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Related to stupider: stupidest


1. noun A foolish, obtuse, or senseless person, used as a term of address. A: "So, after saving the file, I press this button, right?" B: "No, stupid! That button will delete the whole project!"
2. adverb Used as an intensifier. Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You guys were stupid drunk. We always get stupid busy this time of year. We get more orders than we can possible fulfill!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


mod. drunk. (see also get stupid.) These kids are so stupid they can’t see straight. They’re all going to be sick.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Now I'm feeling even more stupider (my Catholic school English teachers are jumping off the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit).
"The Great Grammar Book: Mastering Grammar Usage and the Essentials of Composition" is a guide to mastering the many subtle nuances of grammar that so often elude people and make them appear stupider than they really are.
The stupidest decisions you make can somehow only get stupider. "Immaculate Deception" tells the story of one Craig Connery, a former convict who's fresh out of prison.
"Make it clear that the more foul mouthed a person is the stupider and less popular they are.
Actually, it's hard to imagine a stupider, less competent, and less important plot.
By riding the IYA bandwagon, we can help counteract the pervasive pseudoscience and drivel that is polluting our culture with nonsense, making the public stupider at a time we need to be smarter.
Wait, it gets even stupider. The obvious follow-up response was along the lines of "Before he died, he said, 'Sure, take 'em.'" But the relative had yet another fact to embarrass officials with.
We'll become simpler and stupider, and we may revert to Stone Age behavior before long."
The decision to have public schools run by a government monopoly is stupid, but, as Stossel points out, having them run by a union-dominated government monopoly is even stupider. It's like being in a Communist country, because there's no freedom of choice.
At the top of the wish list is cutting corporate taxes, though it is hard to think of anything stupider than giving more tax breaks to resource companies making super-profits.
("You know how sometimes the last sentence you said, like, echoes in your brain and keeps sounding stupider?") Angela and her gang weren't witty like Friends.
Researchers at the University of Delaware think that they have finally discovered why some athletes incur injuries such as tearing their anterior cruciate ligament more often than others: They're stupider. The study, which was reported in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, found that both female and male athletes who participate in a range of sports and who sustained noncontact ACL injuries (in other words, they did it to themselves, after a particularly complicated end zone dance, for instance) scored significantly lower on tests of mental reaction time and processing speed and performed worse on visual and verbal memory tests, compared with controls.
Researchers at the University of Delaware think they've finally discovered why some athletes incur injuries such as tearing their anterior cruciate ligament more often than others: They're stupider. The study, reported in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, found that both female and male athletes from a range of sports who sustained noncontact ACL injuries (in other words, they did it to themselves, after a particularly complicated end zone dance, for instance) scored significantly worse on tests of mental reaction time, processing speed, and visual and verbal memory, compared with controls.
If you think those were tears of joy filling up in his beady little fame-hungry eyes at the news she'd be staying put, then you must be a lot stupider than the average man on the street.