Salim Ayduz
Professor Salim Ayduz was the Director of Heritage Department at The British Muslim Heritage Centre (BMHC) in Manchester and he was a lecturer at the Istanbul Medeniyet University and Fatih University, Istanbul for many years. He was a visiting scholar at the Indiana University, USA, and University of Manchester. His research interests include Islamic science, technology, and particularly history of Ottoman Science, Technology and Civilization. He is a respected academic who has published and contributed to an array of texts. He published many scholarly books and articles in his field and participated in numerous national and international symposia with original papers.
He recently published two manuscripts on The Mamluk and The Ottoman art of war.
He is the co-editor of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam, (Ibrahim Kalin, Editor-in-Chief; Oxford University Press, New York, 2014).
He is a member of the Turkish History of Science Society (TBTK), Istanbul.
He recently published two manuscripts on The Mamluk and The Ottoman art of war.
He is the co-editor of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Science and Technology in Islam, (Ibrahim Kalin, Editor-in-Chief; Oxford University Press, New York, 2014).
He is a member of the Turkish History of Science Society (TBTK), Istanbul.
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Papers by Salim Ayduz
April N. Najjaj, (2015), “Elhamra’da Unutulmaz Bir Mevlid Kandili”, Çeviren. Salim Aydüz, Derin Tarih, Aralık 2015, Ah Endülüs, Özel Sayı 4, s. 18-23.
ola rak ‹s lâm dün ya s› n›n her za man gün de min de ol mufl tur. Zi ra ‹s lâm’da na maz,
hac ve oruç gi bi iba det le rin bel li va kit ler de ifa edil me si ge rek mek te dir. Müs lü -
man la r›n ast ro no miy le olan ya k›n ilifl ki si ni or ta ya ko yan bu du rum, ‹s lâm me -
de ni ye tin de ast ro no mi il mi nin öne mi ni ve do la y› s›y la ku rum lafl ma n›n da ar ka
pla n› n› gös te rir. Ça ¤› n›n el ver di ¤i çe flit li ast ro no mik araç lar la bir ta k›m öl çüm -
ler ya p›p za ma n› be lir le yen bir mes lek ola rak or ta ya ç› kan mu vak kit lik ilk kez
Eme viy ye dö ne min de; mu vak kit ha ne ler ise ku rum ola rak XI II. yüz y› l›n son çey -
re ¤in de Ka hi re’de or ta ya ç›k m›fl ve bu yüz y›l lar dan iti ba ren çe flit li mi ma ri form -
lar da ve bu lun du ¤u ya p› komp lek si nin fark l› ko num la r›n da ken di le ri ne öz gün
ya p› la ra sa hip ola rak in fla edil mifl tir. Bu ba¤ lam da Os man l› me de ni ye ti, özel lik -
le ‹s tan bul’un fet hin den son ra ya p› lan la r› ‹s lâm bi lim ve mi mar l›k ta ri hi nin en
zen gin mi sal le ri ne sa hip tir.
April N. Najjaj, (2015), “Elhamra’da Unutulmaz Bir Mevlid Kandili”, Çeviren. Salim Aydüz, Derin Tarih, Aralık 2015, Ah Endülüs, Özel Sayı 4, s. 18-23.
ola rak ‹s lâm dün ya s› n›n her za man gün de min de ol mufl tur. Zi ra ‹s lâm’da na maz,
hac ve oruç gi bi iba det le rin bel li va kit ler de ifa edil me si ge rek mek te dir. Müs lü -
man la r›n ast ro no miy le olan ya k›n ilifl ki si ni or ta ya ko yan bu du rum, ‹s lâm me -
de ni ye tin de ast ro no mi il mi nin öne mi ni ve do la y› s›y la ku rum lafl ma n›n da ar ka
pla n› n› gös te rir. Ça ¤› n›n el ver di ¤i çe flit li ast ro no mik araç lar la bir ta k›m öl çüm -
ler ya p›p za ma n› be lir le yen bir mes lek ola rak or ta ya ç› kan mu vak kit lik ilk kez
Eme viy ye dö ne min de; mu vak kit ha ne ler ise ku rum ola rak XI II. yüz y› l›n son çey -
re ¤in de Ka hi re’de or ta ya ç›k m›fl ve bu yüz y›l lar dan iti ba ren çe flit li mi ma ri form -
lar da ve bu lun du ¤u ya p› komp lek si nin fark l› ko num la r›n da ken di le ri ne öz gün
ya p› la ra sa hip ola rak in fla edil mifl tir. Bu ba¤ lam da Os man l› me de ni ye ti, özel lik -
le ‹s tan bul’un fet hin den son ra ya p› lan la r› ‹s lâm bi lim ve mi mar l›k ta ri hi nin en
zen gin mi sal le ri ne sa hip tir.
Fuat Sezgin
Hazırlayan: Prof. Dr. SALİM AYDUZ
Yayınevi: Timaş, 2014
Yayın Yeri: İstanbul
XXXII+688 sayfa. 15x24 cm
Prof. Dr. Salim Aydüz ve Şamil Çan tarafından “Osmanlı Dönemi Teknoloji ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Konulu Yazmalar Projesi” dahilinde çalışılan ve bilinen tek nüshası olan İBB Atatürk Kitaplığı, Muallim Cevdet bölümü, K. 439 numaradaki nüsha esas alınarak hazırlanan Fenn-i Humbara ve Sanâyi‘-i Âteş-bâzî, bilgilendirici giriş yazısı ve metninin transkripsiyonu ile bilim tarihi sahasına değerli malumat kazandıracak ve Osmanlı’nın savaş teknolojisindeki gelişmelerin daha iyi anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunacaktır.
studies encouraged and supported by Ottoman sultans and statesmen had peaked at the reign of
Mehmed II who highly valued science and philosophy and championed scholars of the Islamic world.
While he was embracing Turkish and Muslim scholars from the East and the Muslim world, he was at
the same time inviting to his capital Western scholars and artists. His interest in the Western culture
had begun while he resided in the Manisa Palace as the crown prince. Italian humanist Ciriaco
d’Ancona and a few other Italian scholars taught him Roman and Western history. An Italian painter
of the school of Venice, Gentile Bellini visited the court of Mehmed II. He commissioned the eminent
Greek scholar Georgios Amirutzes and his son with the translation in to Arabic The Geography book
of Ptolemy. The Topkapı Palace library owns over fifty scholarly books on Western civilization which
were once part of Mehmed II’s personal library.
He also invited scholars from Turkic-Muslim countries, too, the most distinguished of them being Ali
Kuşçu, who was at the time the chief scientist in the Samarkand Observatory. He authored
numerous text books to be taught at madrasas. In addition to Ali Kuşçu, Kara Sinan, Shaikh Wafa,
Hocazade and Ala al-Din al-Tusi, all eminent scholars of astronomy and mathematics, were also
active during the reign of Mehmed II.
Sharaf al-Din Sabuncuoglu and his book in the field of medicine are also worthy of mention. He
translated into Turkish the surgery chapter of Al-Zahrawi’s al-Tasrif and added to the translation
three separate sections which he himself wrote and named it Jarrahiye-i Ilkhaniye. Mas’ud b. Hakim
al-Din al-Jilani and Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Ilaki may also be named as other eminent scientists who
were contemporaries of Mehmed II.
In this paper, we will analyse their books and their relationship with Mehmed II to reveal their
contribution to the Ottoman Science. The reign of Mehmet II is without doubt a very important time
in terms of the advancement of Ottoman science and education on which the said scholars and their
studies had significant impact over the course of the following few centuries.