André David(CERN), Michael Duehrssen-Debling(CERN)
For the first half day lectures on the use of pseudo-observables (PO) at LEP are planned. The rest of the time will be used for in depth sessions using the black board for detailed explanations and discussions. Below is a tentative list of topics for the in depth sessions:
1) POs@Lep, the role of the Z-pole.
2) Running of the parameters and gauge invariance,
Lep guidance: the case of alpha_QED.
3) TH ``options" and their role, e.g. the blue band.
Limitations of the Model Independent (MI) approach,
the role of the SM remnant.
4) The kappa-framework: origin and problems.
5) The role of EFT in resetting the kappa-framework.
6) How to write observables in the kappa-EFT approach.
7) Limitations of the EFT.
8) The kappa-framework for BSM models (Singlet, THDMs, etc).
9) On-shell and off-shell for LHC physics. The role of gauge
invariance, definition of Signal. What is the problem
with unstable particles?
10) How to define ``simple" quantities without destroying
internal consistency:
- production cross sections (ggH, VBF)
- partial decay widths (with/without QED/QCD?)
- asymmetries
- off-shell events
- etc.
Why off-shell is problematic and why one should not take derivatives.
11) How to treat the Background (e.g. in the kappa-framework).
12) From kappas to POs, a tentative list of POs.
13) How to ``insert" POs into Fiducial Observables (FOs).
14) Who should provide POs?
15) Who should provide interpretation of POs, e.g. using LO EFT, NLO EFT, BSMs?
16) POs as a way to ``compress" results. LHC legacy.
17) Beyond the SM, from the predictive (SM) phase to the ``partially predictive (fitting)" one.
18) TH uncertainties, not only QCD
Registration is not mandatory, but helpful for the planning. So please press register if you want to participate.