sad boi

(redirected from sad boy)

sad boi

slang Sometimes spelled as a single word.
1. noun A sensitive young man who is apt to share his emotions, especially sadness regarding romantic relationships. No, I do not like Sam. He's a total sad boi who always looks like he's about to cry. A: "He told me that two of his girlfriends cheated on him—isn't that awful?" B: "Sounds like a bit of a sadboi to me."
2. adjective Describing or relating to such a young man. You just like Sam for his sad boi vibes. You can't get enough of his emo crybaby routine! Two to four in the morning should be universally recognized as sadboi hours.
See also: boi, sad
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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