Papers by Luc Van Ootegem
nrpages: 110status: publishe
A probabilistic model has been set up and evaluated for the nowcasting (short-term forecasting) o... more A probabilistic model has been set up and evaluated for the nowcasting (short-term forecasting) of urban inundations. It consists of the following components: A rainfall nowcasting model based on the Short Term Ensemble Prediction System (STEPS), originally co-developed by the UK Met Office and Australian Bureau of Meteorology, but further customised for urban applications in Belgium (denoted STEPSBE). It provides high-resolution (1 km / 5 min) rainfall nowcast ensembles with a 2-hour lead time. A hydraulic model that consists of the 1D sewer network and an innovative ‘nested’ 2D surface model to model 2D urban surface inundations at high resolution. The surface components are categorised into three groups and each group is modelled using triangular meshes at different resolutions; these include streets (3.75 – 15 m2), high flood hazard areas (12.5 – 50 m2) and low flood hazard areas (75 – 300 m2). Functions describing urban flood damage and social consequences in relation to ...
Waar en hoe vind je relevant bronnenmateriaal? Hoe selecteer je de gevonden informatie? Hoe verwe... more Waar en hoe vind je relevant bronnenmateriaal? Hoe selecteer je de gevonden informatie? Hoe verwerk je deze informatie juist en gestructureerd? Hoe verwijs je correct naar de gebruikte bronnen? Hoe vermijd je plagiaat? Het internet leidt tot een wereldwijde informatietsunami. Wie onvoldoende voorbereid is, zal vroeg of laat verdrinken. Precies daarom is de verzameling, beoordeling en verwerking van informatie vandaag als competentie belangrijker dan ooit. Bronnen zoeken, vinden en verwerken online/offline is de wegwijzer voor het schrijven van een goede wetenschappelijke paper, of een bachelor- of masterproef in een economische studierichting. Het centrale tienstappenplan is de leidraad bij het zoeken, lezen, beoordelen en verwerken van bronnen en informatie. Ga aan de slag met de oefeningen en opdrachten (incl. voorbeeldoplossingen) om je onderzoekscompetenties aan te scherpen. Zo leer je zoekstrategieen gebruiken, en informatie kritisch verwerken en presenteren.
A prototype system has been set up for the probabilistic nowcasting of the inundation risks in ur... more A prototype system has been set up for the probabilistic nowcasting of the inundation risks in urban areas. It consists of a rainfall nowcasting model based on radar and rain gauge data, a nested 1D-2D sewer hydraulic and surface inundation model, a model to assess the damages and social consequences of the urban inundations, and statistical post-processing methods to produce probabilistic urban inundation risk maps. The system has been implemented and tested for the villages Oostakker and Sint-Amandsberg, which are part of the larger city of Gent, Belgium. The system has been evaluated for recent historical flood events. The results on the rainfall nowcasting, the surface inundations, and the socio-economical risks could be partly evaluated based on historical observations of rainfall, sewer flows and water levels, surface inundations and flood damages claimed for the national disaster agency. Different methods for visualisation of the probabilistic inundation results were proposed...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2020
Applied Research in Quality of Life, 2018
Papers by Luc Van Ootegem