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get the vapors

old-fashioned Typically of a woman, to be about to faint or feel as though one might faint. The "vapors" is a physical and mental condition of the 18th and 19th century attributed to women. Symptoms included dizziness, fainting, and mood instability. So named because it was thought to be caused by vapors emanating from the uterus. My goodness, with all this excitement, I do feel as though I am getting the vapors! Lady Jane retired to her room to lie down. I think she's gotten the vapors from all this stress. Go fetch a chair for Mother—she's liable to get the vapors in this heat.
See also: get, vapor

the vapors

old-fashioned A physical and mental condition of the 18th and 19th century attributed to women. Symptoms included dizziness, fainting, and mood instability. So named because it was thought to be caused by vapors emanating from the uterus. Lady Jane retired to her room to lie down. I think this stress has given her the vapors. My goodness, with all this excitement, I do feel as though I am getting the vapors!
See also: vapor
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
One large source of water vapor in the stratosphere is the oxidation of methane, she notes.
As shown in Figure 1, for the heat and mass transfer process in the absorber cell, a microporous hydrophobic membrane is the contactor between the aqueous lithium bromide-water solution and the water vapor (refrigerant).
Also, the reflow environment of the smothering vapor blanket discouraged and even prevented oxidation, resulting in good wetting, shiny solder joints, and in most cases precluded the need to clean the PCB afterward.
We start by placing multiple Vapor edge data centers in a geographic region, spaced 15 to 20 Km apart.
With 2x4 framing in Steamboat Springs, you can use a Class I or Class II or Class III vapor retarder and not be in conflict with either the IECC or the IRC.
It is assumed that the gases inside the cavitation vapor bubble are liquid vapor and non-condensable gas.
RIPI has reportedly showcased 14 models of its technical know-how, including the technology for production of the hydrocarbon vapor recovery pilots for gas stations through using nanostructure absorbents, at the 9th International Nanotechnology Festival and Exhibition (IRAN NANO 2016) from October 5-8.
There are four main sources of vapor intrusion: industrial sites, military sites, dry cleaners, and gas stations--all locations that produced or heavily used solvents, degreasers, and other volatile chemicals, or that still do.
Atmospheric air contains water vapor (water in a gaseous form).
Vapor IO has debuted the Vapor Open Data Center Runtime Environment (OpenDCRE).
* International Flavors & Fragrances and tech startup Vapor Communications will collaborate to advance the future of digital scent, the companies announced, by combining certain Vapor software and hardware scent platform with IFF scent technology and expertise.
The suits, filed in federal court for the eastern district of Washington against the Energy Department and one of its contractors, are the latest developments in a health issue regarding such vapor releases that goes back more than 20 years at Hanford, a federal nuclear site in the south-central part of the state that closed in the late 1980s.
While studying the wind transport of water vapor, they found that the vapor's chemical signature gave clues to the type of pollution it came from, suggesting that "there's a lot of potential to use it to improve our understanding of urban air pollution," according to Gabe Bowen, coauthor of the research, which recently appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
More recently (Murase et al.2007) carried out experiments at atmospheric pressure on a smooth horizontal tube over a range of ethanol concentrations (0 to 1%) at a maximum vapor velocity of 0.75 m/s.