Papers by Pratomo Cahyo Kurniawan
Abdi Makarti, Apr 3, 2024
Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, Aug 29, 2022
Jurnal Wira Ekonomi Mikroskil, Oct 23, 2018
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, Sep 29, 2019
APTISI Transactions on Management, Jan 9, 2021
Among Makarti, Dec 26, 2022
Jurnal Analisis Bisnis & Ekonomi, Sep 18, 2021
Journal of Economic and Management (JECMA)
Economic growth is usually used as a reference as an indicator of economic success in a region. S... more Economic growth is usually used as a reference as an indicator of economic success in a region. Such indicators are, for example, problems regarding inflation and unemployment as well as improving public welfare. One of the factors that influence economic growth is the number of labor force and unemployment. From year to year population growth is relatively increasing and it will also affect the growth of the labor force. In urban areas, the growth of the labor force is relatively increasing from year to year. In the city of Pekalongan, there is still an alarming number of unemployed, which is 11.042.00 people in 2020. This study aims to determine the effect of economic growth and labor force growth on the unemployment rate in the city of Pekalongan. This type of research is descriptive analytical quantitative research. Analytical descriptive quantitative is a technique or method used is descriptive analytical quantitative method, analytical descriptive method is a method that funct...
Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Politala
The election of regional heads is carried out directly by the people and has an impact. The posit... more The election of regional heads is carried out directly by the people and has an impact. The positive impact is that the community is directly involved in voting, while the negative impact is that the election costs are expensive for regional head candidates. Position auctions in several areas have changed meaning. This phenomenon used to carry out unloading and select Government Employees who are considered helpful and choose Government Employees who dare to register for positions with certain rates. This qualitative research uses the technical analysis of observation, and literature study with the method of triangulation of data sources as a test of data validity. The results found that the phenomenon of an auction of positions carried out unprofessionally became a transactional political tool for regional heads. The correlation of expensive political costs with low regional head integrity can trigger the occurrence of job auctions with tariffs. As a result, officials from the auct...
Velocity: Journal of Sharia Finance and Banking
Hajj is an obligatory worship for Muslims who are able to perform it. In connection with this stu... more Hajj is an obligatory worship for Muslims who are able to perform it. In connection with this study, I want to answer the formulation of the problem as follows: 1) How is the mechanism of the Hajj tube iB product at Bank Jateng Syariah Pembatu Tegal Branch, and 2) How is the application of the contract to the Hajj tube iB at Bank Jateng Syariah Tegal Sub-Branch. In writing this PPL assignment, the author uses field research methods by taking the research location at Bank Jateng Syariah KCPS Tegal using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data, which were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that a procedure or mechanism for the Hajj savings product at Bank Jateng KCPS Tegal, among others: opening an iB Tabung Haji account, registering for hajj initial deposit for hajj savings, provisions for getting a portion of hajj departures, paying off BPIH, as well as the benefits off the ...
Al Irsyad: Jurnal Studi Islam
This article descriptively discusses the description of the dynamics of Islamic civilization and ... more This article descriptively discusses the description of the dynamics of Islamic civilization and thought in the Middle Islamic period, namely the period of the three great empires. Each of the Islamic empires, both the Ottoman Turks, the Syafawi, and the Mughals, in their history have preserved many relics that show how dynamically developed Islamic civilization and thought. This article was written using a qualitative descriptive approach using the library study method. From the results of the discussion, it is known that Islamic civilization and thought during the three great empires were generally not as advanced as in the previous period, namely the Abbasid dynasty. However, there are various legacies and progress in other fields such as politics, economics, and art. This progress was mainly due to the factor of military strength. But the progress achieved did not last long due to various internal and external factors that befell these three great Islamic empires.
Among Makarti
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis Capital, Earning, Good corporate governance, d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis Capital, Earning, Good corporate governance, dan Risk profile terhadap kinerja keuangan perbankan pada Bank Jateng Cabang Brebes pada tahun 2017-2021 ekuivalen Peraturan Bank Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Dan teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini yaitu teknik dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Capital dengan rata-rata nilai rasio dari Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) sebesar 19,35% termasuk kategori sangat baik. Earnings dengan rata-rata nilai rasio dari Return On Assets (ROA) yaitu 2,37% termasuk kategori yang sangat baik, sedangkan rata-rata nilai rasio dari Net Interest Margin (NIM) yaitu 6,01% juga termasuk kategori yang sangat baik. Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dengan rata-rata nilai komposit sebesar 2,07 juga termasuk kategori baik. Risk Profile dengan rata-rata nilai rasio Non Performing Loan (NPL) sebesar 2,61% termasuk kategori baik, sedangkan rata-rata nilai rasio da...
ECONBANK: Journal of Economics and Banking
This research will focus on analyzing the company's financial performance using the EVA appro... more This research will focus on analyzing the company's financial performance using the EVA approach on Islamic stocks indexed at JII in 2021. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach with a population of financial statements of companies listed on the Jakarta Islamix Index (JII) in 2021. For analysis financial report data using the economic value added (EVA) approach, preceded by calculating the variables from EVA. The variables consist of NOPAT (net Operating after tax), Invested capital (invested capital), WACC (weighted average cost of capital), capital charger (cost of capital), then calculate EVA (economic value added). Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that, 1) companies listed on the JII index in 2021 are divided into two groups, namely companies whose company value is GOOD as seen from the positive EVA value and the category of companies whose company value is LESS with negative EVA value. 2) if the calculation of the value of NOPAT, In...
UMKM as drivers of the populist economy which are the backbone of the Indonesian economy receive ... more UMKM as drivers of the populist economy which are the backbone of the Indonesian economy receive special attention from the government to remain protected in order to survive in the midst of the Covid-19 storm. As a result of the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic, companies have suffered losses but many companies are also able to survive by utilizing technology information, especially the use of websites to increase branding and sales of their products/services. The method used in community service activities is to provide E-Marketing training to UMKM actors, most of whom still market their products in the traditional way. Activities in the implementation of community service include: providing counseling as well as training on how to increase sales turnover using digital strategies because currently the community and most consumers of UMKM actors must limit themselves not to interact much with other people. As a result of service activities, participants have an understanding of strategi...
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Audit Syariah (JAAiS)
The Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in its development of digital technology is expectedto provide a... more The Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ) in its development of digital technology is expectedto provide accountability and transparency which includes presenting non-financialand financial information through information technology, namely using internetmedia. This study aims to describe the use of the internet in the form of websitesand social media in reporting information by LAZ in Pekalongan. Method researchapproach used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The object of theresearch is the LAZ website and social media in Pekalongan. The way of collectingdata is collected by the method of documentation and observation. Then, the datawas analyzed by content analysis. The results of the research analysis show thatthe LAZs include LAZ Alummah, LAZIS MU Pekalongan, LAZIS NU Pekalongan andLAZ Central Java have used websites and social media well, websites and socialmedia are used for internet reporting, namely non-financial information. Thewebsite is used to convey organizati...
Papers by Pratomo Cahyo Kurniawan