tractor out

(redirected from tractored them out)

tractor out

1. To haul someone or something out (of something or some place) with a tractor. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tractor" and "out." We'll have to tractor your car out of the ditch.
2. obsolete To take away a farm laborer's job through the introduction of machinery, such as tractors. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tractor" and "out." Primarily heard in US. Millions of people have been tractored out since 1935.
3. obsolete By extension, to force one off one's land, as through foreclosure. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tractor" and "out." Primarily heard in US. The bank tractored us out. Now we're traveling west, looking to find work wherever we can find it.
See also: out
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