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pray at the porcelain altar

slang To vomit into a toilet, especially as the result of drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Doing so often requires one to kneel in front of or bend over the toilet (the "porcelain altar"), a position that is likened to kneeling during prayer. If Tommy doesn't stop drinking, he's going to be praying at the porcelain altar all night. The chemotherapy has had me praying at the porcelain altar throughout the day.
See also: altar, porcelain, pray

pray for

1. To utter a prayer to God or some other deity as an entreaty for the physical or spiritual well-being of someone. We've all been praying for you after the accident. Let us all bow our heads and pray for those unfortunate souls lost in the accident.
2. To utter a prayer to God or some other deity as an entreaty for something to happen or be granted. We've been praying for rain, but this drought is showing no sign of abating. I'll pray for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.
See also: for, pray

pray over (something)

To utter prayers to God or some other deity in order to receive guidance or solace about some issue. I've spent many nights praying over this, but I just can't find it in my heart to forgive you. If ever I'm in doubt about what to do, I find a quiet, peaceful place and pray over it.
See also: over, pray

pray tell

expression Please tell me (about something). Pray tell, will your lovely wife be accompanying you to the gala this evening? A: "Sir, we have received news of the king's response." B: "Pray tell!"
See also: pray, tell

pray to (someone or something)

To utter prayers to some deity, spiritual being, or object of worship. The tribe were all too busy praying to the statue in the middle of the village to notice us. The only thing to do at a time like this is pray to God or whomever, or whatever, you believe in.
See also: pray, to

pray to the enamel god

slang To vomit into a toilet, especially profusely or extensively. Doing so often requires one to kneel in front of or bend over the toilet (the "enamel god"), a position that is likened to kneeling before or bowing to a sacred idol. If Tommy doesn't stop drinking, he'll be praying to the enamel god all night. I don't think I've ever thrown up so much before. I hope I never have to pray to the enamel god again in my life.
See also: enamel, god, pray, to

pray to the porcelain god

slang To vomit into a toilet, especially profusely or extensively. Doing so often requires one to kneel in front of or bend over the toilet (the "porcelain god"), a position that is likened to kneeling before or bowing to a sacred idol. If Tommy doesn't stop drinking, he'll be praying to the porcelain god all night. I don't think I've ever thrown up so much before. I hope I never have to pray to the porcelain god again in my life.
See also: god, porcelain, pray, to

pray to the porcelain goddess

slang To vomit into a toilet, especially profusely or for a long period of time. If Tommy doesn't slow down on the vodka, he's going to be up praying to the porcelain goddess all night. Something the restaurant served us must have been spoiled, because everyone was praying to the porcelain goddess later that evening.
See also: goddess, porcelain, pray, to

prey on (one's) mind

To cause one a lot of worry, concern, or anxiety, especially for a long period of time. I know that money issues have been preying on his mind ever since the company began issuing pay cuts. I really acted like a jerk on Friday night, and it's been preying on my mind all weekend long.
See also: mind, on, prey

the family that prays together stays together

proverb Praying or engaging in other religious practices together as a group keeps a family unified (by helping it to avoid dysfunction, etc.). When I was growing up, my whole family always had to go to church together. My parents would say, "The family that prays together stays together."
See also: family, pray, stay, that, together
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

family that prays together stays together

Prov. Families who practice religion together will not break apart through divorce or estrangement. Mother believed that the family that prays together stays together and insisted that we all say prayers every night.
See also: family, pray, stay, that, together

pray for someone or something

1. to beseech God, or some other deity, on behalf of someone or something. I will pray for you to recover from your illness quickly. As the fire spread throughout the old church, the congregation prayed for its preservation.
2. to ask God, or some other deity, to grant something. The family prayed for David's safety. All the people prayed for peace.
See also: for, pray

pray over something

1. to say grace over a meal. Do you pray over your meals? We prayed over dinner just after we sat down to eat.
2. to seek divine guidance about something through prayer. I will have to think about it and pray over it awhile. I'll have an answer next week. She prayed over the problem for a while and felt she had a solution.
See also: over, pray

pray to someone or something

to utter prayers of praise or supplication to some divine or supernatural being or something. I pray to God that all this works out. The high priest prayed to the spirits of his ancestors that the rains would come.
See also: pray, to

pray to the porcelain god

Sl. to kneel at the toilet bowl and vomit from drunkenness. Wally spent a while praying to the porcelain god last night. I think I have to go pray to the porcelain god.
See also: god, porcelain, pray, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

pray to the porcelain god

and pray to the enamel god
in. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. (Refers to being on one’s knees [praying] in front of a porcelain toilet bowl.) Wayne was in the john, praying to the enamel god.
See also: god, porcelain, pray, to

pray to the enamel god

See also: enamel, god, pray, to
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
At the same time, we hear from the Gospel of Matthew, "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on street corners so that others may see them.
As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a voice from heaven booming, 'Why are you leaving your companion on the island?' 'My blessings are mine alone, since I was the one who prayed for them,' the first man answered.
* Two in five of those who pray do so regularly at a place of worship--a church, temple or mosque
"We Pray in Many Ways" is completed with suggestions for sharing prayer in different forms with children every day.
I pray for rosemary in the window, and nasturtium in the backyard.
In addition, objective observers found that those who engaged in partner-focused prayer exhibited more positive behaviour towards their partners compared to those who did not pray for their partner.
Analysis of data from a 76 item survey on "Prayer and Romantic Involvement" completed by 286 respondents at a large southeastern university revealed that undergraduates who prayed more frequently were more likely to require that a person they dated not only would pray themselves but also pray with the respondent.
Why do we pray? This question, asked by believers (and nonbelievers) throughout the centuries, speaks to one of our most essential human needs.
the He continued, 'you can do no more than pray, after you have prayed: but you cannot do more than pray, until you have prayed'.
The vigil for world peace in Huddersfield town centre last Saturday has sparked interest on the Examiner's forum - and it all revolves around the power of pray.
"I KNELT to pray when day was done, And prayed, 'O Lord, bless everyone, "Lift from each saddened heart the pain, and let the sick be well again'.
Many Christians use this season to read the Bible and pray more regularly.
Pray for me, Father, for my tax dollars set a banquet for Death