wide open

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wide open

1. Literally, completely open, as of a door or window. No wonder it's drafty in here—the window is wide open!
2. Having many possible outcomes or options available. With so many outstanding teams in the playoffs this year, the field is wide open. Now that you have your degree, the future's wide open to you!
3. slang In sports, far away from defenders and available to easily receive a pass. Come on, pass it to me, I'm wide open! Didn't you see that your receiver was wide open?
4. Going very fast; at full speed. We were wide open, man, and he passed us like we were parked. He must have been doing 120!
5. Extremely vulnerable to something. Not having a disclaimer leaves you wide open to lawsuits. The military officials knew that pulling out would leave the country wide open to civil war.
6. slang To be overrun with crime. Our city used to be wide open, until the new police commissioner started getting criminals off the streets.
See also: open, wide
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

wide open

1. as fast as possible; at full throttle. I was driving along wide open when I became aware of a flashing red light. It was wide open and still wouldn't do better than eighty. 2. [of a town or place] full of crime or corruption; vice-ridden. This town is wide open! Because the prison is understaffed, it is wide open.
See also: open, wide
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

wide open

1. Unresolved, unsettled, as in The fate of that former colony is still wide open. [Mid-1900s]
2. Unprotected or vulnerable, as in That remark about immigrants left him wide open to hostile criticism. This expression originated in boxing, where it signifies being off one's guard and open to an opponent's punches. It began to be used more broadly about 1940. Also see leave open.
See also: open, wide
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

(lay/leave yourself) wide ˈopen (to something)

(put yourself) in a situation where you can easily be criticized, blamed, attacked, etc: By not saying anything in your defence, you’re leaving yourself wide open to their accusations.The soldiers were wide open to attack. OPPOSITE: cover your back
See also: open, wide
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017


mod. drug intoxicated. How’d you get so wide, man? What are you on?

wide open

1. mod. as fast as possible; at full throttle. I was driving along wide open when I became aware of a flashing red light.
2. mod. vice-ridden. This town is wide open!
See also: open, wide
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
"We are excited to host the inaugural Great Wide Open this summer at Montrose Beach and to bring the opportunity to play and enjoy lacrosse to young Chicago athletes who are sure to love the game" said Mike Kelly, General Superintendent and CEO, Chicago Park District.
Readers who appreciated the community garden focus of Fleischman's novel Seedfolks (HarperCollins, 1997/VOYA June 1997) must read Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental Headlines, which may become the author's most influential book.--Amy Cummins.
So our message to the Duke of York is very much "Welcome to Bahrain and please do come here with your eyes wide open in order to properly understand Bahrain on its own terms and to get a better understanding of what Bahrainis really want".
"Things are very wide open - I don't think there are all that many certainties pencilled in.
"Raleigh Wide Open has been one of the most exciting events in Raleigh for the past four years," said John Idler, president and general manager of ABC11 Eyewitness News.
A three-day session with Ben Muldrow of Arnett Muldrow & Associates has produced a new theme for the ailing downtown: Broadway Wide Open.
As a matter of fact, the Euro elections next year are wide open. With Labour's vote dropping at successive elections, the Welsh Lib Dem lead candidate would only need a small additional gain to pick up the slot currently held by the second Labour MEP.
"But even if they're wide open, they still got to knock them down and you have to give them credit for that.
It's a nice, wide open area that looks like a great place for getting stuff out of the way.
He said: "Scotland shouldn't go wide open because that will be right up Italy's street.
"A car can't run on two wheels, and Wide Open can't continue with only one side of the political spectrum represented," Jean Dubail, assistant managing editor/online, wrote in a note on the blog today.
wide open?, which was, of course, when everyone noticed.
Maritime counterterrorism efforts are too focused on port security and cargo containers, leaving cruise ships and ferries wide open to the possibility of deadly and costly terrorist attacks, according to a book-length study of the issue by Rand Corp.
Ever since Mayor Bloomberg re-vamped office layouts at City Hall that became a show pony of design excellence to attract and retain employees, business managers have been earger to give up offices in lieu of wide open communal space.