About me

Hi! I am Inès Blin, welcome to my personal website.

I am an industrial Ph.D. student, in collaboration between the Sony Computer Science Laboratories in Paris, France, and between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I started my Ph.D. in October 2021, and my background is in Mathematics and Computer Science.

My research centers on constructing narratives using structured representations, achieved through a two-step process: first, developing a factual knowledge graph to serve as the foundational knowledge, and second, generating the narrative from this structure. I have contributed to several initiatives, including the MUHAI project focused on advancing human-centric AI, and an NWO-funded project dedicated to hypothesis discovery and synthesis.

Topics of interest: AI, Knowledge Graphs, Narratives, LLMs, ML.

One of my hobbies is sport, especially running - when I am not injured - and more recently cycling. I am always looking for the nicest route in my surroundings!

Latest News

  • November 2024: Presented our demo paper “Living Meta-Review Generation for Social Scientists: An Interface and A Case Study on Human Cooperation” at EKAW.

  • November 2024: Presented our paper Structured Representations for Narratives at EKAW.

  • November 2024: We recently organized the final MUHAI event: a tutorial presented at EKAW, offering an overview of our work.

  • November 2024: Giulio Prevedello presented our paper “Lyrics for success: embedding features for song popularity prediction” at NLP4MUSA, co-located with ISMIR.

  • May 2024: Our workshop on Semantic Methods for Events and Stories SEMMES was held during ESWC. The proceedings are out.