Diversity in Finite Fields and Coding Theory

07 – 12 July 2024, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.

This research workshop aims to bring together women and underrepresented minorities in mathematics, both from Brazil and abroad, to carry out joint research on Finite Fields and Coding Theory. Research topics include algebraic curves with many rational points, maximal curves, automorphism group of algebraic curves, permutation polynomials, algebraic geometry codes over curves and surfaces, lattice codes and related topics.

This workshop can accept only a limited number of participants in order to ensure a productive experience in the research groups. Therefore, there will be a selection process for participants. The target audience is composed of PhD students, postdocs and researchers from underrepresented groups. Applicants must submit supporting documents together with their application (academic transcript and reference contact for PhD students and short CV for postdocs and researchers). The deadline for application is January 15, 2024. Applicants will be informed of the result of the selection process by February 10, 2024. We hope to cover local expenses of non-local selected participants. 

*Official hotels and agencies are not allowed to contact participants, unless he/she had already contact the hotel previously. To make a reservation, please contact the hotel of your choice directly.

If you have received a message from Global Travel Experts it is not from the organization of the event, probably a scam. All the official messages about the event are sent by the e-mail [email protected]. *




List of Research Groups


 Project 1 – Investigations into new advances in (cryptographic) functions for the benefit of suitable subfield codes over finite fields • Cuiling Fan – Chengdu, China;   • Sihem Mesnager – Paris VIII, France               

Project 2 – Maximal curves in cryptography
• Sarah Arpin – U. Leiden, the Netherlands
• Annamaria Iezzi – U. Napoli, Italy

Project 3 – Lattices and their Applications in Communications
• Cintya Wink de Oliveira – Unesp, Brazil
• Grasiele Jorge – UNIFESP, Brazil 

Project 4 – Locally recoverable codes on higher dimensional varieties
• Beth Malmskog – Colorado College, USA
• Cecília Salgado – RUG, the Netherlands
• Lara Vicino – DTU, Denmark

Project 5 – Estimates on the number of rational solutions of Markoff-Hurwitz equations over finite fields
• Mariana Perez – UNAHUR, Argentina
• Melina Privitelli – UNAHUR, Agentina

Project 6 – Linear Complementary dual codes
• Maria Chara – UNL, Argentina
• Maria Montanucci – DTU, Denmark
• Luciane Quoos – UFRJ, Brazil
Project 7 – Quantum error-correcting codes from algebraic geometry
• Elena Berardini – Université de Bordeaux, France
• Jade Nardi – IRMAR, France



• Carolina Araujo (IMPA, Brazil)
• Grasiele Jorge( UNIFESP, Brazil)
• Luciane Quoos (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, Brazil)
• Cecília Salgado (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands)
• Suely Lima (IMPA, Brazil)