Press releases

Press Release

Where are the world’s most homicidal cities in 2023?

May 2024 Recent findings from the Homicide Monitor demonstrate that Latin American and Caribbean cities exhibit persistently high homicide rates compared to other regions.   Cities are powerful indicators of the progress of nations. When cities prosper, so do the prospects of countries. When they

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Press Release

The Defenders – How they define themselves

The research “We are vitórias-régias” was developed and executed with a group of 13 advocates representing the struggles of women from the Amazon basin in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. Learn more about them. Click here to download as a PDF   Ângela Mendes (Acre, Brazil)

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Press Release

Stolen Amazon: a new study from Igarapé Institute and InSight Crime uncovers the Roots of Environmental Crime in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname

Exhaustive field research from Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Guyana and Suriname highlights the ways in which criminal actors and networks are contributing to illegal deforestation and environmental degradation Because illegal deforestation does not respect borders, InSight Crime and the Igarapé Institute have launched an investigation into

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Press Release

The Igarapé Institute and the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA) join forces to discuss how to leverage the rule of law and sustainable development against deforestation and plunder in the Amazon Basin

From the Amazon Basin to equatorial Africa and Asia, some of the world’s largest and most biodiverse habitats are facing unprecedented threats. Environmental crime has gone global, posing existential risks not just to some of the world’s signature biomes but also to the international quest

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Press Release

Ilona Szabó joins high-level advisory board to the UN Secretary-General

  Igarapé Institute co-founder and president Ilona Szabó has been named to the newly created High-Level Advisory Board of the United Nations Secretary-General. She joins 11 other publicly acclaimed figures including former heads of state, sitting government authorities and eminent scholars who will be tasked

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Press Release

Press note on police killings in Jacarezinho

Rio de Janeiro’s public security authorities must  stop relying on lethal interventions as a policing strategy   May 7th – Rio de Janeiro   The Igarapé Institute is deeply saddened by the brutal killing of 25 people, including a law enforcement officer, during a police

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Press Release

Artificial intelligence can improve policing

A new study by Igarape Institute, Future Crime, highlights the evidence on crime prediction tools. It also provides an overview of the opportunities and pitfalls of new technologies to fight criminality and states recommendations to ensure transparency and accountability. 

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Press Release

In Brazil, one person every minute is forced to leave their home

March 2018 This week sees the Instituto Igarapé’s launch of its Forced Migration Monitor, bringing unprecedented research into the phenomenon of forced displacement in Brazil.   Refugees represent less than 0.005% of the Brazilian population, but another kind of migrant accounts for a much larger

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Press Release

How can Cuba update its drug policy?

New publication by Igarapé Institute discusses possible paths for a Cuban drug policy reform Cuba has one of the lowest violence rates in the Caribbean and Latin America. However, when it comes to drugs, it has one of the more punitive policies in the region

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Press Release

Nuevo informe presenta alternativas concretas para detener la epidemia de homicidios en América Latina  

La campaña para la reducción de los homicidios en América Latina Instinto de Vida lanza el documento “Latinoamérica puede bajar el homicidio en un 50 por ciento en 10 años. ¿Cómo hacerlo?” en el marco de la Asamblea General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA). La publicación identifica un conjunto de opciones de política pública que han tenido efectos positivos en la reducción de la violencia letal, seleccionadas a partir de la revisión de la creciente evidencia disponible sobre lo que funciona y lo que no funciona.

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Press Release

Responding to the murder epidemic in Latin America

The “Instinct for Life” homicide reduction campaign aims to cut homicides in the region by 50% in ten years April, 2017 Latin America faces a murder epidemic: every day at least 400 people are violently killed. That amounts to 144,000 homicides a year.  Some 2.6

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