization with advanced security solutions.  

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