The quest for new physics beyond the SM is arguably the driving topic for LHC Run2. LHC collaborations are pursuing searches for new physics in a vast variety of channels. Although collaborations provide various interpretations for their search results, the full understanding of these results requires a much wider interpretation scope involving all kinds of theoretical models. This is a very active field, with close theory-experiment interaction. In particular, development of dedicated methodologies and tools is crucial for such scale of interpretation.
Recently, a Forum was initiated to host discussions among LHC experimentalists and theorists on topics related to the BSM (re)interpretation of LHC data, and especially on the development of relevant software tools and infrastructure:
Two meetings were held at CERN, where active discussions and concrete work on (re)interpretation methods and tools took place, with valuable contributions from the LHC experiments:
1st meeting: 15-17 June 2016:
2nd meeting: 12-14 December 2016:
This third meeting of the Forum will be held at Fermilab LPC, where the discussions will continue, with a special focus on the US activity in current interpretation developments. The program will consist mainly of invited talks. However there will also be sessions with contributed talks on interpretation studies, focusing on usage of methods and tools.
The workshop will mainly concentrate on the following subjects.
- Re-interpretation tools: current developments, hands-on tutorials (provided enough interest)
- Re-interpretation studies (with focus on methodology)
- Machine learning methods for re-interpretation
- Statistical methods for re-interpretation, simplified likelihoods, etc.
- A dedicated common session with the Long Lived Particles WG meeting in Trieste
Sezen Sekmen (Kyungpook National University)
Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble)
Zhen Liu (Fermilab)
Organizing committee:
JoAnne Hewett (SLAC)
Ahmed Ismail (Pittsburg U.)
Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
David Miller (U. Chicago)
Steven Mrenna (Fermilab)
George Redlinger (BNL)
Carlos Wagner (U. Chicago)
Frank Würthwein (UCSD)
Local organization committee:
Javier Duarte (Fermilab)
Kiel Howe (Fermilab)
Şeyda İpek (Fermilab)
Nadja Strobbe (Fermilab)
LPC coordinators:
Cecilia Gerber (UIC)
Boaz Klima (Fermilab)
LPC events committee:
Gabriele Benelli (Brown U)
Ben Kreis (Fermilab)
Hannsjoerg Weber (Fermilab)